ASIC Battle V/Finale(The Last Stand)

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At the last second, Alex was able to block Arfoire's red blade with his buster sword as he and Arfoire struggled to get the edge going back and forth. "Alex!" Purple Sister Said as she went to go help Alex. "Girls! Get your sisters out of here!" "What!?" "There's no way they can fight right now the way they are!" "Are you purposely being stupid!? There's no way we would..." Before Black Heart could finish her phrase, She felt her body growing weaker as she reverted back to human form as she fell on her knees. "Wh-What!?" "Big sis!? Are you okay!?" Said Black Sister as she went towards Noire. The same eventually happened Vert, Blanc, and Neptune as they all reverted back to human form and fell on their knees. "Damn it, what's going on now!?" Said Blanc on her knees. "It seems, our bodies are finally feeling the effect of all the time spent in HDD." Said Vert while sitting on the floor. Due to being bound and forced to remain in HDD for three straight days, the CPU's were able to avoid starvation thanks to using their share energy as a substance, but now, they had no strength left to fight. "Are you kidding me!? Right when us gals were ready to Nep up Arfy we can't transform!?" Said Neptune in a forced tone. While the CPU's tried to get back up, they saw Alex get pushed back a few feet by Arfoire's attack after a momentary struggle. "It's no use, you can't defeat me." Alex smirked. "True, Even if I go all out, there's probably no chance of me winning in my base form, my regular Mangekyou eyes also aren't enough." Alex said as he was getting up on his feet. The D.O.S. simply didn't answer. She just kept staring at him. "Well, that's what I'd say if my eyes were the same." "The same?" Said Noire who had no idea what Alex was talking about. Alex then stood still closing his eyes. Just within seconds the CPU's felt massive amounts of energy emanate from within his body. "Susanoo!" The Susanoo came out looking as strong as ever, but, Noire noticed something different about. In fact, all the CPU's noticed the Susanoo's body looked different.

It now had black or grayish armor covering its skeletal body, a shield held by its right hand, and a black flame sword held in its left hand

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It now had black or grayish armor covering its skeletal body, a shield held by its right hand, and a black flame sword held in its left hand. Alex then opened his eyes reactivating the EMS as he then slammed the Susanoo's black flame sword onto the ground at Arfoire as she barely managed to avoid it as Alex then teleported behind Arfoire catching her off guard as she saw the thunder god kunai behind her. "Chidori!" Alex then slammed a Chidori into Arfoire's back as she was electrocuted and launched onto the ground. Alex then appeared in front of her. "Burn Out!" Alex then used the Susanoo's rib cage as one of the arms was moved across the ground surrounding Arfoire as Alex re-awakened the Susanoo as it had a large black flame sword in its hand. "Flame Control Sword!" Alex then swung the Susanoo's blade onto the area of fire surrounding Arfoire as a huge explosion of black flames erupted taking up a lot of the battlefield leaving the area where Alex was battling Arfoire covered in the dust as the CPU's saw the massive attack from afar. "I can't believe Alex's new eyes made him that much stronger." Said Purple Sister. "New eyes?" Said Neptune in shock. "What do you mean by 'New Eyes' Nepgear?" Asked Noire. Black Sister answered her. "Remember Alex's old eyes?" The CPU's nodded. "Well, he met somebody in the Virtua Forest and the transplanted some eyes into his giving him new ones." All the CPU's took in Uni's words until Blanc spoke. "Whatever those new eyes are, they've added lots of power into Alex's attacks." The huge black flame cloud went away as well as the dust as Alex stood there panting heavily as his EMS eyes reverted back to the base Sharingan. Alex knew Arfoire wasn't down yet. "Get up and stop playing dead already! We're both wasting plenty of energy, but, we both also still have enough to continue, right?" Alex said smiling at the end. The Deity Of Sin then rose up from the ground also panting heavily. "I'll admit, your a much more formidable opponent than those boring CPU's. You weren't supposed to get involved kid. My goal is to avenge my loss to the CPU's, defeat them, and take over Gamindustri. Unfortunately, since you've gotten in my way, and since you've given an impressive battle, I'll need to kill you first." Alex then chuckled at the Sin's words. "Glad to know we were having the same idea." Alex then summoned his buster sword getting in a stance. 'This is going to sound so cheesy.' "Arfoire, listen up! Your here to destroy the CPU's, right!? If that's the case, then, I'll protect the CPU's, with all my might!" Alex shouted at Arfoire. He then closed his eyes as his body began to float in the air. Then, 7 colored, bright emeralds appeared.

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