Meeting Online Friend and Expanding Influences.

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"Sometimes, when I look at Light I wonder just how long he's been hiding behind his mask of being a perfect person. I don't even remember when he began doing it despite constantly keeping an eye on him. Makes me wonder if he's had that mask before I was even born, a pretty fucked up notion, eh? But then again even I've been hiding behind a mask since I was born."

June 27th

"Are you sure this is the right place, Sayu?" Light skeptically asked, eyeing the less than remarkable coffee shop.

"Yeah, Q told me to meet her up in front of Noir and guess what dear brother? We're in front of that very shop!" Sayu grinned, pointing her forefinger at the front sign which was missing the o. "Don't let the appearance fool you, this place used to be famous back in the days."

"Well, I don't really judge any book by their covers, but doesn't it seem off that your online friend invited you to a rundown place? Back home it's common courtesy to invite a new friend to a more suiting place," Light tried to reason.

Sayu fought the urge to scowl at Light, of course Light would always think about what was socially acceptable in the eyes of others. He's always been like that after all, always worrying about what others thought instead of just doing what he wanted, always hiding behind his mask.

But then again, if she hadn't researched her online friend to make sure her online friend wasn't a rapist or something, Sayu would have been suspicious as well. But oddly enough her online friend didn't know not to give away personal information and as such everything her online friend had told her was accurate.

"It's cause her family's poor, so I was thoughtful enough to tell her to just choose the cheapest place she can find," Sayu shortly explained crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. "Was it impolite of me to think about her circumstances?"

Light didn't really look taken aback, he knew that despite not getting the best grades around that his little sister was more astute than people gave her credit for. In fact he was sure that if being perceptive was a subject in school, Sayu would have gotten at least a B if she really tried.

"No," he denied with a small, pleased, which didn't really reach his eyes. "That was thoughtful of you."

"Hmph, of course! You did knock it into me after all," Sayu proudly boasted.

Light let an amused smile grace his features. "Well, I'll come pick you up at six, okay?"

Sayu also let a smile grace her features, "Yeah, and Light? Go have some fun! It's your vacation too, no need to be all perfect and study for your next term, go break a law or something."

"I'll stick to having acceptable fun," Light retorted, waving at her as he turned and walked away.

Sayu's smile dropped from her face the moment Light rounded the corner, disappearing with the crowd.

"As usual, your smiles don't reach you," she muttered a bit sadly.

'Since when was most of his smiles fake? Since when were all his outward emotions controlled?'

Sighing, she shook the thought away, it didn't matter. When she was little she idolized Light whom without the advantage of previous memories still managed to become a genius who she was sure could beat L, but now?

She pitied her big brother.


He was so empty.

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