Chapter 12: Well this sucks

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(Edited 6/29/18)
Beep! Beep! Beep! B-

     I hop out of bed and jump right into the shower after turning off the alarm. Liam's clothes are still in the bathroom from last night, I guess I should drop kick him.

I hear footsteps outside the bathroom door and I yell, thinking it was him. "Liam! I'm going to kick your ass! Pick up your clothes when exiting the bathroom, you asshole!"

     "Jasmine Josefina! I should kick your ass! Stop cursing!" My mom rages and I wince. Damnit. I thought she was gone...

     "Sorry ma," I yelled. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I ask her, feeling the hot water running over my body.

I love showers

     "I called out today because I got a call saying you got two detentions in one day." I could feel her shaking her head at me.


"In my defense, Liam got it too and so did Kait and some other girl. The teacher was in a pissy mood," I shrugged as if she could see me.

"That doesn't make it right, Jasmine. We'll talk later. Get to school on time." I hear heavy footsteps grow faint as I continue my shower.

How did she know I was late?

I get out of the shower and actually try today by putting on a dress. I pulled my hair up into a bun and gelled my edges. The usual.

I go downstairs when I finish my morning routine and I heard the door close, letting me know my mom went for a jog. She's always jogging to clear her mind.

Is she really mad?

God, no.


I take out some eggs and bacon, beginning to make myself a killer omelet with tomatoes and mushrooms. Oh, don't forget the cheese.

I whip up my eggs and chop everything that needed chopping. Making my omelet, I feel arms wrap around my waist, and someone's front pressed against my back.

"Morning baby, daddy's home." I hear Liam say, kissing my neck softly.

I roll my eyes, trying to ignore the tingles I get from his touch.

Oh you love it.

No. No I don't.

Whatever, keep telling yourself that sweetie. You're doing just fine.

I feel him inhale my scent rather loudly. "Damn you smell good—hey omelets! For me? Damn, I knew I like yo—yodeling." He drops his arms and I burst out laughing.

I take the omelet and put it on a plate handing it to him. "You're pathetic, just admit it. You like me." He stares at me like I'm an animal and clears his throat, walking towards the table.

"Yeah, right." He says sarcastically, getting a fork. "Thanks for this though, I'm hungry."

It wasn't even for you idiot.

"Yeah uh huh. Anyway, I'm going to get Kait to pick me up, fine with you?" I ask him while making another omelet for myself.

"Why do you do that?"


"Why do I do what?" I turn towards him, tilting my head to the side.

"You're always asking for my permission to do stuff. Just like when you asked me if you could go to that asshole's house a while back." He finishes his omelet and I'm impressed. That was like 2 minutes. "You always ask me first. Why?"

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