Chapter 11: Oh shit

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(Edited 6/29/18)
"So school starts in about a week. Did you go shopping?" My mom asks me, sipping on her water.

We're at a pretty nice restaurant. I guess all those late shifts and extra hours paid off. The setting is nice, I feel like I'm sitting inside caramel candy. Literally everything is caramel colored. "No, not yet. I tried to earlier, but Liam didn't want to," I take a sip of my sprite.

There's light jazz music playing to fill in the pauses, but I have a feeling there won't be any. "What have y'all been up to while we were gone?" Mom asks and I glance at Liam.

He shrugs and I roll my eyes. "Oh the usual, I've been with Kait and Liam's been with his football friends."

"Doesn't she have that boyfriend?" My mom loves gossip. Oh my goodness she does. She had me at a young age so she's drama filled.

Oh shit. I completely forgot to invite her.

But by the looks of it, Ma seemed to have forgotten as well.

"Yes, that would be Brandon." Michael turns to Liam and he asks him about his future in football; making themselves their own conversation. I guess that's the boys version of gossip. Who am I to tell?

"Oh is he good looking? I refuse to have Kait around any ol' scrub." She laughs and I join in.

"Yes mother, he is good looking. I made sure of that, she is my best friend. Anyway enough of me, how was your vacation? Is that what it was?" I swirl my straw around in my glass.

Her face lights up and I smile too. I love to see my mom happy. The only thing that worries me is this whole 'forbidden romance' matter.

The waitress comes back with our food. I got a burger because I was craving one forever. Liam got one too because apparently he wouldn't 'look like a man' if he didn't and I did.

Weirdo. Ma got a four cheese pasta dish that looked freaking sexy as hell. And Michael got some kind of chicken dish, I don't know what that was. It looked appetizing.

Everyone started eating, except for my mom who was getting ready to tell me about their trip. I started munching on my burger as she started.

"It was amazing. We went out and had a really good time at the beach. I made some Empanadas that were to-die-for. Michael liked those a lot. He took me out on a date the last night and asked me to be his girlfriend-"

Pause. What?

"What!" Liam and I both scream and I start choking on my burger. I literally choked. I'm coughing really loudly and everyone in the restaurant has their focus on me.

Liam jumps out of his chair and starts patting my back. He takes his water and gives it to me to drink. I think about it, but I give in and sip on the water. Not for long, though, because I immediately think about how his lips have been on the straw and I set it on the table.


After about a good 15 minutes, everyone returns to their chatting and I sit back in my chair with Liam getting back in his.

"What the hell!" My mom says with wide eyes.

"Are you okay, Jasmine?" Michael asks me and I give them a nod.

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