Alex vs. Green Heart

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'I'm here again...' Thought Alex while he sat down on a bench on the dressing rooms while waiting for the announcement to begin.

While waiting, his mind remembered the first fight against White Heart. How she played around with him at first, how she underestimated him, and how Alex won because of it. Green Heart wouldn't commit that same mistake, and that only meant this fight would be far more difficult than the last.

He turned around and reached for his sword, noticing the various bandages around his body the brutal hits he suffered from White Heart's attacks. His left arm was heavily bandaged due to it popping out of it's socket. Thankfully he was much better. Three weeks had passed and now, he was set to fight the next CPU, Green Heart.

After his recollection from his past fight, the Planeptune sisters arrived to escort Alex to the arena for him to get ready. From outside the dressing rooms, he could already hear IF's voice introducing the match. This was his signal to get going. He then reached out for his sword again and grabbing it before getting up and heading towards the arena where Green Heart and IF were both already waiting on the center.

As he entered into everyone's line of sight, the people among the crowd began noticing him and talking about him. "There he is." "The kid's wearing the same torn clothing?" "That and his left shoulder is heavily bandaged." "It'll probably be a factor Lady Green Heart might use to her advantage."

While Alex approached Green Heart and stood in front of her, the CPU took a minute to analyze him. As took a look at Green Heart's appearance.

She had purple eyes and her hair was long and was different shades of green

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She had purple eyes and her hair was long and was different shades of green. It was kept in a ponytail, her fringe was normally seen above her eyes and her bangs were thick and caressed her face. Her attire was a white bodysuit that was open in the middle, exposing her stomach and underside of her breasts. Her sleeves were detached and were white and black in the entirety. Her gauntlets were longer than White Heart's with it covering the majority of her forearms with ease.

With the two sides already on the arena and ready to go, IF got between them and began to announce the battle. "Ladies and gentlemen! Today, the match between the swordsman Alex and the Goddess of Leanbox, Lady Green Heart, will begin!"

"Ohhhh man! I've waited weeks for this!" Said an audience member with excitement. "Finally...Finally, I get to see Lady Green Heart fight!"

"Just so you know, I won't be holding back..." Said Leanbox's CPU with a condescending tone "You better prepare yourself."

"Fighters, go take your places!"

Both Alex and Green Heart complied before turned around to take some distance from each other. Once far enough, they stopped and turned around to face each other. The count began to go down from ten as before, and the moment it reached zero, the match began.

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