The God, The King, The Queen, The Knight and The Fool.

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"I'm one of the worse human beings ever. I know that, I accept that and I admit it. What good human being would find any joy in manipulating others in her own twisted game of chess?"

July 2th

Sayu smirked slightly as she moved her finger over her laptop, making sure to click the left side before moving her King forward.

Giving a serene smile, Sayu whispered: "Almost, just one more move left before..." she trailed off as one of her many phones began vibrating in the pocket of her jeans.

Huffing slightly, she flipped it open.

I must say, I'm very impressed, now I know why my associates were scared to "awaken" the sleeping dragon. Your rage is certainly something one should not willingly seek, lest they are foolish or suicidal. I had my doubts when you said you'd make me number one, but being able to go against Rod Ross, not to mention almost wiping off his entire organization in under one week? With the little resources you had, commanding my organization and getting the police involve without knowing a single thing? Brilliant. AND making the one-sided massacre seem like child's play? I believe this is the right time to say: "I'm glad you're on our side."

Sayu almost smirked.


Who said she was on anyone's side? Honestly, the only one she would willingly join forces with would be Light.

Her Light, not the Kira-Light.

Good thing Light probably won't ask her to help him. She knew she wouldn't be able to say no.

With practiced ease, she typed back a reply,

It's not checkmate yet Wolf. Not until tonight where you'll have the honors of disposing of the scum. Then we'll discuss our terms, right?

She was dropping the man a hint.

She didn't want the man to get any ideas of her ever becoming closer than business partners with him. Or else she'll just have to get rid of him as well and appoint one of the peoples' she pulled a Mikami on as the leader of the wolves.

A deal's a deal. I'm a man of my word. And who in their right mind would deny an Angel of her wishes?

Slightly blushing at the unexpected tittle, because really? Her? An Angel? Ha! But she didn't exactly dislike the nickname. It gave her a bubbly feeling inside. Ugh, she was sounding so cliché lately!

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