Chapter 17: Oh.

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(Edited 7/10/18)
Two. Weeks.

Two whole weeks!

     If you don't know, two weeks from today, basketball tryouts are held. I obviously won't be trying out.

Cocky now, aren't we?


Did you hear that?


     No. I seriously don't have to tryout because I've been captain all my years. Instead, I'm holding tryouts for the J.V. team. Is the school a little bias? Yes.

     In order to keep a good rep, they let the captains stay on the team, but your position can change. So far, with me being captain and all, we've won 3 championships and I intend to keep the title.



Am I hearing things?

Whatever, moving on...

     The only way I can do that, however, is by helping out the J.V. team. If I can find great kids for the junior varsity team, then when they get to varsity, they'll have a shot at the title.

     But right now all that is being tossed out the window. Homecoming is tomorrow. I still don't have a date. Half the girls in school still don't have a date.


     I might end up not going for the fourth year in a row. Remember way back when, when I said that nobody even looked my way...yeah. Sucky time for me. I don't really like the fact that people started coming around my junior year.

Where've you been all my life?


I look to my right and I see my phone flashing and going off. Oh. That's what that was...

My Bella: Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up! Up! Up! Up! WAKE UP!

My Bella: Goodmorning hoeee I love you.

My Bella: Look, I can't take you to school today, I'm going to Starbucks with Brandon. K?


J: Now wait just a minute. I was supposed to interrogate him yesterday!

My Bella: Oops?

J: Nope. Bring your ass here, Brandon too. I'll be out in 15.

I hop out of bed and throw my phone on it. My hand is a little swollen from punching her yesterday, but I'll just ice it later.

I pull on a sweater, a red scarf, and jeans because this Louisiana weather is killing me this year. Since when does it get cold so fast?

I walk to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and pulling my hair into a really messy bun. I look in the mirror and frown.

Note to self: Thread eyebrows and upper lip.

Because ew.

Okay there'a barely anything there but still.

I walk back into my room and I get my phone and purse. I walk downstairs, only to see that my Ugg boots aren't there. When I get my shoes and make it back down the stairs, I'm winded.

There's my workout for the month.

I step out of the house and Kaitlyn is parked outside. Yay. I make my way to the backseat and I say hello to Kait, purposely leaving Brandon out.

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