(Edited 7/13/18)
"Answer me!" I scold, whisper-yelling into the phone.
"What the hell do want?" She says coldly.
"How convinced are you about that whole Liam and street fighting thing?" I whisper.
"I don't even know anymore since you don't tell me shit." I can sense the glare coming through the phone.
What's her problem?
"What do you mean? I tell you everything." I say in a 'duh' tone and she scoffs.
"You tell me the same annoying shit over and over again. 'Liam came home with bruises again.' 'Liam didn't show up last night.' I swear you make me want to throttle you in your sleep." She grunts.
"Did you and Tatum have angry sex last night?" I ask her and she gasps.
"No! I haven't had sex with him yet."
"Yet?" I smirk.
"Is this the reason you called me?"
"No, you're just extra snappy today." I shrug.
"Maybe because you woke me up from a great nap on Senior Ditch Day."
"A nap in the morning?"
"Shut up. Did you check his room?" She asks me and I drop the phone on my bed.
His room.
Why didn't I think of that?
"I'llcallyouback." I say still whispering, but my words are rushed.
"I said, I'll call you back." I whisper-yell, cutting the line.
Time to work the magic. I rub my hands together. Cue that evil grin. I roll out of bed, making sure to bump into my dresser and I bang on the walls a bit.
I put on some black shorts and a black tank top; I feel like a spy. James Bond, you better watch your back. I walk down the stairs, holding my hands up to both sides of my head and I see Liam on the couch, watching tv.
And...5...4...3...2...1...Action! I'm shaking. I don't think I've ever lied to Liam before...I hope he buys it.
"Liam bean," I groan, walking slowly to the couch. I slowly take a seat beside him and lean my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He glances at me, smirking.
What's so smirk worthy?
"I. Have. A terrible hangover," I sigh deeply, rubbing my temples. He's not even looking at me what the hell.
"You do?" He turns to me, shaking me.
I didn't realize I was supposed to be complaining about my pain and stuff as he was shaking me, but I recovered. "You whore!" I whine, hitting his arm and placing my hands back on my head, pouting.
"I'm sorry." He says blankly and I narrow my eyes at him.
He doesn't believe me.
"I'm serious," I lay down, my head in his lap. "Okay. So maybe it doesn't hurt that bad...but I do feel a little dizzy. Can you hit me up with that good good?" I ask him, poking his stomach.

The Player in Him
Novela Juvenil"Why aren't you scared?" I whine and he laughs. "Come on, you wouldn't dare hurt me with that. It's too risky, and I can get out of this easily, babe." I can tell he's smirking and it's sickening. "Oh yeah? Try." I say confidently and in o...