Abandoned alleys should be avoided by people with common senses.

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"Sometimes I stop and ask myself if there is anything in this life that I didn't like. The answer is simple really, the only thing I don't like in this life is the fact that EVERYONE sees me as just 'Light's Little Sister,' they don't see me as me, only the one who has a perfect big brother that she can't compete with. It hurts so damn much, but I pretend it doesn't. Soon enough I might be able to convince myself, just like Light managed to delude himself into thinking that he's God."

July 1th

"My mom's working right now, she should be here in an hour or so," Quarter informed as she placed down a tray of cookies down on the table before taking a seat on the couch next to Sayu whom was busy shuffling cards.

"It's cool," Sayu assured, dealing the cards in her make belief game of poker.

"So, where should we go next time?" Quarter cheerfully asked.

"We already went to the park, maybe we should go to the beach next?" the brunette suggested with a shrug, "A summer tan doesn't sound bad, huh?" she mused reaching out a hand to grab a cookie.

"I don't really like going to the beach," Quarter shot the brunette an apologetic look, nervously rubbing her hands together.

Sayu waved her off. "No worries, I'll just go to the beach with my family some other time." She then munched on the cookie making a sound of delight. 

"Who made these?!" she asked, reaching out for another.

"I did," the blonde proudly said.

"You are the Goddess of Desserts, GOD! I love you!" Sayu dramatically moaned, shoving more cookies in her mouth.

"It r-really isn't anything special," Quarter humbly said.

Sayu looked at her as if she had grown another head, "You're kidding me, right? I don't have a sweet tooth, but this? If could eat these for the rest of my life? I'd do so in a heart beat! Don't sell yourself out short."

Quarter blushed in embarrassment. "T-thank you."

"Now that I think about it, you told me you wanted to open a bakery, right?" Sayu suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I want to be the best baker in L.A and support my mom." Quarter had a glazed look, her eyes shining at the future she saw. "But first I need to finish school and save up money," she sighed, reaching out for her own cookie.

"I can help you, you know," Sayu offered.

"No, I want to realize my dream on my own," Quarter firmly said. "Otherwise it won't mean anything to me."

Sayu YagamiWhere stories live. Discover now