Lowee V(Curse Mark Awaken)

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The Loweean CPU's were in awe seeing the black markings spreading though Alex's body. Eventually half of his body was covered in a strange black pattern

While the twins were amazed, Blanc immediately knew something was wrong with him

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While the twins were amazed, Blanc immediately knew something was wrong with him. His left Mangekyou Eye which was normally black and red looked different.

With Alex, he was brimming with hatred

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With Alex, he was brimming with hatred. However something was going on in his mind.

Inside his mind.
Alex was on the floor looking up at nothing but darkness. But underneath was water that he was floating above.(Think of the place where Naruto's talks with Kurama excluding the gate.) Alex then got up looking around. 'Not this place again.' "What are you waiting for. Show yourself." Out from the shadows came, another Alex except his eyes were different. His base Sharingan was inverted and his hair was white. "I've been wondering when you'd use the curse mark in this dimension. I'm still impressed that you have enough fight to keep my influence at half your body." "You honestly don't think I'd let you take over my entire body with those markings." "It's happened multiple times when your whole body was covered and you escaped." "That was because Hagoromo Sensei was there. He's not here so I can't risk it." "Then let's watch how your physical body handles the battle now."

Back at the Construction site
Alex began walking towards Trick slowly not even looking at him, shadows over his eyes. "What do you want kid. I need to focus on my lovely twins so go away." Trick thrusted his tongue sideways at Alex preparing to send Alex into a wall but he then grabbed his tongue holding in place. "Hey let go your crushing my tongue." "Chidori." Alex's hand was enveloped in lighting electrocuting Trick's tongue causing him to scream in pain and retracting his tongue. "Damn you brat! You hurt my tongue!" Blanc saw this and was in disbelief. Trick's tongue was enough to knock her out of HDD yet, Alex was strong enough to hold and crush Trick's tongue. "Susanoo." Alex's Susanoo appeared however his Susanoo now had the curse make pattern on it as well. Blanc then noticed that Alex's mind wasn't clear. 'Normally he'd be looking serious and frantically shouting out his attacks but, ever since those markings appeared, he's been cool and calm like his body might be controlled. "Inferno Lighting Arrow." His Susanoo then shot the arrow at Trick however Trick managed to dodge it and once again swung his tongue at him. Alex was ready to block but the markings started to glow and was spreading to the other half of his body. He began to hold his left shoulder in pain and fell to to the ground panting. His Susanoo faded.

Back in his mind
Compared to his physical body the mental body of Alex was just sitting next to his darker self eating a sandwich. "So you want to stretch it huh?" "Might as well. I'm bored with half a body." "You do know I'm gonna fight back right?" "And that's what makes it fun." "Never change me. Never change."

Real World
Trick was about to strike Alex but an axe hit his tongue once again hurting it. "Who did that now!?" It was Blanc who recovered and was back in HDD ready to guard Alex while he was recovering from his cure mark. Ram was helping Rom by giving transferring her share energy to Rom so they could be ready to assist White Heart in her fight. White Heart then flew towards Trick. Trick swung his tongue in multiple directions. Blanc was able to dodge and was ready to strike. "Zerstorung!" White Heart began to spin around gaining momentum and struck the side of Trick's Head sending him back. Trick was on the ground and began to up. Rom and Ram were then fully recovered and were ready to battle. Both transformed and prepared a duo attack. "Icicle Rush." Many shuriken like icicles spawned and went towards Trick. Some were able to cut him but then Trick was able to deflect the rest with his tongue. White Heart, Rom, And Ram were then all standing together ready to work together however. "Blanc, Rom, Ram. Listen to me." They all turned back and saw Alex standing up in the same condition he was in when they were exhausted. His left half was still covered, his left eye was black and yellow. "Rom and Ram, I want you to paralyze Trick for a while. Blanc, use your Tanzerin Tromphe to send Trick into the air and then I'll finish it off. Ok?" They all nodded and began to launch Alex's plan. "Ice Prison!" The twins then summoned a prison cell out of ice around Trick. The cell shocked Trick paralyzing him allowing White Heart to strike. "Tanzerin Tromphe!" White Heart jumped and her axe hit the ground with enough force to send Trick into the air. Alex ran foward. "Chidori." Once again his hand was coated in electricity as he was running forward. "Hey Wait! My dear twins please help me!" Trick was falling. At the last second Alex's Chidori then turned dark grey. "Chidori Lament!" Alex then struck Trick. "AAAAHHHHH NO! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Trick was then fried and was finished. Alex was panting as the curse mark retracted to its marking on its shoulder. He then walked to where Trick laid and similar to Judge the ground was cracked and he found a blue glowing object.

 He then walked to where Trick laid and similar to Judge the ground was cracked and he found a blue glowing object

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'The emerald collecting is coming along pretty nicely.' Alex grabbed it then hid the emerald. He began to walk back towards the CPU's but then fell and fainted. White Heart caught him. 'He has so many answers to tell us.' With That The Lowee CPU's flew back to the Basilicom ready to question Alex on this strange power.

In his mind
"I hope your happy that I used your power." "That's not the only reason I'm happy. I'm also excited that your gonna be forced to tell thoose Lowee goddesses about the mark. I'll see you next time myself." With That Alex's dark self walked away as his sight was going away.

4/7 Emeralds Found(Green, Yellow, White, & Blue)
2/4 Felons Left
Next Time, Farewell, Land of Snow:Lowee VI(Final Moments with the Loweean CPU's)

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