(Edited 5/17/18)
Crap, it's too early for this.My phone beeps, waking me from my sleep and I groan. I take my phone off of the charger and I look at the text message.
Tatum tot: Hey meet me at the mall? I'll buy you something sexy ;)
I swear I have the most perverted guys on Earth in my life.
J: Really not necessary, can I go one day without a guy doing/ saying stuff to me?
Tatum tot: Nah, it's not my fault you're really pretty.
I blush at the compliment and I hear footsteps at my bedroom door. I ignore it and I turn on my stomach, I glance over at the spot where Kait was laying and I wonder where she's been.
J: Thanks? But I'd love to catch a break. Having guys hit on me all the time gets annoying.
Tatum tot: By 'guys' I'm assuming you're talking about Liam...
Here we go.
J: Yup...
Tatum tot: Well I can't really do what I want to do about that because we aren't in a relationship, but if he's harassing you then his ass is getting kicked.
J: Yeah yeah whatever. He's not harassing me. When am I supposed to meet you?
I look back at the door when I hear the knob jiggle and I raise my eyebrow. Kait swings the door open and she runs over to my bed. She jumps on it and lays down beside me. "Good morning hoe!"
What an awesome way to greet someone.
Cue the eye roll.
I roll my eyes and hit her on the forehead. "I'm not a hoe, last time I checked I still have my virginity unlike some-"
"Shut up. I was drunk and he was horny," she puts her hand over my mouth and looks down at my phone. "Tatum tot's dying to see you huh?" She teases.
"Now you shut up. He wants me to meet him at the mall, so I'm bringing you with me." I get on all fours, arching my back to get a good stretch and I feel someone's hand slap my butt.
"Now that's something I'd love to wake up to every morning," I hear Liam say behind me and I let out a frustrated sigh.
"All you nasty perverted boys need to disappear from my life," I turn over on my back and kick him in the stomach. "And you don't have my permission to touch me like that."
"Can I go two seconds without seeing PDA from you two?" Kait rolls her eyes and walks out the room door after pushing Liam on the floor.
"Okay, I'm sorry. But I might do it again depending on what you wear today, I can't help it. It's a working process," He sits on my bed and my phone dings again. I sit up and check it.
Tatum tot: 12 I guess, so we can get lunch maybe?
Liam peers over my should and he frowns. "Are you two dating?"
Him too?
"No, we are friends, but he does like me." I clear my throat and I see him staring blankly at me.
"I don't want to pry, but do you like him back?" He still has a blank expression on his face, leaving me clueless on why he's asking.
"I told him I do, but now that I'm thinking about it I'm not one hundred percent sure. It's confusing," I told him truthfully. I honestly don't know. It just doesn't feel the same...

The Player in Him
Teen Fiction"Why aren't you scared?" I whine and he laughs. "Come on, you wouldn't dare hurt me with that. It's too risky, and I can get out of this easily, babe." I can tell he's smirking and it's sickening. "Oh yeah? Try." I say confidently and in o...