Chapter 30.

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So last chapter I told you about that contest ...and we have a winner it's Zayns_Midnight_angel so this chapter it's dedicated to her :* <3 x 

"What if we fail?" I nervously said to Denise as we where in the side walk of the new unfamiliar house we should be babysitting in.

"Last time I was worried for a job,You told me not too.And the job we used to work at was way harder than this" Denise said while finally ringing the door bell.

"No it wasn't..We have to deal with kids now...they might be pests" I whispered making sure that now one except Denise will hear me.

"Will see." She simply said and popped the chewing gum.

The door opened reviling a middle aged lady she was in her fourty's,she greeted us with a smile and invited us in.

"So the kids are upstairs they will came down any minute now!" She excitedly said.

"Ok ma'am!" Denise said not sure of what title to give her.

"Call me Bridget" She smiled.

" I was really thrilled when I found out that it would be the two of you.having two babysitter is way better than one,mostly when it comes to does little devils" She laughs.

We gave her a fake laugh.As me and Denise both became nervous at the mentioning of the word Devils. I was dying to turn around and face Denise and tell her 'See.I told you It wouldbn't be easy!'

I just love it when I am right.More with Denise.

"Feel free to grab something to eat the fridge is over there.Make yourself at home" She pointed towards the kitchen

"I surly will" Denise said as she popped her chewing gum again.I just wanted to trow her chewing gum away it was starting to get on my nerves.

"Molly is allergic to Strawberry's.Nigel to peanuts.Nathan to nothing.And Sam is a crusher he is willing to eat anything.If you need me call me.Only in emergency's.And I hope that that dosen't happen do we?" She stared at us,Grabbed her bag and made her way out of the door.

"Omg!.I'm freaking out what the hell you heard her she mentioned about six Children.We are only two.They will tie us up and burn the house!" I started panicking as I made sure Bridget was out of the front door passage way.

"Four.There are four Children" Denise teases as she sat on the sofa.

"What ever!" I say us I run my hand through my hair.

"Till now the children didn't show up maybe they will stay in there room all day,just chill" Denise tried to calm me.But now I was far from calm children take responsibility.And four of them take way too much responsibility.Sometimes I am not even responsible for myself.And imagine about four children.I sat on the sofa near Denise thinking trough my thoughts as I heard her laugh.I looked at her with a confused expression and saw that she was on her phone.

"You are you texting?"I curiously asked her.

"Nobody..Just Niall" She laugh as she bites her  lip.

"Nobody? Niall is a somebody and what a somebody!.Omg you guys are texting!" I exclaimed as I practically jump on her to see what she was texting.But she didn't let me peak.

"Yes we are texting.We have been all month." She simply says as she looks back to her screen like it's nothing.

"Don't act like nothing fucking damn happened.He likes you." I smile a huge smile and crawl to hug her.But she is to busy on her screen to hug me back.

"You're Harry's Girlfriend why are so acting so surprised that we are texting" She pulls her tongue out at me.

"I know..But he likes you.And oh my god I want to be the bridesmaid!" I shrike in excitement.

"Wow wow hold your horses..Bridesmaid? We are just friends he likes me but as a friend"

"Sure" I wink at her.

We suddenly get disturbed by two children running around screaming and throwing things.I guess it was time.They woke up.They trowed a few stuff at each other.It wasn't long enough till they got into hands and started to fight.

"Hey hey!.Stop it!" Me and Denise yelled as we tried to separate the two of them.We finally succeeded and separated them.

"Guys do not fight you'll get hurt" I calmly say to them with a  worried tone.They both give me death glares.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the children spat.

"I'm Britney.And you are?" I try to ignore the tone of language he just spoke me in a few seconds ago.He looks young.One of those spoiled little Children that they think they are something they are not.

"Oh Britney..My name is Nathan,wanna make out?" He gave me a croaked smile.

"What ew no!" I said as I back away from him.

"So you must be Nigel?" Denise asked.

"What me no.I'm Sam.Nigel is the two year old baby who is currently in the bath alone with water all around him." The other boy named Sam laughed at me and Denise soon joined by Nathan.

"What!" I shouted as I just heard the words he just said.I quickly didn't waste anytime and ran upstairs towards the bathroom followed by Denise.When we walked into the bathroom we could hear the crying of a baby.We saw the poor little thing in the bath.Filled we icy water.To our luck the water level wasn't high.So the baby was not harmed.But the water was freezing cold.I crabbed the baby.Pulled down the water tab.And tried to find some dry clothes for him.I walked near a room.When I saw a girl on the bed.She was a teen. "Miss.Did you not hear you're little baby brother crying?"

"I did but I think it is your job to look after my Brothers" She Rudely said.

"And you.I have to look after you.Now you better behave..I do not need anymore of this." 

She got up form her chair and slammed the door in my face.Wow how rude.I decided to ignore her presence and get downstairs near Denise.Somehow she got Nathan and Sam calmed down.They we're playing video games together them and her.They seemed to be getting along.I decided to cook them something to eat.We sat on the sofa and watched some funny TV shows.The day ended and Bridget came back home.She looked very surprised when she saw Sam and Nathan asleep on the sofa.She payed us and we got into my car.Denise was staying at my house tonight.We were to exhausted.

"It was nice" Denise smiled.

"Yeah it was .After we settled all the panic" I laughed we where in my room getting ready for bed.Till I heard my laptop ring.It was Harry.I looked at Denise.

"Go on answer him!" She encouraged me.

I answered him to my surprise Niall was next to him.Denise had told him that she was staying at my house so we decided to make a double Skype date.They looked adorable,Their messy hair sticking to the side.Their flashed red checks they look tired as well.We both ended the call one hour later.

" awake?" I say in the middle of the night

"Well now I am" She says in a sleepy tone.

"I have to tell you something."

"Hmm" she hums still half asleep but still listening.

"Remember that night at the bar.When I almost got harassed by that drunk man and that guy in the hoody practically saved me."

"Yeah I do..haha Now I remember I told you "maybe he was Harry Styles!" She laughs taking it as a joke..If she only knew.

"Well I think he was."

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