Lowee II(Bonding with Rom)

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Sunday(1st day of 2nd week)
Alex had officially lost it. He didn't go insane but he was done. He shortened his hours in the Basilicom. He would wake up when he knew Ram was asleep and return back when Ram was asleep. Blanc was upset at him but knew he couldn't take it anymore. It was around midday and Alex was just walking around Lowee. He didn't want to overwork on quests so he decided to walk around and look at the scenery. Compared to Leanbox he liked the calm peaceful vibe around Lowee. While he was walking he ended up bumping into somebody. "Ow" "Sorry, didn't see you ther..." Alex saw that he bumped into Rom. "Eeekkk. The bad guy. Are you gonna do 'that' to me." Alex then had a look of disbelief. 'Is Ram telling her this crap. Some kind of sis she is.' "No I'm not. I hate those pedo freaks to be honest." Alex then saw the comfort in Rom's eyes. Compared to Ram, Rom always avoided Alex. They never saw each other, talked to each other, and never crossed each other's paths. Alex felt like Rom feared him due to her behavior. Alex then realized something. 'Hold on a minute. Rom looks comfortable now. If I can get on her good side then she could tell Ram to stop.' Alex picked up Rom from the floor and brushed off her shoulders. "So what're you out for for." "Mina told me and ..Ram to get somethings but Ram didn't want to go." "Why's that?" Something about two buckets, ice, and mud." 'So she officially wants to kill me.' Alex saw Rom picking up the cans so he decided to help her. All the cans were picked up. Alex saw Rom carrying all the bags and struggling to hold them. "Gimme some." "Are you sure. I'm fine" "It's too much for you." After hesitating Rom accepted and gave him half of the bags and both went back to the Basilicom. Along the way they had a little chat. "Mr. Alex" "I don't like formalities so just Alex is fine." "Um, Alex, do you hate big sis." "Big sis? You mean Blanc. Well, we got off to a rough start but after our match we eventually patched it up so we're pals now." Rom thought about Alex's words on the way back. After making it back they sorted out the cans. "Alex, why did you help me?" Alex took a moment to answer. "It's like, I can't stand seeing people do things on their own when they can't accomplish it. To put it simply, I help others because I want to." Alex instinctively patted Rom's head. Rom blushed while Alex's immediately moved his hand looking away. "Alex." Alex then looked towards Rom and saw her heartwarming smile. "Thanks for helping me." Alex wide eyed. Before he could say anything, the door slammed open causing Alex and Rom to look the door's way only for their faces to pale. Mina had entered the room covered in mud while shivering at the same time. Even with her eyes closed and her wide smile, she was seething inside. "Rom, I see you've come back." "Mi-Mina!?" "I see you've come back with the groceries like expected. Where is Ram?" "I don't know. She didn't come with me." "I see. Well if you see her then tell her I need to talk to her." Alex decided to speak up. "Um, Miss Mina." "Hm. Oh Alex didn't see you there. What are you doing here?" Alex knew he needed to chose his words carefully so Mina wouldn't explode. "Um, I was uh.." "He helped me.... with the groceries." Rom finished Alex's sentence. Mina immediately lost all rage for now and smiled. "He did. Thank you Alex for helping out." "Oh no it was no problem." Alex immediately said. "Um, Mina, what's that all about." "Oh this." Mina held her muddy and wet coat and began to explain. "That's what I want to know. I was doing some documents and decided to take a break, however when I entered the hallway a bucket of mud fell on me followed by ice cold water. My old clothes were worn out so I got these last week, and know they're covered in mud." At this point Mina had her hand on the doorway and creaking wood was constant through the room. "I should get going. Have a nice day." "You too Mina." Mina left quickly. He would've been mad if it were him but he knew he wouldn't be as rage full as Mina. "I should be leaving now. See you next time Rom." Alex doubt he'd see Rom again knowing Ram and his shortened Basilicom Hours, however. "Alex." Rom called out to him. Alex then turned waiting for Rom to talk. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Alex then covered her mouth. "Don't say those things Rom! People would get the wrong idea!" "It's just that, I want to go questing with you tomorrow but because of Ram's pranks you barely spend time here so I want to sleep with you so we can go questing." Alex liked Rom's honesty but he couldn't accept it. "Rom I like your offer but I can't. Think about what Blanc would say. She'd think I'm pedophile going out with you." As if by coincidence Blanc walked by hearing the conversation. "Oh Alex, Rom. What're you doing here?" Before Alex could respond, Rom beat him to it. "I want to sleep with Alex tonight." Blanc immediately got her red eye. "Oh really. Want to explain ALEX!?" Blanc was cracking her knuckles. "Hey Blanc just hold up a minute." Right as Blanc was about strike Rom saved him. "I want to go questing with him but due to his hours here I want to sleep with him." Blanc then calmed down knowing Rom was correct. "Fine I'll allow it only for tonight." While Rom looked joyful Alex lost his mind. 'This isn't right! This isn't right!' Alex then sulkingly went to his room alongside Rom for bed.

Alex was currently in a deep sleep without a care in the world. "Alex, Alex." Rom shook Alex awake. "Rom. It's midnight what do you want?" "When Ram called you a bad guy, I believed her until recently. When I saw how nice you were to me, your not a bad guy. You've been so nice to me so, can you be my big brother?" Alex then was shocked. He didn't expect Rom to warm up to him quickly as she did. Rom however was acting fine and asked him with no hesitation. Alex then found his answer. "Yes Rom. I'll be your brother." Rom then smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight Big brother." Goodnight Rom." With that they both went to bed.

The next day out in the field
Alex and Rom were out early and got a fairly simple quest that Rom could do. It was to kill 150 Dogoos. Alex then took notice of Rom's staff. "Hey Rom what's that wand or staff do." "Oh. All I can do is ice spells. Even in HDD I'm stronger when I'm with Ram." "Well then consider this mini training. I want to see how you fare without Ram ok." "Yes." After walking for a while they found a field of many dogoos to take down. "On 3. 1,2,3!" Alex and Rom rushed towards the dogoos. While Alex simply cut them down, Rom used her ice spells to paralyze the dogoos allowing Alex to cut it down. It was going fine until the dogoos started merging together. "What the hell are they doing." "Oh no not now." Rom said while Transforming. It became a mega dogoo. "What is that?" "Dogoos do this on some occasions." Alex looked at Rom and noticed her HDD form. Her appearance was similar to that of White Heart's as she had the same light blue hair color but her eyes were pink instead of red. She wore a one piece bodysuit that was white in color with a secondary color of pink on the arms, legs, and torso. "Rom. Gimme some information on this guy." "For starters weapons won't work on him." "Let's test that. Chidori Blade." Alex then ran forward striking the dogoo with its electrified Blade however it did nothing, he then jumped back. Rom then attached "Blizzard." Winds of ice went toward the dogoo hitting it and getting it weakened a bit. Alex then had an idea. Before he left Leanbox he and Vert attempted to see if their attacks could merge again. It took multiple tries with the result being that they collided or bounced off another. Vert then had an idea that they both clasp hands together. They both launched their attacks and clasped hands together. It worked. Vert decided to call it "Soul Connect" so Alex decided to try it now. "Hey Rom let's launch an attack at the same time ok." "Sure." They both began to ready their attacks. "Ice Barrage." "Fire Style:Phoenix Flower Jutsu." Both of their attacks went at the same time. "Rom connect your left hand with my right." "Ok." Their hands connected. "Ok now say this with me." They both then began. "SOUL CONNECT. SPECIAL MOVE. ICE PHOENIX FLOWER BARRAGE!" With That both their ice and fire connected and it ended up being to much for the dogoo effectively ending this battle. Rom the noticed something. 'Wait his body. I can see lots of blue lines. I feel large energy from him. Is that his power?' Rom snapped out of it. "Yay big brother we did it." "You did great Rom." He then saw Rom began to look sleepy. It made sense since Rom was up earlier than usual. "Brother I'm sleepy. Can you carry me?" "Sure Rom." Alex then gave Rom a piggyback ride as they went back to the Basilicom.

The End
Next Time, missing sister, Ram's realization:Lowee III(Rom Kidnapped+Talk With Ram)

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