The Gamindustri Adventure Begins

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One Week Later

After doing his daily quests, Alex sat down on a stall in the ramen restaurant he found around Planeptune's downtown district a few weeks ago and waited for his order.

"Here ya go sonny!" Said the shop owner while placing a bowl filled with pork in front of Alex. "Thanks" He replied before picking up his chopsticks and splitting them in half.

Eating with those two little pieces of wood seemed hard at first, but it was actually easier than one may think. It took him some trial and error, but Alex eventually managed to get the hang of it. Of course, he was more used to eating with fork and knife, but most restaurants in Planeptune served food this way, and those few that didn't were either a tad too expensive for daily visits or simply didn't have anything on the menu that caught his interest. And on the bright side, this was a good chance to try out new food. Pork bowls in particular were a dish he developed a taste for, but there was just something about that mildly sweet sauce and that pork that was just irresistible.

Once he was done eating, Alex placed down the chopsticks, pulled out a few credits from his pockets and placed them next to the bowl before getting off the stool and walking away. "Come back soon!" Said the owner.

He got out of the store and looked at the sky. It's been already a week since the fight against Black Heart, and although there was an uproar regarding Alex's Mangekyou Sharingan abilities, which obviously never existed in Gamindustri, things calmed down after a few days. According to Histoire, the only downside the goddesses suffered from their defeat at Kenji's hands was a moderate downfall in shares. Even Noire, who had won her fight, lost shares as well due to her fight having a dusty finish when Alex suddenly collapsed. However they already had seemed to have recovered mostly. Either through quests or the development of some product that became quickly popular among the people of their nations.

While wondering how to kill time until night, Alex felt a vibration coming from his pocket. He placed his hand inside and took out a portable device, similar in appearance to a portable game console.

Because of his habit to walk out of Planeptune tower and wander off without telling anybody, Histoire gave him one of Nepgear's old portable devices to keep in touch with him in case anything happened. It was a few years old, but still looked almost new and was in top-notch condition thanks to the CPU candidate's careful care. Nepgear's care and communications aside, Alex accepted it mostly because he could download and play games with it.

Neptune even suggested he should call it the A-gear, but her idea was bluntly ignored.

(Alex: That was dumb.)
(Neptune: How dare you! It's a good idea!)

After pressing the x button, an image of Histoire appeared on the screen.

"Hello?" "Alex, I'm sorry for calling you all of a sudden, but I need you to return immediately" "Okay..." He replied with a monotone tone before raising an eyebrow "...why?"

Alex couldn't help but feel curious about this sudden call. Ever since he got this device, He wouldn't get a call unless it was already getting late or to check up where he was, but he never received a call from Histoire requesting for him to return in a rush. "There's someone here that wishes to speak with you in person." "I see...I'm on my way."

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