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"Okay," Luke began, sliding his way into the booth across from Michael and I. Ashton and Calum sat alongside with Luke. "On a scale from one to ten, how much do you guys love me?" he chirped, with a giddy smile on his face.

"Hmm lemme see." Michael spoke, picking up his menu and scanning the possible food choices. It was Thursday, which were our weekly diner days.

I'm surprised our faces are planted on some cheap construction paper, dabbed with glittery things and crayola marker that says, "Costumers of the Year." with our pictures on the bottom of course. Call me conceited, but we have been coming here every Thursday for the past year and a half. Besides, the amount of money Michael spends to get a huge amount of food probably puts these chef's children through college.

"Negative 5" he answered, chucking. We all let out soft laughs.

"Hmm, well then I will dismiss telling you guys about a little meeting we could've possibly have with a record company this Saturday, that's all." Luke's words trailed off lightly as he picked up a menu himself. We all looked at him, wide-eyed and jaw dropped.

"A meeting?!" I gasped in excitement.

"With a record label." Calum added.

"On Saturday, when were you planning on telling us?!" Ashton nudged Luke.

Luke did not seem phased, flipping thru the menu with a smirk on his face, humming lightly.

"Hmm, I dunno. My negative 5 mouth will just stay silent." he pretended to zip his mouth and stuff the 'key' in his pocket. Ashton, Calum, and I all turned to Michael.

"Negative 5? Pssh. What I mean Negative 5 plus fifteen. Your math skills are up to par, so you know that that equals..." Michael words stammered anxiously. He began to count on his fingers, while mumbling numbers to himself.

"Don't hurt yourself Michael, it's 10." Luke laughs. Michael nods his head. I push Luke elbow from across the table.

"Now tell us!" I demanded.

"Okay so-" Luke's voice was cut off by the waiter's voice.

"What drinks can I get for you guys?" he asked us.

"Raspberry Ice Tea." I answered quickly.

"Water." Ashton answered.

"Coke." Calum says.

"Water for me, gotta save these vocals." Luke brags.

"Shut up Luke." the four of us say in unison.

"Sprite for me." Michael says, mid-laugh. The waiter takes down his our drinks and leaves.

We all looked at Luke, with faces that were obvious that we wanted him to continue.

'Oh yeah, back to what I was saying. So I put our last rehearsal on soundcloud. You know, the one where we practice for the gig we have for our school dance next week." Luke spoke.

I completely forgot about the school dance. I mean, I was so focused on making sure our set was perfect that it didn't dawn to me that I had to pick out a dress, let alone find a date. And normally we would all go together, like some weird groupy date thing, but I'm pretty sure they all found dates already.

"So it began to spread like wildfire, especially the song that Calum wrote. Apparently it got in the hands of some guys who work for this record company, C-capitol Records, I think its called."

I covered my mouth in excitement. Capitol freakin' Records. That's a huge deal.

"Some of the best, most bad ass bands are signed to them." I began. "The Beatles, Coldplay, Pink Floyd, Queen, fucking Queen." I rambled on, listing the bands as I counted them off with my fingers. Michael quickly put his hand over my mouth, muffling my words.

"Okay there Human Encyclopedia." he joked. I apologized for rambling and let Luke continue.

"So we have a meeting with them this Saturday, at this stupid hotel, No biggie." Luke says nonchalantly. The waiter came back with our drinks, and we thanked him.

"What can I get you guys to eat?" he asked, flashing a smile at us. I guess it's one of those things you learn in Waiter basics 101, always smile. You better have good teeth and strong faces muscles because it must hurt like hell, always having to smile all the time.

"Our usual." Calum answered. The waiter automatically became confused.

"Ask Martha, she'll know." Calum added. The waiter gave a uncertain smiled and walked away.

"Ok, Scar, you bring our EP with us, along with all those other things. I don't know, you're good with those stuff." Luke says.

I nodded, taking a sip of my tea, "Noted, you guys dress nice. Dress like yourselves, just nice. Which means Ashton," I pointed at him, "Tone it down a bit with the holes in your wardrobe."

He pouted, "Fine, I will."

"Michael, please keep your hair this color." I demanded.

"But I was-"

"No buts!" I gave him the 'you better fucking listen to me or else' look and he soon mumbled, "Fine."

"Luke, you're fine, I don't need to worry about you much." That cause Luke to smirk at all the boys.

"And Calum, just keep your junk in your pants just in case there's a hot girl." I sassed. The boys snickered a bit at my comment. Calum gave them a glare which caused them to clear their throats and act normal. Calum just bit hard on his lip and although his face said that he had something to say, he never said anything more than, "Okay".


Saturday rolled around and to put it in a better way, I was a nervous wreck. The boys were already waiting outside my house in Ashtons car and I was still trying to figure out what the hell to wear. I mean I can go professional and wear something completely different than who I am, but then I told the boys to dress like themselves.

"Hurry up Scarlet!" Michael yells, knocking on my room door.

"I'm coming ! Gimme a sec!" I shout back, putting on my Jack Daniel's V-neck.

"Skirt or Jeans?" I asked Michael from behind the door. I heard him snicker before replying, "You own a skirt?".

"Skirt it is then." I respond, slipping a black skater skirt on.

"Vans or boots?" I asked him again. He let out a huge sigh.

"I don't know Scar, whatever pleases you, just hurry!" He pleaded. I sighed, eventually choosing the boots. I quickly grabbed my makeup from a bottom drawer. I swear to you that I haven't touched these in so long that there were cobwebs around them. I did something quick , grabbed my bag and headed out.

I bumped into who I thought was Michael when I opened the door.

"What the - wow." Calum says turning to me. He had an amused look on his face.

"What?" I asked. "Is there something on my face or-"

"N-no. It's just that um, you look really nice." he compliments.

"Umm, thanks?" I reply. I turned on my heel, mouthing the word 'nice' with a confused look on my face.

"I'll be back later!" I yelled to my mother, holding the door open for Calum and I.

I walked on over to Ashtons car. Luke and Michael's heads hung out from the window as they waited impatiently for me. Once they heard my footsteps, their heads turned and Michael began to smirk and clap while Luke made whistling noises.

"Damn Scar, looking fine as hell!" Luke comments. I tried my hardest not to blush, while still being the sassy person I am.

"Shut up Lucas." I chuckled, opening the door, making Michael scoot down the backseat. Calum trailed in after me, making me sit between him and Michael.

"You guys ready for this?" I asked anxiously.

Ashton looked at me from the mirror, "Born ready."


stuff is gonna go down the next update whoop whoop

i kinda really like their friendships

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