Decision Time

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The Day Has Come
Alex woke up feeling the sunlight strike him straight through the window. He then felt two things holding him down. "You've gotta be kidding!" Alex then picked up the covers looking at Noire and Uni sleeping next to him with their hair down. 'I swear, I hate being a chick magnet.' "Alright you two. Get the HELL UP!" Alex flipped over the bed effectively waking the sisters. "Why are you two in my damn room!? I swear I'm tired of having girls sleep next to me without me accepting!" "Well sorry. We just thought we'd have one final moment before we left." "I swear you girls are insane." He has gone through everything. A girl who loves gay men, a girl who has a short temper, twins who love pranks, and sisters who can't say three simple words. Clearly he's seen it all. They all went to the kitchen where he and Uni sat at the table while Noire was making breakfast. "Alex. Have you decided where your going to stay?" "Honestly Uni, it's hard to choose. At,least I hope I'll choose later on today so I can get some time to think." "It must be hard isn't it?" "Trust me you have no idea." Noire decided to join in having finished cooking. "Of course it's difficult. Even though he's from a different dimension, he's basically choosing where he'll live from now on until we find a way to get him home, no matter how long it is." 'Oh, they don't even know.' Alex thought remembering how he's two emeralds away from returning. "What's that smile for huh?" "Hm! Oh nothing, nothing at all!" Noire eyed him suspiciously before forgetting about it. After finishing breakfast Noire then left to her room to get ready. Alex was then at the patio waiting for Noire to arrive so they could leave. "I can tell your here Uni." "How'd you know?" "Just call it a gut feeling. So what do you want?" "Hm. I just wanted to say that I'm gonna miss you." Uni looked down like she was unsure whether she'd ever see him again. "Uni come here." Uni then walked towards Alex wondering what he wanted. She then saw and felt Alex poke her forehead with two fingers saying, "Till next time." Uni looked at Alex. He was smiling at her with determination that they'll see each other. Uni then broke down and began crying while hugging him. It caught Alex by surprise until he let Uni have this moment. After a while Uni calmed down as Alex wiped the tears from her eyes. Uni then left thanking Alex and wishing him good luck. "How long does it take Noire to get ready." Alex was getting slightly impatient. Noire then appeared in her usual attire and her classic twin tails set up. She then transformed while Alex summoned Blaze and got on top off her. "You ready Noire?" "I hope you are." With that they both flew towards Planeptune.

At Planeptune.
"Histoire I'm here." "Welcome back Alex." "Nice to see you again Alex." "You too Compa." Alex then went towards the living room where he saw Neptune as usual playing games. He looked towards Histoire saying, "Are you serious?" "Unfortunately Yes." Nepgear then came from the hallway happy too see Alex. "Alex, it's great too see you again." "You as well. Hey where's IF?" "She's busy with guild work right now. She'll be back in a while." Alex then sat on the couch. "So when are Blanc And Vert getting here?" "About...." They then heard the door open seeing Vert and Blanc come in. "Right now." "Greetings Histoire. It's nice too see you again Alex." "Nice to see you too Vert. You as well Blanc." Histoire then asked, "So how was your stay in Lastation Alex." "It was nice. Grew on me after awhile." Noire looked uneasy at his words before regaining confidence. "Hah! See my nation IS the best after all!" Blanc immediately tried shutting her down. "He didn't say it was The Best. All he said was that it was nice." "He also said it grew on him!" "Yeah. And so do mushrooms!" "Wh-What are you saying about my nation!?" Histoire noticed how they both were about to fight. She was able to calm them down leaving Alex to sigh of relief. 'I seriously need to watch my mouth.' Alex then realized something. "Hold on, Vert, Blanc. Why are you here so early?" Vert then looked towards him. "Hm? Is it not obvious? Since your stay in Lastation is over, it's time for you too choose the nation you'll stay in." Alex immediately was shocked. "What the!? Right now!?" "Why not? You've had 9 weeks so think about your decision. I think that's enough time to decide." Alex thought about Vert's words and how she was correct. He had plenty of time to decide where he'd stay, instead he focused on looking for emeralds, and now that decision has come back to haunt him. All three girls looked at him intently eagerly waiting his decision. 'Leanbox, Lowee, Lastation, or Planeptune. My mission or my heart.' Alex liked every nation in their own way. Leanbox for it's urbanization , Lowee for its calm aura, Lastation for its scenery, and Planeptune for its technology. Even though he knew he'd be able to visit the other nations, he doubt he'd be able to stay there for more than 1 day. With no other way, he began to speak. "Alright then. Ill choose." All 3 goddesses looked at him ready for his choice. "The nation I choose, will be....." "HOLD ON A MINUTE!" Alex and the 3 goddesses were off pit by Neptune who stopped playing her game all of a sudden. "What's wrong sis!?" "We're forgetting something here!" "What?" The 3 goddesses were waiting for what Neptune had to say. "There's still a place Ally didn't visit yet." "And that place is?" "It's Planeptune." All 3 girls gave Neptune a unamused look. "Neptune, Alex lived in Planeptune for a month." Said Vert. "But that was before we needed him to like us! I'm at a disadvantage here!" "Stop being a crybaby and let him choose!" Said Blanc already having her red eye and hand in a fist. "No fair! I call cheats!" While all this was happening Alex began thinking on what Neptune said. 'Hold on a minute. While she does have a point, the last two emeralds are here in this nation, so if I can convince the others to agree with Neptune, then I can go home.' "Hey, you girls. Do you mind if I get more time to decide?" "Huh!?" All 3 goddesses said in shock. "I'm literally choosing the place I'll live it for years, maybe my whole life. Something like that needs time to sort. I don't wanna make a rash decision." "Nice reasoning Ally!" "That And it's the only way to shut up the idiot." "NEPU!?" "He's right. Neptune won't stop whining unless we agree with her." Vert Said "Huh?" "I have to agree. As annoying as it is it's just how Neptune is." Said Noire. "Tch, Fine! You win this time!" Said Blanc calming down. "We'll be back next time, and you aren't allowed to whine got that!?" "Hold on you gals are agreeing with the second thing he said!?" None of them answered her question as they left. "Guess I'm staying here for the mean time." Histoire nodded. "Guess you are. By the way Alex, what nation where you going to choose?" "Hm? Oh I was going to choose, mmph!?" Neptune covered his mouth quickly. "Shut it! Ally you almost ruined the story!" "Stop calling me Ally! And what the hell do you mean by story!?" Faced with this situation Histoire looked unamused While Nepgear And Compa weakly smiled. "Alright then! Time for what everyone has been waiting for!" Neptune said pointing at the reader. "It's time for the Planeptune Chapters!"

Finally, Alex's mission will end here, The Land of Purple Progress, Planeptune

Next Time, Mysterious Attacker:Planeptune I(The Cloaked Figure)

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