Planeptune III(Alex vs Purple Heart)

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Day of the fight

Alex sent another note before the match began. This time it was to Histoire stating that he didn't want their fight to be open to the pubic. Histoire accepted his words and made a barrier around the coliseum that kept the noise from inside the coliseum going out into the public for others to ear. Nepgear, Compa, IF, And Histoire were worried on how the fight would go down. After Neptune read the note Alex had sent yesterday, she locked herself in her room and earlier during the morning left out to train. As for Alex, no one knew what he was doing or even where he was the last 2 days. The only thing they could say was that he was out exploring Planeptune probably training to fight Purple Heart at her strongest. The time deadline was nearing for both participants to enter the coliseum. While they knew Alex would go by himself, the rest wanted to escort Neptune there but she hadn't arrived yet. A couple of minutes later Purple Heart arrived on the balcony signaling to the girls that it's time to leave. Neptune, Nepgear, And Histoire flew to the coliseum while IF took Compa on her motorcycle.

They arrived and seeing it empty for a fight was so surreal. They were used to crowds roaring with excitement every time a fight took place here, but now, it sounded like it had been abandoned. Purple Heart stood in the arena waiting for Alex while Nepgear, Compa, And Histoire sat in the stands. IF took her place on the podium to start it. After a couple of minutes, they hear footsteps from the other side of the coliseum. 'He's finally showed up.' Thought Purple Heart. Alex came out emerging from the tunnel. He looked the same as he did during the day he left so the girls were thankful he didn't get hurt during his time out. Alex and Purple Heart hand a intense stare down looking at each others eyes with no expression what so ever. Alex took a look at Purple Heart's appearance. Purple Heart had long purple hair in twin tails that almost reached her feet and bright blue eyes with white pupils in the shape of power signs. She wore black hair clips with glowing blue D-Pad shapes on them, and a black body suit that exposed her chest somewhat. Both of the bodysuit's shoulder areas contained a white outlined D-pad symbol and the arm areas contained purple along the sides while the front of the bodysuit also contained purple areas near the bottom. On the breast areas there was a single purple strip. Purple Heart's leg-wear seemed as though it is was the same as her human form, only, it appeared as black boots with purple tips instead. IF then began to speak. "Alex, Purple Heart, Your private match is about to begin. Take your positions." Alex had a hand holding on Kusanagi. 'Wonder what weapon she has.' Purple Heart then summoned her weapon and needless to say, it stunned Alex. 'The hell!? That's a sword!? It so damn huge!' Purple Hearts weapon was a large black sword with a purple sharp edge. 'If her sword hits mine, chances are that Kusanagi will break easily. I need to catch her off guard with this first strike.' IF then announced the most important words. "Battle, Begin!" Alex then dashed towards Purple Heart catching her off guard a little. As soon as Alex was grabbing his sword, when he swung Purple Heart dashed behind him. She was gonna stokes him on the back until he side stepped to the left avoiding her strike. Purple already knew how he dodged and his eyes confirmed it. His Sharingan was active. Alex and Purple Heart then dashed towards each other and began going back and forth with continuous clashes. Alex then ducked and attempted to leg sweep Purple however she simply jumped up and aimed her sword downward at him. He moved his head however, she threw her sword down instead slightly grazing his cheek leaving a small cut. He then got up and moved away from the sword. He looked at Kusanagi and saw how chipped it was. 'I knew it. Her sword's strength completely outweighs my sword's durability.' Alex knew that simple sword fight was coming to a end. He then grabbed his thunder god kunai and threw it behind Purple. She moved out of the way but then heard Alex behind him with a Rasengan. As she was ready to shield with her sword, he then disappeared in a flash. "Where did he-?" "Right behind you!" Purple then turned around as Alex launched his first jutsu. "Fire Style:Fire Ball Jutsu." A fireball was launched at Purple Heart and blistering speed. She barely managed to jump up out of the way, but, as she was in the air she saw the Alex who was using the fireball, disappear in a puff a smoke. "A clone!? Then that means!" She turned around and saw Alex with a Rasengan in hand, turning around and saying, "Checkmate." However, before the Rasengan could reach Purple's gut, it dispersed and damaged Purple's face as all the energy was released. The reason why it dispersed, as Alex was aiming towards her gut, Purple saw his chest area exposed and quickly got a deep enough slash across his chest to affect him. Alex coughed up blood as he fell to the floor. He tried to get up but Purple Heart then stabbed her sword through his back leaving him on the ground stuck. "Is this what you wanted Alex?" Said Purple Heart in a slow voice. "You did say you wanted me at my strongest. I hope your satisfied." Alex began to smile and laugh. "What's so funny?" "You know what? Your right Neptune. I'm very satisfied with how you've fought me. But there's one more thing." "And what's that?" "I never said. I planned to lose." With That Alex looked at Purple Heart's face and, "Amaterasu!" Black flames began to climb Purple Heart's sword and engulfed her hands. She took the sword from his back and began looking for a way to get rid of the flames. The flames then suddenly dispersed. Purple Heart looked up and saw Alex kneeling on his knee, his left eye closed and bleeding. Alex then rushed towards Purple Heart at high speed with electricity surrounding his left hand. Purple Heart then noticed a distinct sound.

'That sound, sounds like, birds chirping.' Due to Purple Heart focusing on the sound she was caught off guard as Alex suddenly appeared in front of her his left arm lunging back and then, "Chidori!" Alex's hand then thrusted into Purple Heart's gut. It launched Purple Heart back towards the wall as she collided with it. A huge dust cloud emerged from the wall that Purple Heart hit. Alex was panting heavily knowing he used up most of his chakra already. 'That has to be it, right?' The dust cleared away revealing Purple Heart holding on to her sword panting as well. The area where Alex's Chidori strikes showed a fair amount of damage. Her stomach was exposed showing a bruised area with a couple of scratches. Regardless, she was still standing meaning the fight was not done. 'That wasn't enough!? She really is a goddess!' Alex couldn't believe she was able to tank the Chidori. He then used the last thing he could do. "Susanoo!" Alex's Susanoo appeared ready to battle. The other girls were wondering how Neptune would be able to handle Alex's susanoo seeing as it tanked one of Black Heart's attacks. However, unlike his battle with Black Heart, his Susanoo immediately went away. They saw Alex on both of his knees. He was exhausted. 'My sight. It's going away. I can't use the Sharingan anymore.' Alex had blurry vision and was struggling to stand up. He tried to walk but was wobbling at the same time. Purple Heart knew he was at his limit. "It seems as if you've reached your limit. This fight is over now, so I'd appreciate it if you gave up now." Alex knew she was speaking the truth, but, he wasn't going down without one last strike. "So what!? You think I'm gonna give up and end the fight that easily!? If you think so, THEN YOUR WRONG! IM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! I'VE GOT TWO FISTS, SO WHY NOT USE THEM NOW!" Alex then charged forward blurry vision and all ready to strike Purple Heart with a simple punch. Purple Heart charged forward herself ready to strike with her sword. Alex then used all the chakra he had left and applied it to his fist ready to strike. Both of The were inches away. One would strike first while the other would fall, However, no sound was heard from the clash besides a thud. Purple Heart stood still, her sword in the same position it was when they were charging. In front of her, on the floor unconscious, was Alex. He passed out before they could clash. "Purple Heart, you are the winner of this match!" Announced IF. Purple Heart looked at Alex on the floor. 'He gave me a tough time for being a human.' Purple Heart then picked up Alex on her back and carried him on her back. On their way to the Basilicom, "Hm. What happened." "Alex, thank you, for fighting me."

Next Time, the return on an enemy:Planeptune IV/Finale(Brave's Last Stand)

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