ASIC Battle IV(The EMS Awakens)

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Planeptune Basilicom(A few hours before the Deity Of Sin's arrival)
A day had passed and no sign of Alex was found. Time was drawing near until Magic revived the Deity Of Sin and the candidates were arguing with Histoire to let them enter the Graveyard. "Come on Histoire. We're wasting time! Let us go!" Said an impatient Uni. All the candidates looked at Histoire eager to enter the Graveyard. Histoire sighed. "It seems like I have no other choice." Just before Histoire was about to give the girls the go ahead to go, a portal opened in the middle of the room. "AAHHH!" The girls saw Alex fly out of the portal landing face first onto the ground. "Am I here? Crap I can't see!? I don't even know where I am!?" Nepgear then was the first one to talk. "Um, Alex?" "Nepgear!? Is that you!?" "Yes?" "All right! I made it back!" Alex said as he then tripped on the couch falling over. "Can someone help me out?" Nepgear and Uni went towards Alex to pick him up and sat him on the couch. "The hell were you Alex!? And what's up with your eyes?" All the Girls had noticed how Alex had bandages wrapped around his eyes as blood was still visible on them, but it was dry. "The bandages? I, uh, got poked in the eyes really bad." All the Girls immediately gave Alex a look that said, "We don't buy it." Alex then said the truth. "I, uh, met somebody in the outskirts of the Virtua Forest. I'm not gonna say their name because me and her agreed on me not giving away her identity. She ended up having my father's eyes. In my world, You can transplant another pair of Mangkyou eyes into your own, but only if there are strong blood ties, like family members. Me and my father had the same blood type, so I had them transplanted. Right now, my eyes are adjusting to his eyes which is why I have the bandages on so the light won't blind me during the process." Nepgear then asked a question. "How long does it take for the eyes to adjust?" "It varies. Sometimes, it happens immediately. On other occasions, it takes at least weeks. Right now however, I can't wait for my eyes to recover. This, Deity Of Sin, Whatever it is, is about to be summoned so I need to go in and stop Magic before she summons it." All the girls were already pumped up now that Alex was ready to enter the Graveyard. "Come on Girls! With all of us and Alex, we can definitely save our sisters and stop Magic!" Said Nepgear. Histoire then opened up a portal. "Good luck girls, Alex." Before the candidates can enter, Alex stopped them. "Girls, I'm sorry, but, I need to go alone." Uni immediately voiced her displeasure. "Stop being a dumb idiot! We're here to help! Our sisters are important to us as they are to you!" Alex then told the candidates something he wanted to get off his chest. "I know but, I feel obligated to do this. I've seen many people do things they know they shouldn't have done but did it because they felt obligated to, me as well." Rom then spoke. "But, big brother, why are you so determined to save our sisters by yourself?" "Back in my world, my Sensei told me important word. Those words were, 'Those who break the rules are scum, but, those who abandon their friends, are worse than scum.', and I'm not planning on being worse than scum." All the Girls took in Alex's words. They all knew with his words that he's had many hardships and regrets from where he came from. Before Alex was about to head in, all the candidates grabbed ahold of Alex. Nepgear and Uni on his shoulders, and Rom and Ram on his hands. "Alex." Said Nepgear, "We understand your words, but, your not alone. We're all here for you. So, let us go with you." It took Alex a while to answer. Then, Alex removed the bandages from his eyes and summoned a red and black flame robe as he said, "Let's Go!" The candidates then transformed and followed Alex into the portal.

Gamindustri Graveyard
"It's great to have you all back my fellow felon members." Magic had revived Trick and Judge as they watched the Deity Of Sin's revival together. Magic had decided to not revive Brave since even though he was a valuable member, she knew how Brave had passed his will onto Alex and seeing Alex would've made Brave side with the CPU's. Meanwhile, all 4 CPU's were still stuck in Magic's cable web, all still in HDD as their energy was being drained slowly. "Dammit! These damn cables won't break!" While their enemies were distracted, Black and White Heart struggled to break free from the cables to no avail. Green Heart looked at the two with disappointment. "It's no use. These cables were probably made with the intention to bind us." The cables holding them were probably made with the purpose to hold a CPU in place. "How can you be so calm in a time like this! And Neptune, stop being quiet and help out!" To the left was Purple Heart who was trapped with the other goddesses but she didn't talk nor moved. She stayed silent the entire time. "Noire." Said Green Heart, "Calm down. I'm as concerned as you are but wasting our strength like this won't do us any good.....Besides, the Deity Of Sin will be reborn whenever we want it or not." "Then what do you say we do?" "Right now, the only thing we can do is wait. I'm positive your sisters and Alex will be here to help us soon enough." Black Heart didn't want to admit it, but, she knew Green Heart was right. "Our sisters I get it, but, I don't think he'll come back." Said White Heart as she tried to turn her head towards Green Heart. "I mean, I know we went there to rescue him, but, because of us interrupting his match, he suffered what could be a fatal injury." The four CPU's remembered the massive wound Alex got on his back, of course, only Purple Heart knew that it wasn't fatal. "Certainly, had we not interrupted his fight, he might've beaten Magic the first time." Said Green Heart. There was a moment of silence before Black Heart Said, "Hey Girls, do you really think, Alex, you know. Died?" The 2 CPU's couldn't answer Black Heart's question. They knew that had they taken it, they would've passed out but were most likely to survive. Alex, however, was a human. A blow like that could kill any regular human. Even though Alex had unbelievable abilities, he was still a human no matter what. While they were thinking about it, Purple Heart laughed at Black Heart's question. "What's so funny Neptune?" Said Black Heart. "I might've have forgotten to tell you girls something important." Said Purple Heart smiling for the first time after being captured. "And what's that?" All three goddesses Said. "The Planeptune Basilicom's medical specialists checked on his condition and what they said will make you look on the bright side." The other 3 Girls began to look shocked. "Neptune, don't tell me, he..." Black Heart Said. Purple Heart then nodded. "Yep. He survived." The other 3 felt as if a massive weight had been lifted of their chest. Now all 4 were positive that their sisters and Alex were going to come and help them. "So, all we do is wait." Said Black Heart. As the 4 waited, the three Felons were anxiously waiting for their goddess to return. However, Trick and Judge voiced their concerns about a certain someone. "Miss Magic, that boy, Alex. Are you sure he won't come back and foil our plans?" Said Judge. "Oh please. That slash I gave him was powerful. It was meant to knock out Planpetune's CPU, instead, he got in the way and took the attack himself. Since it was meant for a CPU, it obviously killed the boy. Now that he's gone, I'll be able to rule Gamindustri." "What about their sisters?" Said Trick. "Please. I can beat the candidates in my sleep. They're no threat. The Deity Of Sin will be here in just 5 Minutes." As soon as Magic finished her talk, she along with the four CPU's heard something from the sky. "What's that/They're here girls."

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