1 + 7 = 8

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"W-wait! N-not just making out..-"

Jungkook reattached his lips with his dearly student showing no intention of stopping, the velvet haired one's back slowly being laid down the teacher's table flatly.

Jimin wanted to free hinself from the suffocating yet addicting kiss of the elder.

Sad to say that as much as he enjoy their kiss, he's isn't ready yet.

Jungkook's hands were unbuttoning his student's uniform, the younger separating from the kiss to stop his actions holding the older's hands yanking it away that it shocked

"Don't you trust me?"

He isn't much shocked that he'll stop him, he actually anticipated that action from him. Of course he was young yet, he'll tell those words typically and it made him smile.

"I-i..ah..n-no..y-yes! Yes I do trust you but.." He can still feel the teacher's gaze on him, the teacher's lips now on his neck damping it on his skin that brings shiver onto his skin emitting a small moan.


He whisphered in a low husky manner, blowing soft hot breath on Jimin's ear before taking nip of it's shell.

"A-ah! I-i'm..not ready yet."

He was embarassed, a faint tint of pink colored his soft cheeks and the teacher stopped his actions parting a way from him with a smile.

"You said so then..I'll respect your decision." He chuckled then started to button Jimin's uniform, fixing the tie properly giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Truly, Jungkook wanted to go further more but if the other says no, then it's no. He can't force the pleasure to Jimin and it was one of the worst thing to do if he'll only think of his own pleasure.

"You're not..mad?"

He knew that Mister Jeon was frustrated that they can't continue the intimate moment that both initiated but it was very comforting that he stopped and calmed down, even giving him a sweet kiss in the forehead that made his heart jump.

"Why would I be? If you're not ready then we won't do it. I'll just wait and perhaps I don't wanna be charged with an assault case if I forced you a pleasure that you're not prepared mentally."

Jungkook held him close, feeling how flustered Jimin is in his arms but it was very warming to him as well that they were just hugging with a bit of malice of course but one thing for sure is that he's making a way for the boy to be comfortable first to him.

"Thank you for understanding, Mister Jeon." Jungkook placed his index finger on those pink plump lips.

"I'll give you a privelage from now on, Jimin."

"And what privelage would that be?"

"You can call me Jungkook if were alone together." Jimin blushed unexpectedly of the thought that he can call him in a first name basis.

Those that mean that..they're a thing..?

"Um, Mister Jeon-" Jungkook pecked his lips suddenly that caught him off guard.

"Jungkook. I said, call me Jungkook. Let's make a deal shall we? I'll count everytime you call me Mister Jeon for the day and every one mistake, it'll count as a one minute kiss." It was a pretty cheeky move from him that he has the advantage for it especially Jimin was obligued to call him in that formal way in class.

"Unfair! I call you Mister Jeon in class and I can't help that!" Jimin whined but deep inside, he took a liking of the idea.

"Then it's better. The more you say my name, the longer we can kiss. Or do you want me to apply a squared or cubed notation so it'll be extra longer?"

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