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Italics for flashbacks

Jimin was sweating nervously.

God, the horrendous subject will be the next one for them to take. He was breathing heavily, all the lessons and thoughts mixing inside his mind.

"Uh..you add first then divide..what how do you substitute that number again? Ugh, how do you do that addition of cosine?"

They were given little time to review and prepare, him writing down and practicing some equation he remembered with his home study with Mister Jeon last night.

"Ugh, I'd rather get fucked than have my mind fucked.."

Jimin was just worrying of his pride. What if the mastery level was announced and he was the lowest? Of course his Kookie would be disappointed on him and the shame, thinking about how shameful it is was giving him major creeps.

"Hey, 'min. Clear your mind first or else you'll forget all of it." He looked at his left side where Sigyn sits, smiling at him. Atleast, she wasn't nervous at all which somehow brought relief to Jimin.

"Thank you for the encouragement. Pretty confident today huh?"

He knows that he was pretty bad at math like him considering they were sitting on the front. Seeing her confident makes him that too.

"Hm! I studied hard on this subject last night. I don't wanna fail this year, I'm aiming for something big."

"Oh, your parents will reward you?"

"Not them, but maybe they'll give me too if I did it. Oh- the exam will start. Goodluck!"

They sat back properly, Jimin giving a quick prayer to pass and kissing his ring hoping for goodluck. Well, he considers it now as a goodluck charm. 

The papers were passed, and when he saw the exam he was wide eyed.

Multiple choices and the last part were problem solving.

The exam was well..he understood it, surprisingly. Just by looking at it, he has the feeling like he knew the answer to it.

'This is similar on what he thought me..just not exact. And he also had this on his previous quizzes that I failed before..'

He licked his lips and started to answer, trying to remember last night when he reviewed with Jungkook.

He was sitting on the wooden chair in front of Jungkook's desk back on his apartment, doing some exercises in Math as he was 'obligued' to do a review for him to atleast pass.

"Why do we need to do this again?"  Jimin scatched his head doing some solving on his paper trying to atleast survive and solve.

"Because you need to pass my subject." Jungkook replied while watching Jimin solve, trying to look on his main weak point in Math so he'll be able to focus teaching him there.

"Don't you want me to fail at first so we can be together for more longer? So you can have remedial classes with me?" Jimin was starting to make excuses so they would stop studying and just spend time together.

"At some point, I  wanted something good for you so I'm reteaching you out of pity. I wanna see you graduate with flying colors." He just sighed. If Jungkook was on his mentally 'Mister Jeon' state, he knew he couldn't do anything and just listen to his words and somehow comply on what he wants academically.

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