Planeptune IV/Finale(Brave's Last Stand)

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(This probably might be the chapter with the most words since I'm combining Alex's apology to Neptune and his final fight with Brave so get ready for quite a packed chapter.)

'Now that I think about it. Comparing all 4 fights I had between the goddesses, This was the one I didn't really care about. After my fight against Black Heart, I didn't care at all if I ever faced Purple Heart or not. Then that CFW Magic women showed up and changed my opinion. I all of a sudden grew massive doubt in my abilities and I started comparing myself to Purple Heart. Now that the fights over and my head is clear, this fight was only for my selfish needs. It didn't need to happen, but my damn ego wanted it. I really am a idiot.' Alex's little monologue stopped as he started regaining consciousness blinking his eyes to take in the light. He sat up and looked around the room seeing that he was in the guest room he was staying in. He looked outside the window and saw the moon fairly high up in the sky and assumed it was close to midnight. 'Judging from my stay here before I accepted the trip around Gamindustri, everyone should be in bed except for one certain person.' That person was Neptune and Alex knew his top priority, apologize to her. He got out of the bed and left the room walking down the hallway until he saw light from the living room. He also heard noises of excitement and button pressing making his assumption correct. Alex however struggled to enter the living room. He was worried with how Neptune would accept his apology. Would she laugh at him or mock him. A part of Alex didn't even want to apologize and just go back. Before he could decide between the two options, Neptune decided to open her mouth. "Ally I know your behind that wall. Your forgetting that since I'm a fantastic fourth wall breaker, I can pretty much tell what's going to happen and when it's going to happen so I suggest you come in here and not stall the story from progressing." 'How the hell!? Never mind. Might as well go.' Alex then entered the living room and saw Neptune sitting cross crossed on the floor with the controller in front of her and her game paused. She looked at him with a smug look(The look below)

And pretty much was ready to rub in his face that he was about to apologize

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And pretty much was ready to rub in his face that he was about to apologize. Alex was already regretting his decision of listening to Neptune but he knew there was no going back. With one final breath, Alex began to talk. "Look. I know how you are and I know your personality. So before you rub it in, laugh, and mock me for apologizing to you then go ahead. I frankly don't care. Just hear me out this once. When I was unconscious, I thought about my attitude leading up to our fight and I finally realized how selfish I was, this fight was to benefit my selfish ego and I deeply regret it. So to further to humiliate myself and to give you satisfaction." Alex then got on his knees and bowed down in front of Neptune. "Neptune, I'm sorry for everything I did to you, Nepgear, Compa, IF, And Histoire. So go ahead and laugh at how pathetic I look. I'm all ears." A slight silence occurred as Alex was getting tense waiting for Neptune's response. He then felt something touch the back of his head. He thought it was Neptune's socked foot but it was instead her hand as she was ruffling his hair. "Ya know, I could've put my foot on top of you to humiliate you more but you've done enough to yourself. I'm honestly quite shocked though. I honestly didn't think you'd apologize so quickly. From most anime I've seen the dark lonely characters always apologize at the end." "Wow Neptune comparing me to fictional characters." "Shut it or I will put my foot on your head. Anyways, I'm just rambling on and on. I'm not really good at this with my human form so I might as well transform." Neptune then transformed into Purple Heart. Alex attempted to look up but Purple Heart put her boot on Alex keeping him down. "Now, now. I didn't say you could look up." "Your enjoying this way too much." "I do recall you saying that this was for my satisfaction. Right?" "Just hurry up and accept my apology so I can go to bed." "Fine. Get up." Purple Heart then lowered her boot letting Alex stand back up. "Alex. I want you to take in my words, not as goddess to human, but rather, friend to friend." Alex then looked at Purple Heart revert back to Neptune as she said, "Alex. I accept your apology." Alex then looked at Neptune with shock. Not that she accepted, but that she called him Alex instead of Ally meaning that Neptune was sincere with her words. "Thank you. Neptune." "Don't get used to it. I'm not always like this. Since I accepted your apology why don't you play with me." Neptune said eagerly waiting his answer. Alex smiled and said, "Fine. Give me a controller." Neptune passed him a controller and they both played until 5 in the morning when they both fell asleep on the floor. When the other girls saw, IF And Histoire were annoyed that Neptune managed to wrap Alex up in her late gaming session, Nepgear and Compa giggled at the cute sight of Neptune wrapping her arms around Alex as they cuddled together.

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