ASIC Battle III(The Former Goddess's Gifts)

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"Is he going to be ok?" "Don't worry miss Purple Heart. He's gonna be fine. Your lucky however. Had he been a minute late, we wouldn't have saved him." "Thank you." Alex laid in his guest room unconscious as he had bandages wrapped around his torso. He had been checked on by one of the Basilicom's medical specialists. The medical lady left as Purple Heart went to the living room where she saw Nepgear and the other candidates sitting on the couch. Nepgear jumped off the couch immediately after seeing her sister enter the room. "Big sis! Is Alex going to be okay!?" Purple Heart then smiled. "Yes girls. They said Alex was going to live." Nepgear then sat down. "Thank goodness." Nepgear said as she looked down with a face of relied as she began to weep tears. Her heart sank when she saw Purple Heart carrying a blood drenched Alex. "Histoire." Histoire then looked toward the computer where she was talking to the other oracles. "How's the situation over there?" Said Kei "No need to worry. They said Alex is going to be fine." All the girls then sighed a breathe of relief. Histoire was happy that nothing severe had happened. Well, except for one thing. Uni had locked herself in Nepgear's room after throwing a tantrum at Purple Heart.

Histoire and Nepgear And been waiting patiently for Neptune's return. When they heard the door open, they couldn't believe the state Alex was in. Lots of blood covered Purple Heart's hands as she carried Alex. Histoire wasted no time in calling the basilicom's medical staff to treat Alex. While they were waiting, Compa and IF had returned with the other Candidates. "Neptune. What happened?" Histoire said. Purple Heart kept quiet deciding not to speak a word. "Come one Neptune! What happened!?" Uni said as she was growing impatient at Purple Heart's silence. "What happened to our sisters!?" With the state they saw Alex in and how only Neptune came back, the candidates had to be worried about their elder sisters. "Neptune." Both Ram And Rom said. "Where's our big sister?" Purple Heart then spoke. "They're captured." Everyone couldn't believe what Neptune had said. "Is this true Neptune?" "Yes Histoire. Me and Alex saw the other 3 get captured by wires from Magic." The other 3 candidates couldn't believe it. Their sisters were stuck in the Graveyard at Magic's mercy. "You." Uni began to speak. "It's your fault! My sister is stronger than anybody else! If she lost, then it is your fault!" Uni then ran away with the other candidates chasing her.

Current time
Purple Heart stood up from the couch. "Histoire. I'm going back." "Why Neptune!? Don't be stupid!" "Don't stop me! I need to do this! Please Histoire!?" Histoire looked at Purple Heart until she finally accepted. "Fine. I'll let you go." They then walked towards Histoire's room as they were setting up another portal.

TimeSkip:2 Days Later
Alex began to stir in bed as he opened his eyes. 'My whole body hurts.' Alex began to sit up and saw the bandages around his body. "The hell happened to me." Alex began trying to remember what happened before he passed out. He finally remembered before groaning. "Man. I have to apologize to her again. As if the first attempt was hard enough." Alex then got out of bed and looked around for his jacket. He saw it and it was good as new. He was impressed that they were able to get out all the blood that was on it. He put it on over the bandages and looked around the Basilicom. He made it to the living room and saw all candidates sleeping, Nepgear on the couch, and the other 3 on the floor. He looked outside and saw how the moon was out. It wasn't near midnight like last time, but it was decently into the night. He then heard a stir and saw Nepgear beginning to get up. Nepgear got up from the couch wearing her pajamas and saw Alex standing there. "Alex?" "Hey Nepgear. What I miss?" Nepgear began tear up before running and tackling Alex to the ground hugging him tightly. "You idiot! I thought, we all thought you died!" "Yeah, um. I'm sorry about that." "It's ok." Nepgear said as she calmed down wiping her tears. "Just don't go do that again. Promise?" "Yeah. Promise." Nepgear smiled as she helped pick up Alex then woke up the other candidates as they were all happy to see Alex alive and well, except Ram as she smiled softly not forgetting that she still didn't completely trust him. Histoire came into the room and smiled when she saw Alex awake. "Thank goodness. It's great to see you up Alex." "No problem. Great to be back." Alex then sat down on the couch. "Hey Guys. I, uh, need to know where Neptune is so I can apologize to her." At that moment, all the joy was flushed away. "Girls. What's wrong?" Histoire responded. "Neptune hasn't returned yet." "What do you mean?" "She left back to the Graveyard the first day you were brought here." Alex couldn't believe it. "What the hell!? You let her convince you!? Why!?" "She looked determined. It was the most determined I've seen her. I had to let her go." Alex looked down visibly upset. It increased as soon as IF and Compa ran in. "Guys! You need to see this!" IF said. She then showed them a video on one of her cellphones. It showed all 4 CPU's captured by Magic's cables as Magic's voice repeated the same message over again. "Citizens of Gamindustri. Our true goddess's resurrection is here. Tommorow night, The Deity Of Sin will be reborn and those who refuse to put their faith in her shall be annihilated, starting with your precious, foolish CPU's." The video ended as everyone couldn't believe. Now that Magic had captured all 4 goddesses, she was one step away from taking over Gamindustri. Alex turned around and walked towards the balcony. The candidates saw this and walked towards him. "Alex. Where are you going?" Said Nepgear "I'm heading out for awhile." "Alex. I know what your thinking, but, it isn't your fault. We all can help our sisters." Said Uni. "You don't get it. I'm the one who started it by falling for Magic's trick. Had I not been fooled we wouldn't even be in this mess." Alex then jumped off the balcony as the candidates looked on as they saw Alex run away at blazing speeds. They all transformed and began to chase after Alex. After a few hours, they all came back with faces of despair. 'Alex, where are you?' Thought Nepgear. Unknowingly to them, Alex went through a life changing experience.

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