➸Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Now your gonna sit there and listen to us, understand?" Percy announced to Hades

"You children really don't understand the kind of power I have do you" Hades stated

"We don't care about your powers. We just need you to listen to us for a minute" Veronica said

She then gestures for everyone to stick to the plan. Which was that everyone go search the mansion for anything valuable to take in order to get back to New York and onto Mount Olympus. Her, Noah, Jughead, Percy, and Thalia were going to convince Hades of the truth.

Persephone still stood off to the side.

"We know you don't like us, but we know you didn't poison the tree that brought down the barrier of our camp" Veronica stated

"We also know that you're only angry because of your sons death" Jughead said

"Your son was the target, but only to make your anger reach all the way to Mount Olympus in order to start a war with the Gods" Percy said

Hades raised his eyebrow at what they were all saying. It was hard for the group to tell if he was believing what they were saying.  "What about you baby shoes?" Hades asked to Noah who stood in silence

"Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy, she is the one who sent a creature to murder your son. She also poisoned our camps tree" Noah said realizing that Persephone was beginning to leave the room. "We know it wasn't you sir" he said rushing off to talk to the goddess


"Madam Persephone please wait" he said running up to her

"Sweet boy" she smiled down at him. "I lost the privilege of being a Madam when that monster kidnapped me"

"You haven't lost any titles. Look I know you heard everything we were saying back there. All of it was the truth, now you might not believe us, but we can get you out of here" Noah pleaded hoping she would listen

She thought hard about his offer. She was skeptical about trusting the word of a boy who was still barely a teenager. She questioned his knowledges so she asked him "How do you know that Athena is guilty of this?"

"Athena is my mother" he firmly said

"You're willing to risk getting your mother killed or banished....why?"

"My mother is a deceitful liar that has never cared for my sister or me. I'd rather help a genuine Goddess get her life back from this asshole"

Persephone nodded and hugged Noah. She thanked him for his kind words and walked with him back into the main area where the group was still speaking with Hades.


Everyone else had returned after stuffing their bags full of treasures and jewels from the Underworld. Hades was considering all that the children had been saying since they arrived. He was beginning to believe them, but their was one thing that he requested to know before he called off the war between the Gods.

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