A Calamity(Leanbox II)

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The following days were filled with constant fights against monsters all around the fields surrounding Leanbox. At first the situation seemed troubling, but thanks to Alex and Cave, someone he had met along the way, the number of monsters decreased greatly in a short period of time. After a week and half of battles, it seemed like the problem had finally been dealt with. Once done with yet another extermination quest, Alex returned to Vert's mansion, where he was received by her and Chika.

"Alex, good job today" She said with a smile

"Today there were even less of them" He replied after sitting down on the couch with his arms spread over the back

"According to the reports, the number of monsters has greatly decreased and nearly returned to normal already" Explained the oracle while checking a cluster of documents "The cause of the sudden increase is still a mystery, but at least we have secured Leanbox's safety for the time being"

"And it's all thanks to everyone's combined efforts" Said Vert while beaming at Alex.

'You say that, but you didn't do shit, you know…' Thought Alex while looking at her with slight frustration and a popped vein sign on his forehead

Upon looking at the young man, Chika sweat dropped and laughed awkwardly. It was almost as if she knew what was going through his mind at that moment. And to be fair, he had his own reasons to think so.

In the last week and half, Vert hardly moved from the mansion. She dedicated most of her time to gaming rather than to help deal with the current threat. And whenever someone inquired to her about the issue, she said that the problem was already being dealt with by some "reliable" forces. Of course, Chika also tried to vouch for Vert's behavior by saying that she only entrusted this task to Alex and Cave because she wanted the people of Leanbox to develop some trust towards the young boy, and that she didn't go out herself because the threat didn't get close enough to the capital to harm any civilians yet.

To Alex though, this only felt like one big pile of bullshit.

"Oh, I just remembered!" Said the oracle after suddenly recalling something she read while doing paperwork "5pb is having a concert later today, how about we go?"

"I'm sorry Chika, but I have a raid with my guild today, so I won't be able to go"

'Second-placed by her games again...' Thought Chika with a sulking expression

"Who's 5pb?"

"5pb is Leanbox's top idol and one of my supporters...She's not very well known outside of Leanbox though, so I'm not surprised you don't know about her" Explained Vert as she turned her head to look at him and before beaming at him "I know! How about you and Chika go see her concert? I'm sure you two will have fun"

"Eh? Bu-But big sister Vert!"

"Yes?" Said Vert while turning her head again to look at her oracle

"Ah…erm…" Said Chika while struggling to find what to say before she suddenly began coughing and faking sick noises "I-I'm not feeling so good…I think I caught the summer flu…"

'We're still in the middle of spring though…' Thought Alex while sweat dropping

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