➸Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Betty and Abigail came back to the Hospital in Betty's father's truck in order to drive them all to Camp Half-Blood. Abigail went around the back of the hospital and she found the transformer that controlled all of the power within the hospital. She pulled out a bunch of wires and she cut the power to the entire hospital except for certain rooms that she was able to trace in order to ensure the safety of other patients.

Just as all of the lights went out Veronica and Archie ran out of the door holding up a lifeless Jughead while Kevin and Cheryl followed behind them. All five of them got Jughead into the truck and they were now officially leaving riverdale.

Veronica hopped into the back seat to sit next to Jughead. Abigail had grabbed all of their medical supplies; Veronica and Cheryl were going to try and create a solution in order to wake Jughead from his petrified state.

"Say good-bye to Riverdale" Abigail said now sitting in the front seat of the truck

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"Say good-bye to Riverdale" Abigail said now sitting in the front seat of the truck

Right after they crossed the town line Abigail had released a vanquishing spell that was able to reverse the memories of anyone in town that had ever seen or heard of Veronica Lodge and Abigail Rhodes. It was as if they had never ever come to this town and everything would go back to the way it was. The spell also would give the illusion that Betty, Archie, Jughead, and Kevin were still in the town.

"What's the way to camp half-blood?" Betty asked in the front seat of the car

"Go towards New York City, it's the fastest way to Long Island" Abigail stated as she attempted to navigate their way back to Camp Half-Blood. "How's Jughead doing?"

"There's no telling what he will remember when he wakes up, but it's most important that we keep him safe, because it is the most likely scenario that he is the son of Zeus and he is the most important Demigod as of now" Veronica stated as she held up a bottle that was hopefully going to wake up Jughead

She tilted his head back and opened his mouth slightly to pour the solution inside. She poured until the bottle was empty and then she waited. It only took about thirty seconds, but he instantly shot his eyes open and woke up. He tried to catch his breath but he ultimately started to cough at the horrendous taste that was now in his mouth.

"Jughead?" Veronica asked wondering if he was alright

"Hey bud, what do you remember?" Archie asked sitting in front of them

"I remember being in my trailer then all of a sudden this thing was in front of my face. It said something and then I looked at it's glowing beat red eyes and then I just felt like I couldn't move"

"Do you remember what it said?"

"It wasn't in English" Jughead said trying to remember what it was that the creature was able to say. "o gios tou theoú. I think that's what it said"

"Greek for The Son Of Zeus" Veronica said as Abigail and Betty looked at one another

Jughead looked around the car and noticed they were on a highway and not in Riverdale anymore. He was still too weak to move fully, so he just sat in the car. He was extremely confused as to what was going on.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jughead asked

"Jughead I don't know if you remember what I was talking about at sweetwater river, but it's all true. Everyone in this car is the offspring of a Greek Mythology God or Goddess. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true" Veronica explained

"Everyone in this car....." Jughead said looking around at his friends in the car. "Meaning that includes me also"

"Yes" Abigail said from the front seat

"Jug I didn't believe it either at first, but I've seen what these girls are able to do and I believe every word that they have told me" Archie said comforting his very confused and scared best friend. "Have you guys figured out who my godly parent is anyways?" Archie asked no one in particular hoping one of them did

"Your father is Ares; God of war, bloodshed, and violence. He is a skilled warrior that protects Olympus during battle" Cheryl said having figured out who his father and Kevin's father were while everything was going on around them. "And Kevin your father is Hermes; God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing. He's the messenger of the Gods"

Veronica then turned to Jughead and said "and Jughead your father is Zeus; God of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice. He is the king of the Gods and ruler of Mount Olympus"

"This whole thing is unbelievable" Jughead stated

"You'll get use to the unbelievable when you see our cabins at camp" Abigail joked hoping to lighten the mood for a minute during their strange car ride


On Long Island.

"Camp is ten minutes away" Abigail exclaimed from the front seat

Kevin, Archie and Cheryl had fallen asleep during the car ride. Betty was still driving with Abigail in the passenger's seat next to her. Veronica and Jughead were sitting in the back seat together. She had her head rested on his shoulder and she was so anxious and scared to return to camp that she was actually shaking. She was erotically tapping her feet on the floor and she had a shivering sensation throughout her hands that showed that she was terrified to return back to camp. Jughead held her close to him hoping to calm her down. He would kiss her forehead and whisper good things to also calm her down.

He wasn't aware of why she was so frightened but he didn't care, because he just wanted her safe.

"We're here" Abigail said

Everyone piled out of the car and waited in front of the camp's sign.

"Alright Cheryl you go first and find Chiron. Bring him to the entrance and we'll be here with them" Abigail stated as Cheryl walked through the protective barrier

A few minutes later all of them outside of the gate were able to hear "VERONICA LODGE!" as they saw a man with long dark brown wavy hair and a beard coming towards the gate. He also had the lower body of a horse.

Chiron is half-man half-horse.

"Sir before you yell at Veronica please just listen to us" Abigail pleaded

"You two deliberately went off the grid in order to complete this mission. Both of you could've been killed and we would've never known about it. After everything's that's happened I don't understand why you would do this"

"I'm sorry sir, I know you are upset about declaring Percy M.I.A, but he will return to camp" Veronica said with compassion for Chiron

"Alright did you complete your mission?" he asked

"This is Kevin; son of Hermes. Betty; daughter of Artemis. Archie; son of Ares" Veronica said pausing. She took a large deep breath in and then exaggerated a blink and said "and Jughead; son of Zeus"

"The only heir to Olympus" Chiron started as his jaw dropped to the floor. "It's an honor to meet you young man" he said shaking Jugheads hand and then the others as well

"Girls please show them around the camp. Son of Zeus come with me please and we'll get up set up right away also"

Veronica looked back at Jughead who was cautiously walking away with Chiron.  Abigail wrapped her arm around Veronica's arm as they walked with the group to show them around the camp.

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