Chapter 2

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It had been a moon since Falens kits were born and the kits were already growing strong and would soon be playing with Goldfur and Stonestar's kits.
"It's time for your assessments! Find your mentors and they will tell you to go!" Stonestar calls into the apprentice den.
Ceaderpaw yawns as she exits the den, the harsh morning light burning in her eyes.
"Where do I go?" Ceaderpaw asks.
"You will hunt by the Heart Rock, got it?" Stonestar instructs.
"Got it," Ceaderpaw nods and heads towards the camp exit, nervousness eating away at her belly.
Stonestar starts to follow but is stopped by Gravelstripe calling his name.
"Is something wrong?" Stonestar asks.
"I- I had a dream about Starclan- A gray cat- she- she said her name was Bluestar- Bluestar of Thunderclan," Gravelstripe whispers.
"I don't have time for this right now- I- I need to go," Stonestar glances toward Ceaderpaw.
Ceaderpaw sighs impatiently as she watches the two.
"I'm coming," Stonestar mews hurriedly, "hurry, tell me now or wait until later."
Gravelstripe rolls her eyes and sighs, "she said that 'a group of cats will save the clan from certain doom'," she mews in an attempted whisper.
"We'll talk when I get back," Stonestar calls over his shoulder as he rushes to Ceaderpaw's side.
"Let's go," Ceaderpaw mews.
The two cats leave the camp and head toward the Heart Rock, Stonestar hidden in the bushes out of Ceaderpaw's view.
Ceaderpaw begins hunting a squirrel using the new technique Stonestar had taught her. She slowly slid forwards then pounced. She caught the squirrel and with a swift bite to the neck, it was dead.
She continued to hunt until she had caught two squirrels, a sparrow, and a mouse.
Stonestar pushes his way out of the bushes, "Good job! Let's go back to camp," Stonestar praised his apprentice.
"Really!? Thanks!" Ceaderpaw exclaims, dropping her prey, "Whoops!" She picks up her prey and then the two of them head back to camp.
"Cats of Stoneclan!" Stonestar calls from the top of a Large stone pillar, "Gather under the Great Stone for a clan meeting!"
The Stoneclan cats trickle into the clearing from the various dens.
"It's time!" Squeaks Hemlockpaw excitedly.
"I can't wait!" Mews Burntpaw who seemed ready to explode with happiness.
"This is amazing!" Ceaderpaw and Heatherpaw say at the same time, causing them to giggle, "Jinx!"
The group of friends laugh together and sit down for the ceremony.
Ceaderpaw notices Flatpaw sitting nearby. The tom glances at her then looks away.
"Creamtail," Stonestar begins, "is this apprentice ready to become a warrior?"
Creamtail nodded then answered confidently, "yes, I believe she is."
Stonestar nodded, "Fluffypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," Fluffypaw seemed to be very confident with her answer.
"Then from this moment on you will be known as FluffyPELT," Stonestar announces with a nod of his head.
"Fluffypelt! Fluffypelt!" The whole clan calls the she-cat by her new name.
Fluffypelt pads to her spot in the crowd beside Rocktail, a fluffy gray tom.
"Halftail, is your apprentice ready to become a warrior?" Stonestar asked.
The white and orange tom nods, "yes."
"Hemlockpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" Stonestar asks.
Hemlockpaw steps forwards, "I do."
Ceaderpaw was so proud of how well her and her sister had done during their apprenticeship.
"Then from this moment on you will be known as Hemlockheart," Stonestar announces with a slight nod.
"Hemlockheart! Hemlockheart!" The clan calls her by her new name as she steps back beside Fluffypelt.
Stonestar continues and Heatherpaw became Heatherfur, Burntpaw became Burntwhisker, and Shrewpaw became Shrewtail.
"I believe this apprentice is ready to be a warrior," Stonestar mews.
Ceaderpaw was bursting with excitement.
"Ceaderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" Stonestar asks.
Ceaderpaw nods, "I do."
"Then from this moment on you will be known as Ceaderstripe," Stonestar mews, giving his apprentice her warrior name.
Ceaderstripe was bursting with pride and joy, she had always liked the name Ceaderstripe.
"Sis!" Hemlockheart called to her sister.
Ceaderstripe runs to her sisters side as the gathering broke apart, "yeah?"
"We're finally warriors!" Hemlockheart mews, "I'm so happy!"
Creamtail runs to their side, "Oh my kits! You're warriors!"
"We're so proud of you both," Berryfur mews, coming up behind his mate.
"Thanks mom, thanks dad," Ceaderstripe mews happily.
"Yes, thank you," Hemlockheart purrs, "we love you."
"We love you too," their mother purrs.
Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart pad away, nodding in acknowledgment as their clan mates congratulate them.
"This is awesome!" Shrewtail mews, "Hey Burntwhisker!"
Burntwhisker was nearby talking to his parents; Pebblefur and Dawnlight "yeah!?" He mews running over to his friend.
Fluffypelt and Heatherfur were sitting alone together. Heatherfur's parents; Firetail and Lilyfoot, and Fluffypelt's parents; Lotus and Tack, had died in the fire just after their birth. They had no surviving families.
"Do you want to make our nests next to each other?" Shrewtail asks.
Burntwhisker nods and the two toms ran to the moss patch beside the nursery to collect moss for their nests.
Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart followed after deciding to make their nests nearby.
"Wait for us!" Fluffypelt calls as she rushes towards them, Heatherfur by her side.
The six friends collected enough moss to make their nests and chose spots for them in the warriors den.
Afterwards Burntwhisker padded to the fresh kill pile to get some food.
Ceaderstripe runs after him, "May I join you?" She calls.
"Sure!" Burntwhisker nods then grabs a plump starling for the two of them to share.
"Yum!" Ceaderstripe licks her lips.
They began to eat, taking turns taking bites of the Starling until it was gone.
Once it was gone, Ceaderstripe sighed happily and licked her stomach.
"Hey, um, Ceaderstripe?" Asks Burntwhisker.
"Yeah?" Ceaderstripe asks, stopping her cleaning and tilting her head.
"I was wondering if-" Burntwhisker pauses.
"If what?" Ceaderstripe presses.
"Um..." Burntwhisker trailed off, "If we- our friends and us- could all go hunting together for our warrior hunt?" He finishes nervously.
"Sure!" Ceaderstripe mews, jumping up, "I'll go get them!"
She then dashed into the warriors den to find her friends.
"Hey do you want to go hunting with Burntwhisker and I?" She asks.
"Sure!" says Shrewtail, jumping out of his nest and going to stand beside Ceaderstripe.
"That sounds fun! Our first hunting party as warriors and we're all going together!" Mews Fluffypelt.
"This will be amazing!" Heatherfur nods.
The rest of them got out of their nests and they padded out into the clearing where Burntwhisker was waiting.
Burntwhisker runs to join them and the six friends leave the camp together.
They decide to go to the Moss Stone to hunt.
"Thanks for asking us to join you two!" Shrewtail mews to Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker.
"You're Welcome," Ceaderstripe flicks his nose with her tail.
Ceaderstripe stops suddenly as she feels a jolt of energy go through her. She sees Stonestar and Gravelstripe. They are talking.
"What certain doom!?" Stonestar mews in astonishment.
"I don't know," Gravelstripe mews calmly.
Another jolt of energy went through her as the scene changed to water rushing through a ravine. After a moment she was snapped back to the present.
"I- I just had a vision!" Ceaderstripe stammers.
"What!?" Heatherfur asks, eyes wide, "what was it!?"
"Stonestar and Gravelstripe- th- they were talking- about some prophecy. Th- they said- a group of cats is going to save the clan!" Ceaderstripe explains.
"I heard it too!" Exclaims Shrewtail, "this morning, they were talking about it!"
"Really?" Asks Hemlockheart.
"Yes!" Shrewtail calls out.
"We should investigate!" Yells Hemlockheart, dashing off towards the camp in a blur of reddish brown fur.
"She's he fastest cat I've ever seen," Ceaderstripe mews proudly.
"I can hear her paw steps from here!" Shrewtail laughs
"I can smell Stonestar and Gravelstripe," Burntwhisker stuffens.
Heatherfur tilted her head, "not all of us can.." Her voice trailed off.
"I think they're in the camp, I can smell herbs around them," Burntwhisker continues.
The other apprentices give him puzzled looks.
"I think she's making he ground angry! Its trembling terribly!" Fluffypelt squeals fearfully.
Heatherfur was quiet, she seems to be thinking.
"The ground, its not trembling anymore..." Fluffypelt whispers.
"She can't possibly be at camp already!" Ceaderstripe shakes her head.
"Can you see her? Could you use your- your visions?" Asks Burntwhisker.
"I'll try," Ceaderstripe mews, unsure if she can.
Ceaderstripe focuses on her sister. She thought of her fluffy reddish brown coat. After a moment a fuzzy image appeared. She saw her! The image cleared. She had stopped close to the camp, fur seemed ruffled.
"I think I heard Heatherfur... But she's nowhere near here..." Hemlockheart whisperers to herself, glancing around her.
Ceaderstripe snaps out of it.
"Heatherfur..." She begins, "she thinks she heard you? in sort of- sort of a sound wave?"
"How is all of this possible!?" Heatherfur questions.
"I'm not sure," Ceaderstripe shrugs, "Maybe it has to do with what Stonestar and Gravelstripe were discussing!"
"Maybe!" Shrewtail agrees.
"I've always been able to feel far away things," Fluffypelt admits.
"Really!? I've had some visions before, though I've only told Hemlockheart," Ceaderstripe confides in her friends.
"I've always been able to hear far away things," Shrewtail shrugs, brushing his tail against Ceaderstripes cheek softly.
"So I'm not the only one with- special abilities!?" Heatherfur beams.
"I always thought all cats had a sense of smell like mine," Burntwhisker admits.
"Hemlock is coming back," Shrewtail mews, "I can hear her pawsteps."
"I can feel them, its like the ground is moving!" Fluffypelts voice shakes as she stands with her legs all spread apart and her fur on end.
Heatherfur brushes her tail along Fluffypelts back to calm her.

When Hemlockheart arrived she explained what she had seen and the others explained what had happened while she'd been gone.
"So, what do we do about all of this?" Burntwhisker asks.
"I suggest we practice with our abilities," Heatherfur mews.
"And find out it really was us they were talking about," Shrewtail suggests.
And with that the friends began discussing when and where they would begin practicing.

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