Lastation III(Realization, To The Junkyard)

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"Aaaand done." Noire stretched as she finished her workload for the day. She looked at the time and gasped. "Only 2:45? That's early even for me." 'To be honest today's work was light.' She decided to walk around the Basilicom to stretch her legs. During the walk she remembered her conversation with Kei.

"I believe I've pinpointed where they'll strike next." "I'm listening." "On this map I've marked all the places they've attacked. It started with Judge's attack in Leanbox which Vert and Alex ended. Then Trick in Lowee which Blanc, the twins, and Alex defeated. After that they raided small towns along the edge of Lastation leaving a trail. They then were making attacks in a circle around the Lastation Junkyard." "So your saying their next location is the Junkyard?" "I'm positive they'll be there. I've already assembled a group from the military to go scout the area. All I need is your permission." "Very well. Go ahead." "Thank you. Oh right one more thing. Have you found any plans for our guest?" "Oh, well, uh." Kei smiles at her attempt and gave her a quick, short answer. "Don't worry about. Like business, Bonds take a while to form."

Back to present day
Noire was still hung up on what Kei had told her at the end. 'She tells me not to worry but I'm still wondering if he even cares about Lastation, or even me.' It has been a week since Alex's arrival and he hasn't shown any real interest in Lastation, not even Noire in respect. After canceling all the schedules and training giving him free roam over Lastation Noire was pleased to see him hang around the Basilicom a lot more but st the same time she was upset. She would always see Alex and Uni together hanging around and laughing like they were old pals. It made Noire jealous. 'Wait a minute!? I can't be jealous of my sister can I!? No of course not! I'm not jealous of Uni at all." Due Noire to thinking on how Uni was able to get to Alex she lost focus ahead of her and bumped into somebody losing balance for a moment. "Ah! Sorry I didn't see where I was going!" "No worries I wasn't either."  Though they didn't talk much Noire recognized the voice. It was Alex."Oh it's you." "Nice to see you as well." Noire didn't like how Alex replied back to her but ignored it. "So what're you doing now." "I'm going on an errand." "Errand?" "Uni ran out of oil for her guns but since she was busy with paperwork she told me to do it for her as a favor." Noire noticed how he talked so calmly about Uni. That led Noire to believe that her speculation was correct that Uni had formed a bond with Alex. "Hey what're those bandages around your head for?" Alex then looked at the bandages wrapped around his forehead. "Hm? Oh this. Well Uni took me to her favorite shooting range again yesterday and when I shot the gun it hit me right in the head for the 6th time last week. Uni laughed at me while also sternly saying that if I suffer anymore I'll get a concussion. Anyways I'll see you later." Alex began to walk away only for Noire to stop him. "Ho-Hold on a minute!" Alex then turned around. "What is it now?" Alex said slightly irritated. Noire had began to panic. She had stopped him with nothing in mind. She needed to find something to say fast. She then noticed his Kusanagi strapped behind him on his weird skirt around his waist. "Why're you taking your sword if it's just an errand?" "Just because you never know when there'll be an attack. I like to play it safe." "C-Can I go with you?" "Huh?" "I mean it's not like I want to go with you or anything! I just happened to have some free time so I thought I could go with you." Alex thought about this for a while. "So what do you say?" "Sure go ahead. I don't really care." With that they both left heading towards the weapons store to get Uni's oil.

At the weapons store
Even though Alex wasn't interested in a new weapon he was amazed by how organized the store was. It was filled to the brim with many weapon types. Swords, axes, spears, guns, scythes, and knives. They went to the oil section as Alex was busy looking through various brands of oil. "Which one do you think it is?" "I use swords not guns." "I just thought you'd know since your sisters." "Just because we're sisters doesn't mean I know everything about Uni." Noire then realized how little she knew about her sister. The only things Noire knew were her favorite foods and her gun obsession but besides that, nothing else. 'I really need to be with Uni more.' "You kids." Alex and Noire turned to face an old man wearing a military vest. "Uwah!" Noire was surprised and hid behind Alex causing him to sweat drop. "Wh-Who are you!?" "I'm the store's manager. Now what do you want?" "We're looking for gun oil sir. Any idea on what to get?" "Depends on the gun type." "I'm not sure which type. I'm on a errand for somebody." "Errand for who?" "Uni. Looks like her but shorter and flatter." Alex said pointing at Noire. "Come on Alex. He's clearly not gonna know who.." "Oh little Uni sent ya huh." "Are you kidding!?" "Lovely girl she is. Bit clumsy oiling her guns though." The old man then got the cans of gun oil and gave it to Alex. "Here's the brand she gets." "Thank you sir." "No problem. Just tell her to come by sometime. It's quiet without her." 'Ok I definitely need to hang with Uni more.' Thought Noire worrying about the type of people Uni was around. After buying the oil they head back to the Basilicom.

Time skip
After making back to the Basilicom Alex gave the candidate her supplies. "Thanks Alex your a life saver." "No problem. I'll help you out anytime." With that Uni retreated back to her room and Alex walked back to his leaving Noire in her office. Due to her workload finished she decided to have a private cosplaying session. She retreated to her room looking both ways before closing the door. She went to her closet and saw all of her cosplaying outfits. All of them weren't bought but rather hand made by Noire herself. She choose a outfit resembling a magical girl's dress. After putting it on she found and wand and began twirling around, posing and giggling like she was a young child. "By the power of Lastation I shall punish you! With my power of friendship and love I will defeat.." Noire paused as she felt her wand poke somebody. It was Alex having a neutral expression on his face. "Eh. Ehhhhhhh!" Noire backed up trying to hide the wand. "Where did you come from!?" "From the door. You forgot to lock it." "An-And how much did you see!?" "When you started to pose." It was an awkward mess for Noire to handle. "So you like to cosplay huh?" "No of course not! I'd never like something so childish!" "Calm down. It's just a hobby." "Are you kidding!? I'd be mocked if anyone found out!" 'She's overreacting about this.' "Anyways just get out and forget what you saw! Honestly your nothing but a rude idiot who has no feelings!" Alex then slammed his fist into door silencing Noire. "What was that fo.." "Shut it." "Don't you dare shush m..." "I SAID SHUT IT!" Alex shouted making Noire stay shut. "I hate you. I despise you, because while I'm not the best at my emotions I care for others. You say I have no feelings? THEN WHY ELSE AM I DOING THIS DAMN TRIP THEN!? Honestly at least I can say that I'm honest with myself. Your a fake. Nothing more and nothing less." Alex then left leaving Noire alone.

Week 2 Day 7/7
"Are you sure they'll be at the junkyard today?" "Kei told me she was positive they'd strike now." Black Heart and Black Sister were both flying towards the junkyard. Black Sister noticed how Black Heart was being lost in thought more than normal. She couldn't stop thinking of Alex's words a couple of days ago. 'Honest with myself. I'm a fake.' Black Heart then thought of the other CPU's personalities and how she was the only one who rejected showing her true self in the public eye. Vert let her MMO and Yaoi obsession easily be known, Blanc didn't care about how her people viewed her reading obsession, and Neptune was Neptune. No matter how many people thought she was childish, Neptune simply brushed it off and showed off her child like personality. All of them were upfront with themselves which Black Heart probably thought is what gave them Alex's acknowledgement. "Noire we're here." They both made it to the junkyard landing in a clearing in the middle. Nothing was around but Black Heart kept her guard up. All of a sudden Black Heart was teleported away from Black Sister in a random area in the junkyard. "Crap!" Black Heart was then surrounded by a huge mob of robots getting ready to battle. As for Uni, "Noire? Noire!?" Black Sister was alone until she heard a flame. She turned around seeing a huge robot with a flaming sword. "Sorry ma'am but my boss' orders clearly said to take you out first." With that Black Sister was ready to battle.

Back at the Basilicom
"I was out for a while wasn't I?" Alex just woke up after being asleep since late morning. He decided to walk around the Basilicom to see what he could do. He ended up making it to Noire's office. He saw the massive piles of work stacked in rows. He decided to walk over and look at the papers. "What the hell is this? Ore mining production taxes? Raise from 10% to 20%?" "It's a proposal to increase the mining's revenue." Said Kei as she walked in. "You know those are private government documents. Reading thoose could Land you Behind bars." "Ah! Sorry I didn't mean to." "It's ok. I was joking." "Didn't sound like one." "You say anything?" "Nothing at all." "Since you didn't read that much I'll let you off with a warning." "Thanks." "So why're you in Noire's office?" "I just woke up and walked around noticing she wasn't here." "I see. Hey, do you know how long it takes Noire to finish all these?" "Hm, about 3 days or a week." "One Afternoon." Alex wide eyed. He was impressed somebody could complete this mess in one afternoon. "Surprised? Noire may not be true to herself but she is a diligent worker." "Being diligent isn't a reason to hide your true self." "I agree with you. Noire doesn't need to hide her true personality and hobbies. She feels like she needs to." "Why?" "Her position." "Her, position?" "A CPU is regarded as a perfect person with no flaws who cares for their people and nation. Noire feels like she's responsible for the lives of everybody which is why she's so focused on keeping her image." Alex then pondered on this. "Uni And Noire should be at the junkyard fighting off an ASIC member." As Kei was explaining this Alex walked past her to the hallway. "You leaving already?" "You've already said enough. Besides, I now know what to do to pass the time." Alex the walked away leaving Kei. "Men can be such a handful. But it looks like my plan worked." With Alex, 'I was too hard on her. Here I am saying how she's a fake yet I forget she's leading an entire damn nation. I need to apologize.' And with that, Alex set his sights toward the junkyard. "Summoning Jutsu." Blaze appeared and flew off toward the junkyard.

Next Time,Brave's Attack:Lastation IV(Brave's Attack)

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