Chapter 46: Birthday sex?

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(Edited 8/3/18)
     "Fuck fuck fuck," I roll out of bed and my toe hits the corner of my table. "Shit shit fuck."

     I look at the time and I pull at my curls. No no no! I overslept. Fuck...

     I woke up on time, then I told myself I was going to get a good 15 minute nap, and I guess my 15 minutes went on eight times. 2 hours!

Fuck shit fuck.

     I sprint over to my closet and I yank out some clothes to see what I'm going to wear for the day. My phone rings and I grunt, turning back and going to my bedside table.

"Hello?" I answer my phone blindly, rubbing my eyes furiously to get rid of my tiredness.

"Girl what the hell? You were supposed to be up hours ago!" Tamara yells into the phone.

"Fuck, I know. I was tired. You know we didn't go to sleep until around 5 this morning." I look at the time again, making sure it won't speed up any more than it already has.

"Well are you ready?" She asks. I hear water running in the background.

"Uh no?" I yawn, and then I scrunch up my face when I get a whiff of my morning breath. Alcohol..."I don't know what to wear."

She sighs, I can see her shaking her head at me. "It's his birthday, correct?"

"Holy fucking shit! Liam!" I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth as Tamara helps me figure out the plan for today.

"Well, you have to wear something sexy, but not too bad to where he'll tell you to go back in the house." She thinks go herself. "Wait, aren't you with me most of the day anyway?"

"More or less." I shrug as if she can see me and I throw my hair up into a bun.

     Jogging across the hallway, I slow down and I twist the door knob slowly, peeking in on Liam. He's sprawled out across his bed on his stomach. Yep, he's knocked out.

     His face is buried into his pillow. I would've been in there checking to make sure he was breathing, but his snoring was a give away.

"Damn, he sounds like a hog." Tamara laughs through the phone.

"You're way too country, and I was born and raised in Louisiana." I chuckle when I closed his door back and made my way to mine. "What's the status on Cole?"

"In the shower," she pauses. "So the plan for the morning is to get everything ready for tonight?"

"That's the plan."

"Wear something sexy, what's a nice dress—"

"I'm telling you right now, I'm not wearing a dress." I cut her off. I'm definitely not in the mood to be confined to a dress. I really want to wear sweats.

"Come on! It's his birthday, he'll go crazy when he sees you in one." She starts to name different combinations I could wear and I roll my eyes, giving in.

"Fine, fine. Stop ranting," I smile, grabbing my towel to get ready and take a shower. "I'm heading to the shower. I'll be ready in an hour."

"'K babe." And the line cuts dead.

I finally decide on an outfit, then I decide to leave my hair down curly today. Brushing takes too much effort.

 Brushing takes too much effort

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