An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a requiem of fury for evil.

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"I think something that a lot of humans have in common is the desire to do something great. I'm eighty percent sure that everyone around me wanted to be a hero when they were little. I am no exception, but I didn't delude myself into thinking that a hero could be a hundred percent good. Even a hero has done one or two bad things in their life. So yes, I wanted to be a hero, but a different kind of hero. I wanted to fight for good, but I was willing to do anything to make sure I achieve my cause. When I became older I realized that the term is 'Anti-hero'. I liked it. I mean why would I want to be good to everyone for no reason? Why would I want to forgive those who've wronged me just because of a stupid reason like everyone deserves a second chance? Sure some deserve a second chance, but others don't. Take the Joker from Batman for example. Batman didn't kill the Joker despite every chance he got, and guess what? The Joker pisses on the Batman's kindness every time. Me? I don't have that much of a kind heart to forgive someone so easily."


Some say that when it comes to revenge one has to dig two graves.

With a slight smirk, Sayu typed a response as she walked to the couch.

Yeah, well once my vengeance has been served there's gonna be more than two graves needed.

She closed her phone.

"G'morning~" Sayu yawned loudly as she plopped down the couch next to Light.

"Good morning," Light greeted, ruffling her hair distractedly.

"You're up late Sayu-chan," Sachiko noted in the hotel kitchen. Sachiko had insisted to cook at least one meal a day for the family despite Sayu and Light's protests.

"Mn, I was busy texting my friend," Sayu informed, and as if to prove her point her white phone rang signaling that she had received a text.

Soichiro, who was sitting on the arm chair, finally spoke up. "It isn't healthy for you to stay up late just to text."

Sayu had to bite back an angry retort of calling Soichiro out for being too busy for his family, and instead shrugged casually, knowing that it would irritate her father before turning to Light.

"Hey, Light, what're you watching?"

Light spared her an attentive glance before nodding towards the television. "News."

"Then turn up the volume," Sayu murmured.

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