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"This is so exciting, I swear I can puke." Luke says jokingly as he clenched onto his stomach and fell onto the bed.

We had just finished with our meeting with people who work for Capitol Records, and lets just say, it went well. The men we had a meeting with aren't exactly 'high' up, so there's still a trail of more meetings and anxiousness that awaits us. However, it excites me to see where our future might be heading.

"I'm so happy." Michael says, "And hungry." he adds, pulling out the room service menu from before. The boys huddled around the menu, mumbling and pointing to what they wanted to order. I've never seen them this ecstatic about food, but then again, a rich company is paying for all of this, so it's like an all you can eat buffet.

"Scar, what do you want?" Ashton asks, showing me the list he had made on his phone. I bit down on my lip nervously.

I can't lie to them about the date, they know me too well. I was planning on maybe just telling Michael, and have him attempt to cover for me, considering that I didn't want Calum to know.

Not that he cared enough to accompany Jenn to the dance.

"Actually" I began, my words trailing off lightly. "I have a date in a few." I could already feel my cheeks becoming increasingly red.

Calum's body language become relaxed, to severely tense within seconds.

"A-a date." Calum's voice croaked. I let out a huge nervous sigh, looking down at my shoes as I nodded. His eyebrows raised and his jaw tightened in obvious anger.

"With who?!" Michael blurts out. The other three boys seemed eager to know.

"Yeah, I didn't know you were back in the dating business." Luke adds.

"Me either." Calum mumbles spitefully underneath his breath. He excused himself for a moment and went in the other room.

I went over to my bed, plopping myself on it. I grabbed the nearest pillow, pulling it to my face before letting out a huge scream.

I soon felt two bodies, place themselves on my bed.

"Its with that guy, Nathan. He was in the meeting earlier." I answered.

"The assistant?" Michael asks. I nodded. I sat upright, putting the pillow on my lap.

"That's good for you." Luke nudges me. I pout.

"Not good if Calum is going to hate my guts." I quickly remarked.

I shouldn't care as much about Calum's opinion. However, that's exactly how its been ever since things ended between us two. I was the one who was upset, sulking around for days, doing the cliche thing to do after a breakup. I loved him and he broke me heart.

He went out and started to have flings with girls right away, as if I didn't matter. He'd do it purposely in-front of me, flaunting his new girl toy whenever he had the chance. And once I had enough of it, I flipped the switch, and got angry.

But there will always be a part of me that still hurts, that's still sensitive over the topic, because at the end of the day, I still loved him and I would never want to hurt him the way he hurt me.

"Listen Scar." Luke began softly, "I've seen how this whole thing between you two has affected you. And I'm not one to pick sides, you know that." It was true, Luke was always the mediator to phrase it correctly. He didn't like to get in the middle of things, but he never chose sides either.

"But I've been on your side of this from day one. You were really hurt by this and it took a very long time to finally get you back on your feet, and happy again. And if finally getting back out there is what you need to move on and be truly happy, then don't let anyone hold you back. You deserve this." He smiled warmly at me.

I couldn't contain my huge grin from forming on my face. I tackled Luke onto the bed, giving him a huge hug.

"I really love you guys." I mentioned. Michael soon joined, forming a group hug. Luke began to groan and wince in pain, begging us to get off of him. We gestured for Ashton to join the group hugs, but Ashton isn't the 'touchy' type. We still manage to pull him in against his requests.


I have not been in the dating business for quite a while, or really at all for that matter. I've never really been on a date. I mean, when Calum and I had our thing, when we'd hang just the two of us, it didn't feel like a date most of the time, it felt like we were just hanging, like two friends.

But my date with Nathan was different. It was like those classical dates, you see in movies. When the guy comes and brings your flowers, and you blush so hard that your cheeks are just as red as the roses. Of course the boys embarrassed me at that part, making dirty remarks and such, causing me to leave the hotel room as soon as possible.

And the guy takes you to a beautiful restaurant, that's like top-notch, and you get some of the best seats right away because he has 'connections'. He holds out your chair, like a real gentleman, since he is a real gentleman, and I guess you know how the whole movie date things work out. The night always ends up magical, and it was.

Before we left the hotel, after a whole weekend of complete luxury, I had given Nathan my number, hoping to possibly further the relationship we could possibly have.

"Soo Green Day or Blink?" Ashton asks us, holding up two CD's that he can play on our ride back.

"Green Day."

"Blink." Calum and I say in unison. We glared at each other and groaned loudly.

The three of them sighed heavily. "We can play both, Green Day then Blink, so guys won't have to bicker about it." Ashton rolled his eyes annoyed, putting in the CD. I huffed, folding my arms.

Thunder roared loudly. It was going to rain soon. The quicker we get home, the better. I pulled out my phone, seeing that I had a message.

Nathan: Making sure you did give me some fake number ;)

I couldn't help but grin.

Me: Pizza hut, how may I take your order?

"You two make me sick." Calum remarks. I scoffed angrily.

"Excuse me?" I replied. "You shouldn't be the first to talking, how about you go text your whore."

"Jenni is not a whore." He argued back. "I like her."

I laughed, furiously. "Just how you liked me or was I just your little whore too?" I retorted.

"Shut up the both you." Luke shouts, putting his hands over his ears.

"Stay out of this Luke!" The both of us yell back.

"You know, I don't know why you went out on a date with that stupid guy Nathan in the first place." Calum yelled.

"How does that concern you?! You have Jenni. You proved to me that you obviously have moved on and so have I. Get over it!" I hollered.

"I seriously need both of you to shut the hell up!" Ashton roared, turning the windshield wipers on. It was begin to rain heavily.

"I fucking loved you and all you ever did was walk all over me and at first, I was the one who felt like shit. The one who hurt from this, but you, you don't care. And I'm tired of feeling bad Calum. I'm done!" I cried. "You never loved me!"

"Stop saying I never loved you!!" he screamed, causing me to flinch a bit out how loudly he raised his voice. His whole face flushed red and a vein in his neck bulge.

"Shut up! Both of you just shut the fuck up!" Michael shrieked, heavily annoyed.

The windows were fogged from the heat, caused by our banter.

"Ashton!" Luke cried out.

"What?!" He turned over to Luke.

"Watch ou-"



does the intro make some sense now?

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