Lowee I(Arrival+White Emerald)

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"You look terrible." "Yeah yeah I know." Alex and Vert went back to Planeptune so Blanc could take him to Lowee. Chika's punch ended up giving Alex a black eye. When they arrived at Planeptune Blanc flicked Alex's black eye. "OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!" "You keep hurting yourself. Honestly can you stop getting hurt." "Well sorry that I had to fight a ASIC member." Alex decided to use his fight with Judge as the cause to his black eye. Vert simply giggled knowing the real reason. Alex and Blanc went to the balcony. "I wish you well Alex." Said Histoire. "Good luck Alex. I hope to see you again." "Yeah. See you later Vert." Blanc then transformed ready to go. "Hurry up jackass I'm ready." "Yeah Yeah. Summoning Jutsu." Alex then riding Blaze flew off with Blanc towards Lowee.

During the flight
"Hey Blanc we almost there?" "Yeah almost. I can sense snow and the cold weather up ahead." "Wait did you say snow and cold weather?" "Yes. Why." "Well Blaze is ...." Blaze then un summoned. "Weak against the cold. NOOOOOOOOOOOO." Alex was falling down to the sky."

At Lowee
"Your lucky I was flying next to you. Honestly why didn't you tell me that." "It didn't cross my mind. I'm really sorry." "Don't worry about it." Alex noticed how compared to Leanbox and Planeptune, Lowee was the least advanced and had more of an simple town look. They arrived at Blanc's Basilicom.

Compared to Vert's Mansion Basilicom And Neptune's Tower Basilicom, Blanc's Basilicom was a Castle

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Compared to Vert's Mansion Basilicom And Neptune's Tower Basilicom, Blanc's Basilicom was a Castle. 'Lowee is definitely old school.' Alex heard how Lowee was called The Land of White Serenity and it held true to its name. Lowee was completely covered in snow. Even with all of his travels and adventures in his dimension Alex never got used to the cold. Blanc saw this and gave him a black coat. They entered the Basilicom and if it wasn't a castle then, then it surely was now. The floor had a long red carpet down a long hallway. To the right were windows showing all of Lowee and to the right were walls. Just up ahead was a opening to a living room area. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention, watch out for books." "Wait wh.." Alex stopped mid sentence due to being hit in the forehead by a fast moving object. It was a book. "I had a feeling." Blanc then looked towards where the book was thrown. "Alright. Direct Hit!" "Good job sis." Alex then saw two twins walk towards them. One of them wore a blue overcoat with white puffballs, pink handbag, a ribbon, and a white and blue hat to match with a pink rectangle in the center. Her leg-wear consisted of white tights and shoes that matched her dress in design. She had shoulder-length brown hair and steel blue eyes, much like her older sister. The other twin wore a pink overcoat with white puffballs, blue handbag, a ribbon, and a white and pink hat to match with a pink rectangle in the center. Her leg-wear consisted of white tights and shoes that match her dress in design. She has long brown hair and steel blue eyes, like Rom and Blanc. "Wait, it wasn't big sis?" "Blanc, are those?" "Yes they're my twin sisters. Rom and Ram, The CPU Candidates of Lowee." "Interesting." Alex wasn't mad at getting a book thrown at him. If anything he was impressed at Ram's strength for being such a small girl. "Rom, Ram! What have i told you about throwing books at others?" A new voice entered the group. She was a tall woman with long sky blue hair worn in low pigtails along with a red graduate hat.  Her eyes were cerulean in color and were accompanied by a pair of red glasses. She wore a short white dress under a red, long jacket like robe worn open with gold lining and buttons. The sleeves puffed below her elbow and had long cuffs, while at her neck was a collar and red bow with a golden badge. Her legwear consisted of red heels that matched her robe and hat."That its bad." "It hurts people." The girl brought Rom and Ram right in front of Alex. "I'm truly sorry about her. As their tutor and guardian I take full responsibility." She said while bowing. "Hey, no need to pressure yourself. It's fine trust me." Blanc decided to break the ice. "Alex, this is Lowee's Oracle, Mina Nishizawa." "Nice to meet you Alex." "The pleasure is mine Mina." Ram then gasped as if she remembered something. "Hey wait that name Alex. Oh right I remember now. Your that guy that bullied big sis." Rom helped Ram out. "Alex...Meanie." Alex looked surprised. The fact that Ram remembered something from months ago impressed him. Mina looked upset with the twins. "Girls That was a month ago and your sister has made up with Alex. He's probably still upset from that book so what do you say?" Ram And Rom immediately retorted back. "Why should I apologize to him!? He deserved it!" "Yeah... Bad Guy." "Try again." "No way we don't want too!" Mina then paused for awhile until "What Do Good Little Girls Say." Mina emphasized every word adding a dark aura around it and if it was towards the twins, then mission accomplished because Alex felt chills as well. "We're sorry!" Both twins said like their resilience disappeared. Alex was shocked and turned his attention towards Mina. 'Guess she isn't a pushover.' "Mina, take Alex to his room. I need to talk to the twins." "Anything you say miss. Come on Alex." Mina then took Alex and they both headed towards their room. On the way Mina gave Alex a little advice. "I know Lowee isn't as much as Leanbox or Planeptune but I really hope you enjoy your stay here." "Thanks Mina. I appreciate it." They both made it to his room bidding each other farewell.

Saturday(Last Day of 1st Week)
'I want to die right now' Alex mentally thought as he was already physically and mentally drained and it was just one week. It was mainly due to Ram being absolutely ruthless and restless on her pranks. At the beginning they were simple ones like banana peel, stuck in a room, Whoopi cushion, and stuck doors. However since Ram was satisfied with those, it seemed like she wanted more satisfaction and made more brutal pranks like dumping buckets full of ice and mud. Alex didn't want to get sick or massively dirty so he activated his Sharingan during the bucket drops however that got Ram upset so she made the bucket drops more frequent by refilling and dropping the bucket every time Alex entered and exited his room. Then there were those random book throws that even with his Sharingan he couldn't avoid it. 'I swear I have damn concussion.' Ram's pranked Alex 24/7 forcing Alex to have his Sharingan on all day giving him bags under his eyes. He made it to the main living room and slumped on the couch resting. Blanc happened to walk wanting to ask him a question. "Hey Alex?" "yeah what is it?" Blanc got a clear glimpse of how drained Alex was and felt sorry for him. "I'm sorry for how Ram has treated you." "Nah it's fine. All I need is to splash water on my face." "Anyways I've been wondering if you could do a quest for me." "Sure. Just tell me what it is and give me directions." "Sure."

5 Minutes Later
Alex made it to Lowee's Guild and immediately began looking for Blanc's quest. He saw it under the board called "Restricted Quests" Alex grabbed it and took it to the desk showing the attendant Blanc's confirmation stamp. The quest actually had 2 parts to it. The 1st was to simply deliver a diamond to a merchant. The 2nd part however required Alex to kill a special kind of Ancient Dragon That was white and had blue eyes. It said the dragon was more common in Lowee but was still rare to find. Alex then with key in hand the attendant gave him, ran towards the recipient.

10 Hours Later
It took about 2 Minutes for Alex to deliver the key but its taken him 9 Hours and 58 Minutes to look for the rare ancient dragon. "Damn, even with the coat I'm still freezing out here. I shouldn't be shocked since I'm out in the wild. It took about another 2 Hours until Alex heard a roar. It was an ancient dragon, however the roar was different from a usual roar. It sounded like a shriek. 'Is that it?' All of a sudden a gust of wind blew around Alex. He knew it was the dragon's wings. 'So he's finally showed up.' Alex saw the rare dragon face to face and it awed him. The dragon looked so elegant in white. The eyes were blue however one eye was clear white. 'Seems like another emerald has arrived.' Alex then charged toward the dragon leading the dragon to slash through the air sending air waves toward Alex sending him backwards. Alex then activated Susanoo ready to brawl. "Inferno Lightning Arrow" Alex shot the arrow however the dragon simply batted it away. Alex knew he needed something stronger. He began to charge up a Rasen-Shuriken. "Wind Style:Rasen-Shuriken" the dragon once again batted it away. It then began to blow ice. It ended up freezing his right arm. Alex used Amaterasu to melt the ice. Alex then began to use speed to distract the dragon. He began using the flying thunder god technique and teleported around the dragon. The dragon got upset and began swinging around wildly and then used an ice bomb and ice covered the field. The dragon calmed down thinking it got its victim however, Alex broke out of the ice. "CHIDORI SENBON" Alex swung his left arm sending lots of electrical needles towards the dragon making it paralyzed. Alex then began charging towards the dragon at light speed. "CHIDORI TRUE SPEAR" Alex had his left hand covered in electricity then thrusted his arm foward making a 5 ft electrical sword and then swung it sideways cutting the dragon in half ending this fight. Alex then walked towards where the dragon laid. He then saw that his assumption for earlier was correct. It was emerald powered.

Alex then grabbed it and walked back towards the guild

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Alex then grabbed it and walked back towards the guild.
3/7 Emeralds Collected(Green, Yellow, & White)

Next Time, bonding with a twin:Lowee II(Bonding with Rom)

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