Lastation II(Hanging with Uni)

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As the days went more Noire got more and more furious at Alex that it got to the point that Noire gave up on him. Noire tried too keep her schedule for Alex alive however it only lasted 2 to 3 days as Alex decided to do what he did at Lowee and leave the Basilicom early too look around. Uni was getting worried and decided to ask Nepgear for advice. "And that's how it is right now." "Sounds terrible for Noire." "Tell me about it. She spends every minute fuming about how annoying he is. So do you have anything to help us." "Honestly, I don't think Alex considers us as friends. Probably acquaintances at best." "What do you mean?" "He never rally talked to me or Neptune besides the time we were introduced. The only ones he talks to here are Histoire and IF since they're persistent on getting answers from him." Uni immediately knew she needed something, anything to help her sister. "Oh hey Nep Jr. who're you taking to?" "Neptune came into the picture and saw Uni. "Hey it's Mini-Noire." "Don't call me that. Hey Neptune do you ap have advice on how to treat Alex?" "From what I heard from Blanc and Vert, Ally likes going out and exploring by himself. He doesn't like being forced to do things he doesn't want to do. I bet Lonely Heart is forcing him on a schedule huh? Tell her that it's best to let go of Alex's leash and have him sniff around Lastation on his own." "Wait What." "What my sis is saying is that it's best for Noire to let Alex explore Lastation on his own free will." "Yeah. Exactly what my sis said." "Thanks guys." "Oh Mini-Noire one more thing. Be upfront with Ally. He hates people who hide their true personality." The call ended and Uni decided to head to the main hall to tell Noire and Kei her plan. She made it and heard Noire again upset. "Kei where is our guest!?" "He left to the city a couple of hours ago." "Honestly why does he keep leaving so early!?" "Maybe it's because he doesn't like how it is." Noire then eyed Uni. "What do you mean?" "M-Maybe Alex would like to explore and know Lastation on his own." "But it can't be. I planned this perfectly." Kei decided to voice her opinion. "Hold it Noire, Uni might have a point. Different minds have different ways to adapt. Alex probably likes to adapt to things himself rather than have others adapt for him." "So I should scrap my plan and go for something new? Uni what do you think?" "Wait why me?" "Your the one who said he hated my idea so you must have some kind of plan that'll work right?" "Well we should do nothing at all." "Eh!" "Wh-what I mean is that we shouldn't force Alex to learn things unnecessary to him and let him learn what he wants on his own free will." Kei pondered on this. "Give him 100% free reign and allowing him to learn for his personal interests. I say I agree with Uni. Even though it's risky it's the best chance we have Noire." "I'm not completely sold on this plan but since I have no time left I'll go with this plan. Uni can you do me a favor?" "Yes Sis What is it?" "Can you tell Alex that the morning lessons are over?" "Anything for you sis!" Uni then left the Basilicom in search of Alex. "She looks excited to help." "She probably got advice from Neptune." Noire said knowing that Uni called Planeptune. It was plan that only Neptune could make. "Anyways Noire I've researched into the recent ASIC action and I might've pinpointed their next strike." "I'm listening."

With Uni
Even though Uni left with lots of confidence, after a short while she realized how hard it'll be to look for Alex due to Laststion's size. 'He could be anywhere! I should've asked Noire for coordinates." Uni then decided to look in the park since she though Alex would like peaceful areas. "Help me!" Uni then heard the cry and went towards where the shout was from. She ended up seeing a couple of kids staring a a boy stuck on a branch falling off. "What's going on kids?" "It's Riki." One of the kids pointed at Riki who has hugging the branch as it was falling off. "Why'd he go up there?" "He was dared by the boys. He didn't want to go until the boys called him chicken. He eventually climbed up and got stuck there." "Riki. Don't worry I'll get you down." Uni the walked up to the tree. She wanted to use HDD and fly but knew since he was a kid he'd be frightened and fall off. 'Guess I'm going to climb the old fashioned way.' Uni then began to climb, unfortunately since she didn't have the right clothes she struggled to climb. She kept climbing until her foot slipped causing her too fall. She closed her eyes bracing impact until, she felt an arm wrap around her waist and saw Alex. "Alex!?" "Hey Uni." "When did you get here?" "Couple of minutes ago. Heard these kids and came to check it out. Next thing you now I'm catching you." "I see. Um, can you put me down?" "Hm. Oh right sorry." Alex then put Uni down. "So can you help with that kid?" "I have no choice. You should never climb again," "Well sorry that I'm not a good climber!" "I'm saying that because those little boys peeked st your panties when you were climbing." Alex said pointing towards the two boys. Uni then looked towards the boys and saw them blushing with embarrassed face looking away while girl looked at them with disgust. "If your going to climb then wear pants." "Sh-Shut it! I know you idiot!" 'Guess the apple doesn't land far from the tree.' "Anyways we need to get the kid down fast." Uni then regained her composure and looked up. "We're going to need some kind of big ladder to reach that kid." As Uni was mumbling Alex simply climbed the tree, grabbed the kid, and brought him back down. "Done." "Wait what how?" "He climbed it." Said one of the kids. Alex then put the Riki back in the ground and flicked his forehead. "Owie. What was that for?" "Don't go doing things you can't do just to impress others. It isn't cool it's lame. Impress others with what you can do. One more thing." Alex the whispered in his ear, "Maybe the kids that were calling you chicken are chicken themselves." Riki agreed with him and smiled. "Thanks sir." "Nor problem kid. Now you and your friends go have fun and remember, only do things you can do." The kids then ran off leaving Alex and Uni. "We should go. Last thing I need is your sis biting my ear off." They then walked back to the Basilicom. Along the way Uni asked him some questions. "Alex why did you scold that kid." "Because he did something stupid. I understand what he was doing. Wanted to look cool but it doesn't work like that. You don't look cool doing things you can't do." Uni was shocked. She didn't think Alex would be that caring for another person. "Alex, why do you avoid my big sis?" "I hate her personality." "What do you mean." "I can't stand how she acts like she's pitch perfect and has no flaws to everybody, even you and your her damn sister. I can't stand her hiding her true personality." "So it wasn't the classes and training?" "I don't like them that much but her fake attitude just grinds my gears." To Uni her sister was nothing more than a role model, somebody she wanted to be. Due to Noire's attitude Uni always tried her best get Noire to compliment her. However with what Neptune and Alex told her, she then wondered. Was the person she looked up to so much, a fake? A fraud? Alex saw Uni in deep thought and reassured her. "Don't think about my words so deeply. It's just my opinion. If you want to keep looking up to her as a role model then go ahead, I'll respect your opinion." "Hey, wanna look around for a bit? I-I mean it's not like I want to hang out with your or anything. I just thought now would be a good time for you took look around." "Sure I have time to spare. Go ahead and take me to places you like Uni." Uni smiles and grabbed Alex's arm and dragged him to places she liked. They went to many places. A fair, circus, a buffet, and Uni decided to take Alex to her favorite gun store. "Um Uni, I'm not really a gun person." "So? I want to see how you handle using firearms. There may be times where you won't be able to use your sword." "You do have a point." Uni then grabbed a machine gun and gave it to Alex so he could test it. Alex then aimed the weapon at the bullseye. He was about to shoot until Uni stopped him. "Wait. Your not in the correct position." Uni then went to Alex and held his hands fixing his posture. Alex blushed staying quite. 'How is she so calm?' "Your not the only one embarrassed." Uni said as she was also blushing holding Alex. "Hurry up and shoot idiot!" Uni then let go of Alex, Alex's hands stayed in the position Uni put them at and then he fired. "OW!" The gun ended up Alex hitting Alex straight in the face knocking him back. While he held his face in pain Uni looked at the target and smiled as he got the bullseye. "Good job Alex you hit the middle." Uni gave Alex a pat on the back. "Hoorah." Alex said sarcastically as he was keeping his hand at his head to stop the bleeding. "Hey thanks for hanging out with me. I-I mean it's not like I wanted to hang out with you or anything, but I'm happy you accepted it." "No problem. Honestly your more likable than your sister. Now let's go before your sis yells at me to deaf." Alex joked causing Uni to slightly giggle. They then left the gun store heading back towards the Basilicom.

Next Time, Alex and Noire's friction:Lastation III(Realization, To the Junkyard)

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