1 + 18 = 19

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Jungkook had his lips glued together, trying to get rid of the annoyance he was feeling because of the cock blocker.

He really wanted to grip Taehyung's shirt and kick him out of the room then lock him and Jimin for the rest of eternity because that fucking shit shouldn't be interfering anymore.

But yeah, he's a teacher and he must endure it even though he's ready to throw hands at a student.

"What's the matter Mister Jeon? Pissed that I was supposed to stop an intimate review session of yours?"

Jimin was more than embarassed on what Taehyung was doing, insisting him to leave the room but he's consistent inside even tho he was obviously unwanted in the room.

"Taehyung please, this thing is serious! We could just talk tommorrow. This is for the annuals and we can't afford to lose!"

"Go ahead, study with him. What's so bad with me sitting over here just to watch the both of you study? Besides, I can learn too. Now, what's the excuse?" He would probably insist to stay whatever he does not unless Jungkook calls over another teacher to pull him out the room.

"Fine, stay."

The teacher picked up something from his bag, the familiar thick booklet- maybe thicker this time that says 'Advanced Algebra and Calculus' placing it in front of Taehyung along with a pen and paper.

"What's this?"

He raised his brow while Jimin finally picked up what Jungkook was thinking.

"Answer that, from page 5 up to 470."

Jungkook wasn't gonna let himself lose to some student.

Duh, he's a teacher and maybe about a round higher on authority than a student. Might as well use the monstrous Mister Jeon tactic for him to taste what his true freaky absurd type of a teacher nature he has.

"What? 5 to 470?! You fucking nuts Mister Jeon? No one can answer these shit on a whole day!" He smirked, expecting the reaction from him.

"Do you think you'll stay here without doing anything? Answer that in four hours. I supposed that time span is enough?"   

"W-wait what?! You're implying for me to answer each equation in a second?!" Taehyung can't believe the challenge he was giving to him. It was utterly impossible to begin with unless you are a walking calculator.

Fuck it, even if you are a calculator the thing was impossible.

"Do you really want to stay here? Then answer that."

"Can't I just answer this normally and continue tommorrow? Do you think you could make me leave this room because I'm chicken to answer this shit?"

"Sorry kid, there are new equations prepared for you tomorrow to answer. I'm not actually kicking you out, it's your first day here right?"

"What if it's my first day? Does it matter while I'm staying here huh?"

"Oh sure. Get a grasp of me as Mister Jeon from now on."

Jimin flinched of Jungkook's seriousness, gulping as he settle himself back on his seat letting him handle the situation.

"If I were you, you'll start answering that. I gave you four hours to answer, you've now wasted five minutes and fifty nine seconds so you just lost thirty two to thirty five items to answer." 

"Ugh-fuck it. I'll do this just to stay with Jimin and protect him from your perverted antics. You cannot drive me away! I'll prove it to you, you shit!"

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