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We found ourselves in front of the red door of the house, the one in which we had a first sleepover together when we were all 12. I sigh as Ashton's veiny hand grabs hold the the gold door knob and twists the door open.

The smell of body odor and booze hits all of our noses, causing us to scrunch up our faces. In da Club by 5o cent blasts through the speaker hooked to his tv, where tons of sweaty pubescent teenagers were galloping and grinding on one another.

The sounds of people cheering by the long white table causes a rush of people to head towards that way. I found myself grabbing on tightly to one of the boys, trying not to lose them in all this chaos.

"Hold on any tighter and I swear you're going to rip skin" Luke turns back to whisper to me, causing me to chuckle.

We all made way to the kitchen, where less people gathered, only those who wanted to get drinks. Bottles of all sorts of assortments of alcohol filled the marble countertop.

"And that vodka is calling my name." Michael says, leaning over to get some. Ashton had found red cups for the three of us since he was driving. Michael poured our cups and mixed then with soda so it wasn't too strong of a taste.

My eyes scanned the room, looking at all the people here. I didn't know much of the people here, at least not well. I saw some of them in school, had some classes with a few , but I didn't talk to them the way I talked to the boys. They were the only actual friends I had.

"You guys made it!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I averted my attention, seeing him stand next to the others. Handshakes were being exchanged between the boys while I looked into my solo cup, spinning my drink around.

"And what a lovely surprise we have here." Calum smirks, making his way to greet me. He stood close, his stature towering over me.

"Hi Calum." I bitterly responded, my eyes still focused on my cup. "I had a feeling that was your voice.

"Of course you knew it was. You know better than anyone else. I mean,you've heard it in the bedroom." he whispers in my ear. I felt his lips curve into a sly smirk upon my ear.

I scoff in digusted, pushing him away from me. I move closer towards the other three, who seemed to be having a great laugh of this whole thing.

"No need to be feisty, babygirl." Calum calls out to me. I roll my eyes at him, giving him the finger.

"I'm waiting for the part when you two kiss and make up" Luke says.

"Or screw and make up, your choice" Michael adds, causing me to hit him the shoulder.

"Thats not going to happen. Besides, I'm not even supposed to be here in the first place, let alone be here with him. " I fold my arms into my chest, turning on my heel to walk out of the room.

I felt two arms, pull me into the body from behind. A notion in which I was all too familiar with. My body had become to accustomed to his touch, a touch that it had once loved. Every fiber of my being felt the love once again, which made me push him away to resist the feeling.

"You don't get to do that!" I yelled at him.

"Why not? It makes you go crazy doesn't it.?" A cocky grin appeared on his face

"No it doesn't okay. I hate it and I hate you." I snapped back at him.

He scoffs. "You love me."

"No I don't" I laugh.

"Yes you do.

"No I don't" I say, with more seriousness in my voice.

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