Lowee III(Rom Kidnapped+Talk with Ram)

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2nd Week(Day 5/7)
Alex began to stir himself awake after hearing a lot of commotion going on outside his room. It had been 4 days after his bonding day with Rom and after that they both spent a lot of time together making Blanc happy and a certain prankster upset. Rom had always went to Alex to draw with him which he always accepted. They basically had a fun week so far. Alex then walked towards the main hall where he bumped into Mina. "Mina what's got you up for early." "Alex we have an emergency! Rom's been kidnapped!" "WAIT WHAT!" They both ran towards the twins room where they saw Ram and Blanc with upset faces. Alex noticed a slime trail exiting the room towards the window. Blanc immediately knew what he was thinking. "Yes it's a trail. And I already know who did this." "Who?" "Trick The Hard. An ASIC Member and another of the four felons." "Another member." Alex said recalling his fight with Judge. "It must've happened overnight I suppose." "I'll tell you all how it happened." Ram then told the events that transpired last night.

Last Night
Rom and Ram were getting ready to go to bed. "Sis. Why are you talking to yourself?" "Sorry Rom but I planning for a big prank for the bad guy tomorrow" Rom then decided to get her thoughts off her chest. "Ram. Why do you keep saying that Alex is a bad guy?" "What do you expect. He beat up big sis so he deserves this. Wait did you just say Alex?" "Me and big brother have been playing a lot this week and he isn't bad at all. In fact he's a good guy. He's nice to me, Mina, and Blanc." "Rom. He's just playing you. Bad guys always try to act nice to hide their evil ways." "But he really was...." "No buts Rom. If I say he's bad he's bad got that!?" Ram was staring to get upset that Alex got to Rom's heart. Rom feeling upset began to sob and cry. "Wait Rom don't cry." "But your being so mean to me." "I promise I'll stop being mean." Even with that apology Rom continued crying. Ram naturally put the blame on Alex. 'It's that guys fault she's mad at me. He's so getting it tomorrow.' In due time they went to bed. Around midnight Ram began to hear noice. Shuffling floors, licking sounds, arguing, and laughing. Ram eventually got up and saw to her horror that Trick had Rom and was preparing to take off with her. "Your not getting away." Ram was about to transform but she ended up getting hit on the back on the head by a pipe wielded by Linda knocking Ram out.

Present Day
"And that's what happened." Ram finished. 'That girl I bumped into Leanbox is here as well.' Blanc then transformed. "Well what're we wasting time here for we got to go now." "Ms Blanc i suggest we should wait for awhile. They probably have traps ready." White Heart cooled down knowing Mina was right. Alex looked down staying quiet. 'Damn it. Again? Why again?' Alex began gritting his teeth unaware of White Heart and Mina's concern. "Alex are you ok?" He snapped out of it. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me. What Mina said is right Blanc. Even with the trail, I doubt it's still visible in the snow. We need to wait until we get a projected location on them." "I'll begin looking for their location now." Mina then left ready to track them down while Alex and Blanc waited.

1 Hour Later
Mina came running through the door having an urgent look. "Alex, Miss Blanc. I've got the kidnappers location." "Give it to us Mina." They're in a unfinished ride under construction at the amusement park." Blanc then transformed again. "Alright then. Alex let's go." "Right." They we're ready to leave until Ram stopped them. "Hold it there meanie. Your not going anywhere." Alex immediately got upset. "What is it now?" Alex said trying to hide his rage. "Why are you going? You trying to hide your true personality? I heard from Rom how nice you've been to her. I bet your just using her as any normal villain would. Face it. Your always gonna be a bad guy no matter how much you try." Alex then snapped and grabbed Ram by her collar, lifted her, and aimed his left arm in a punching position. White Heart was on guard with her axe ready. "Listen up you damn brat! Call me a bad guy all you want, I don't care, just know that Rom is important to me and that I'm going to save her. If you say I have no idea what's at stake between you two, then your wrong. Your sister may be missing, but try having your sister go missing for six damn years and then give up on her halfway! That's what happened to me, and it stung me in the heart when I reunited with my sister knowing that I gave up on her. So I know what it's like to have a sister go missing. It's happened to me twice, first my older sis, now Rom. I may have given up before, but I'm not giving up now! So get that through your head!" He then let go Ram. "Think about my words, and when you accept them, come join us to help. Blanc let's go." White Heart grabbed Alex and carried him towards Rom's location. During the flight White Heart asked, "Alex, what you told Ram, was it really true?" "Yes, It was, but forget it for now, let's just focus on saving Rom." White Heart stayed quiet as they were ready to save Rom.

Next Time, anger rises:Lowee IV(Rising Hatred)

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