Chapter 50: Eh, Celebration

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(Edited 8/5/18)
     "No, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I narrow my eyes at Cole as he puts a bunch of chips on a table.

     "What the fuck does it look like, Cupcake?" He gestures to the chips, "Putting chips on the table." He gives me a 'duh' look.

     "No, asshat, that's the drink table." I step down from a chair that I was standing on for hanging up 2018 banners and little streamers for New Years.

     "Look," his grey eyes look at me sternly, he's beginning to get angry with me. "You aren't going to talk to me like this, now my trust in you might have jumped up to five percent, but I'm not taking any shit."

     I roll my eyes, about to get up in his face when I'm pulled back. "Woah there, shortie, New Year resolution for you: handle your temper," Sean bends down to say it in my ear.

     Newly pierced, may I add. I decided to get an industrial piercing on my right ear Saturday, yesterday.

     It. Hurts. Like. A. Bitch.

Okay, I promised myself I wouldn't cry, so I didn't. But damnit I was damn near it when he poked me. I was just cursing in Spanish while the guy comforted me in Spanish. It was funny, actually.

It was an arrow. I didn't want it to be a traditional one, but I wanted to avoid any more holes being poked into my flesh.


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"Whatever. You need to get your shit together, Cole. This party will be the best one yet!" I yell at him as I walk through the other parts of the house we rented.

Using my money.

I could've slapped everyone when I asked how we were going to pay for the pool house we rented and all I got was 12 pairs of eyes looking at me expectantly.

Broke ass kids. You'd think since we live in a rich neighborhood the kids would put out. Yeah, no.

I have to hand it to them though. They paid for decorations and food and drinks. Since it was a party for everyone and anyone to show up, we decided to buy off brand soda and cheap liquor.

Sorry not sorry.

Basically, everyone who doesn't bring their own alcohol are bound to be trashed New Year's Day. Ah, well.

It's kind of cool that we decided on a pool house, but geez it's a tab. Especially since it's almost the middle of winter. Okay, to someone who's used to living in Minnesota, Maine, or Alaska, this would be summer.

But growing up in Louisiana all my life, I complain when it hits late 40s in the degrees. I'm sorry, call me spoiled.

Either way, I have to pay for heat the entire night of New Year's Eve and then some for January 1st when wild, horny teenagers and young adults want to stay until 3 in the morning.

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