Chapter 13: Fine

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(Edited 7/2/18)
I could barely last a week.

     It was so hard. Not being able to talk to Liam. Yeah, yeah it was my choice, but whatever. I need to talk to him. It's only been day 5. It's Friday night, and I'm supposed to be going to a party with Kait.

Shit, I hope it's not a huge party.

Yes you do.

No. I don't want to see Liam.

Oh, you don't know what you want.

     I don't. I'm hurting. As soon as I came home that day, I waited up. Why? I couldn't sleep. Liam has become one of my best friends, and so has Tatum. I called him that night and he just listened to me rant. But of course, he knew everything that was going on with Liam.

He wouldn't tell me, though. I begged and begged and begged, but I realized that I'm changing, man. I have never allowed myself to give a damn about anyone, other than my family. After my brother and father died, I cut out everybody except Kait and mom.

I didn't need anyone else. Then, Liam fucking Forte waltzes into my life, along with Michael; Liam was a complete pain in my ass, but I warmed up to him.

Now look at us, we're fake dating and my mom is actually dating Michael.


Ugh, don't remind me.

Part of me wants to believe that it's not incest because we aren't dating and our parents aren't legally official. I just pray they don't become that any time soon.

Day 2, I sat in my room all day. Yep, I skipped class. My mom was pissed, but I just lied and said I was sick. Same for day 3 and 4. But day 4, I sat in bed and finished an entire tub of Edy's Slow Churned Double Fudge Brownie ice cream. Yes, I live for chocolate.

Liam never set foot in the house all week and I miss him like hell. Tatum won't even answer my phone calls anymore. He just texts me because apparently 'my voice is depressing'.


Tonight's the night of the party. And just my luck: It's one of the biggest parties this year. What the hell. Everyone's going to be there. Everyone.

I can't. I. Don't. Want. To. Go. I sigh the biggest sigh ever—kind of hurting my lungs. My phone rings...


"Hey boo!" Kait screams, very perky like and I roll my eyes, a big smile on my face.

"Bella! How's school, your girl is sick." I fake cough into the phone and I hear Kait scoff.

"Bitch please, I know you're lying. You've been out because of Liam. Yeah let's not forget that you spammed my notifications." She says sighing. "Come to school?"

"Uh. No thanks, it's Friday and I'd rather not see Liam. He's in majority of my classes." I frown at the thought and my heart feels heavy.

I don't like this feeling of whatever it is.

"I don't think you heard me clearly." She clears her throat and I know she's narrowing her eyes at me. "Come. To. School. It's not a question, it's an order."

"Nah. I think I'm g—"

"I'm outside your house and I have a spare key. Get up and put on clothes, lazy ass."


     I jump up and run to my closet. I hear the front door open and slam shut as footsteps climb up the stairs.

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