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"What do you think he means by this?!" I asked frustratingly, pacing back and forth in Michael's bedroom. He didn't pay too much attention, his hand was too busy in the bowl of chips we were sharing, while the other hand was on his stupid controller.

"Mhmm uh" his words mumbled as he stuffed his face with chips. He sprinkled off the crumbs from his fingers around the bowl.

I gagged loudly. " Oh god, that's disgusting! This is why I do not share chips with you." I snatched the bowl away from him. His face went from a smirk to a pout real quick.

"I don't know? Maybe he didn't use you for sex like you assumed" He tilted his body left, mimicking his game.

"I knew that already. I mean the whole ' we both fell for each other ' part" I whined, jumping onto his bed. He groaned loudly, throwing his controller across the room. He began to swear under his breath.

"I fucking hate this game." He found room on his bed, right next to me. He grabbed my phone out of my hand and began to read the messages. He chuckled here and there.

"What's so funny?" I ask, taking my phone back.

He shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe because you're completely oblivious. I don't know what is with women. You tried to read deep into things for no reason." 

My eyebrows raised, waiting for him to continue. He sighed.

"Does he need to hire one of those airplane dudes to write in the sky, ' I may be a huge douche but I sorta loved you too - Cal' ?!"

My mouth slightly opened. I wasn't exactly used to hearing that Calum possibly loved me, considering love is a huge, but overused word.

I mean, I love pizza, but I wouldn't marry it.

Okay, the last part was a lie, but still. 

"Um, lets change the subject. How's that girl you've been talking to? Bre-Elle was her name?" 

"She's fine, thanks for asking. But no one says we are done talking about you and Calum-"

I put my hands on my ears. "La la la, I can't hear you Michael." I got up from the bed, running around his room like a five year old.

He began throwing several pillows at me. "You're so immature Scar." he threw the last pillow, which surely hit the side of my head.


Calum and I haven't really talked about the whole situation yet. We've had small chit-chat here and there but its pointless.

Don't ask me how my dog is if  like a few days ago you just admitted you loved me, you jerk.

"Any plans tonight guys?" Luke asks, while we tossed around cards, sitting under the bleachers.

"Got any 5's?" Ashton asks me. I scanned my cards. "Go fish."

"Bullshit Scar." he retorts.

"I swear Ash. I would show you my cards, but then you'll win." I respond.

Michael was laid on the floor, with one ear-bud in his left ear, blasting music.

"Hello? Can anyone answer me?' Luke whined, waving his hands in the air, desperately trying to get our attention.

"Uh, yeah. Friday plans. I got none" I answered back, putting my 3's in the pile. I flip Ashton the finger.

"I heard that there might be this huge bonfire thing at the beach tonight. I was thinking of going but, I don't know." Ashton spoke up.

"I prefer just having a movie night at Ash's than getting sand in my shoes that will be there until I turn 40." Michael added.

We all eventually agreed on a band-only movie night.

"Does this mean we have to invite Calum?" I questioned, as I shuffled the cards in the deck.

"I thought you and Calum were good, ever since your texts." Luke says. I looked over to Michael, eyes widen.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that I told Luke and Ashton about it?" Michael says, innocently. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Things are complicated." I answer.

"Women are complicated." The three of them whined in unison. I gasped loudly.

"Harsh." I placed my hand on my chest. They all nudged me around.

I fucking hate these dorks 


short update opps next one will be longer i promise

can they be my best friends holy shit

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