(Edited 8/1/18)
Part 2"Like oh em gee, let me tell you about this guy," I hold my hand out, my palm facing the floor.
"Lay it on me, babe," Liam sits back, leaning on the bathroom mirror.
"Okay. So like, he's in my sixth period Strength class. He has black hair with blonde streaks. It's all messily sat in the top of his head." I wave my hand around for extra emphasis.
"Oh wait a minute," he leans forward, his elbows on his thighs. "The one with the nose piercing."
"Oh my gosh, yes. His name is Rein." I smile nodding my head frantically. "He's so strong—"
"—and hot, babe, don't forget hot." Liam adds in, his voice an octave or two higher.
"Right. He's super hot." I fan my face. "Like I get the fucking chills he's so hot. And he can lift a lot—"
"—But he's not as strong has Liam." Liam says, a hint of a smirk forming on his face.
Of course during this he decides to boost his ego. "Shereatha, no. You mean that Forte kid?"
"Yeah the ridiculously sexy one? You haven't heard of him?" He raises an eyebrow and I look off, pretending to think.
"Hmm...no." I tap my chin with my index. "Nah. Never heard of him, what is he, second string free safety or something?" I ask with a full smirk plastered across my face.
Something flickers in Liam's eyes before he covers it up with a cheery look. "Hell no, Jazzy bear," he tries to giggle, but he fails miserably. "He's the Varsity QB."
"Really?" I pretend to look shocked and he gives me a plain look.
"Moving on. Let me tell you about this fine ass girl—"
"Shereatha, I thought you were gay?" I tilt my head to the side and Liam sits back, a stone look on his face.
"I quit."
"Liam, no. It was getting good, I'm just kidding—"
"Shut up, Jasmine. I'm done." He says seriously, his jaw clenching.
"Oh my gosh, Liam chill," I laugh, throwing my head back and then wincing when my head slams against the wall. "Ow, fuck."
His expression doesn't change and I sigh. "Liam. It was a joke."
"I don't care," he crosses his arms over his chest, making his bare arms look twice as big.
"You're a sucker," I stick my tongue out like a child. Whatever, who said I was mature?
"You're a swallower." He sends back just as fast.
"Spitters are quitters, you loser." I roll my eyes and his eyes snap back to mine, a piercing bright green quickly flittering to dark.
"That's the sexiest thing that's ever left your mouth." His deep voice and sharp gaze sends chills through my body.
Well, fuck.
I ignore the slight rising in his boxers.
I open my mouth to say something, and a loud crash is heard downstairs making me flinch before anger washes over me.
Liam and I look at each other at the same time, my face showing nothing but shock and fury while his shows amusement and mock shock.
"If anything's broken down there, you're dead." I say venomously, standing up and swinging the door open before it's kicked back closed by Liam.

The Player in Him
Teen Fiction"Why aren't you scared?" I whine and he laughs. "Come on, you wouldn't dare hurt me with that. It's too risky, and I can get out of this easily, babe." I can tell he's smirking and it's sickening. "Oh yeah? Try." I say confidently and in o...