0 + 1 = 1

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It was another start of the school year, and it isn't much an exciting day for the variety of students that attends their school. Every student knew much about how education system works, you start with the easiest and you end up inside a pit of hell at the end of the year and it could be far worse than hell if you'd have to retake summer classes because why not? You failed the one thing you had to do at school; study well.

For a person like Park Jimin, it was 'pretty' much a normal high school situation. It was all of a game for him anyways, you start in level one then you upgrade your stuff then the horrible boss aka the hellish teachers come and demand great for the simple subject, everything becomes more of shit.

He has this good grades for every subject that can even climb on the top lists of their room. He was good at history, science, physical education, name it then he may know it.

Well, except that one subject.


"So, I'm facing the shittiest subject that ever existed on earth. Again."

The blonde complained sitting on his chair while tapping his pen at his table. It was totally just the start of his eleventh grade life, he just stepped in the room for no more than five minutes approximately but all he thought of was about his survival in the certain subject.

"Jiminnie, it's all a matter of numbers. You're just making things more complicated. Think positive!" His friend Hoseok tried to initiate, bringing a good vibe to his friend.

"Oh god stop with that positive thing! It makes me remember how I failed that damn exam because of the positive and negative bullshit! Whatever it is the numbers were the fucking same! I just forgot to add that minus sign!"

Jimin truly despised everything that was related to the subject even that tiny-bity word, he's getting that blood pressure that skyrockets on his veins or some creeps running up his spine.

"We're just starting but you're being that negative-"

"Ugh- don't give me that term! Whoever invented that positive and negative thing in numbers was a fuckwit!"

Hoseok scratched the back of his head, wondering on how he'll stop his friend on being such a math hater. He admits that he isn't that good in the said subject but at least he tried to love it just for the sake of passing.

"It just started okay? You don't even know what's bound to happen for the upcoming lessons. It could be much easier than last year!"

"A-huh? It means when the school year started, another shit tons of harder math equations! Oh god, why didn't they just straightly told the definition of Math as Mental Abuse To Humans? Fucking sugar coaters."

"People say you'll improve in a subject if you tried to love what you used to hate. Okay, why don't we try to love math this year?" It was the line that Jimin had enough with him, he doesn't even get where point in Hoseok's life does he get the radiating positivity he was sharing with him. He can't even see the positivity in math!

"Love math your ass. According to statistics at least 3000 students died in the world from overworking themselves in a math equation."

Hoseok just sighed on how his friend always acted throughout the topic of Math once again.

He knew how much his friend despised the subject from their freshman year, Jimin's grades being all A+ then when it comes to math he just received that glaring C- that failed him to reach the top 5 and after that day, Jimin swore that he'll curse every mathematician that invented every equation that existed. It wasn't supposed to be his fault either, his math teacher at eight grade is a newbie with a nut brain that was too lazy to teach. Good teachers are supposed to be the foundation of their freshman years but that teacher deliberately failed at everything, failed at lectures and tests that he can't catch up well which Jimin still curses up to this day.

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