Chapter 13

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Froststar touched my nose last night! Surely thats against the warrior code!? Ceaderstripe thought anxiously, Then again, Stonestar touched Leafstar's nose last night and that was fine. But... He did it in a way saying 'feel better' Froststar did it in a way meaning 'goodbye my friend.' Yes friends. Thats all we are! I love Burntwhisker!
"Good morning," Burntwhisker mewed, padding up behind her.
"Good morning," Ceaderstripe mewed, trying not to sound startled.
Ceaderstripe looked at her mate for a moment.
Burntwhisker looked back at her.
Ceaderstripe laughed and touched her nose to Burntwhisker's nose, "we're crazy," she mewed, still laughing.
"Yeah," Burntwhisker nodded, also laughing.
"Do you want to go hunting?" Ceaderstripe asked.
"Sure," mewed Burntwhisker.
They both walked to the camp entrance but Ceaderstripe stopped and frowned.
"What's wrong?" Burntwhisker mewed padding to her side.
"Nothing! I'll race you to the heart rock!" Ceaderstripe mewed, racing into the forest.
"What!?" Burntwhisker stood still for a moment before running after her.
Ceaderstripe laughed, he fell for my trick! She thought.
Ceaderstripe reached the Heart Rock first, just as she had planned.
"Ha ha! I won!" Ceaderstripe mewed with a laugh.
Burntwhisker padded up to her, out of breath, "I see that," he mewed between gasps.
"What do you smell?" Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Only you!" Yells a strange voice before Ceaderstripe felt a cat on her back.
"Ah! Who are you!?" Ceaderstripe mewed rolling onto her back.
"Your worst nightmare!" The cat yelled.
Ceaderstripe shook her head, "Not possible, your a cat. And your not in the right place," she mewed.
The cat slid out from under Ceaderstripe, "what do you mean?"
Ceaderstripe stood up and looked at the cat, it was a gray tabby she-cat with a black belly and white spots all over.
"Its none of your business. Now, who are you?" Ceaderstripe mewed as she started to circle the cat.
Burntwhisker started circling the cat too, "yeah, who are you?" He growled.
The cat sat down and didn't even flinch, "My name is Star," she mewed.
"Are you a Kittypet, Rouge, or a loner?" Ceaderstripe asked.
"What?" Star mewed.
Burntwhisker squished up his nose in disgust, "a Kittypet lives with twolegs, a rouge and loner are cats that choose not to live in a clan or tribe, so which are you?" He mewed.
Star stood up, "I'm a loner, my parents were Kittypets,"
Ceaderstripe noticed how skinny Star was, "Do you want to join our clan?" She mewed.
Burntwhisker spun around to face her, "are you crazy!?
Ceaderstripe, " it's possible, but I think Star should have a chance," she mewed.
Star looked at each cat in turn then looked at her sides, "I would like that a lot," she mewed, "let me get my kit," she padded into the bushes.
Burntwhisker stood up and put his nose on Ceaderstripe's nose, "you're crazy! Inviting a cat, and her KIT, to out clan," he mewed angrily.
Ceaderstripe shook her head, "No, Its not crazy. She and her kit deserve a chance for survival," she mewed.
Just then Star padded into the clearing holding a small bundle of black and gray fur, "we need food, I'm willing to hunt for myself," Star mewed after setting the kit down.
"No, a clan supports each other," Ceaderstripe mews as she shoots a glare at Burntwhisker, "we help each other. And that includes hunting for the queens."
"Queens?" Star mews.
"Kit mothers," Burntwhisker mewed.
"Oh," Star mewed.
Ceaderstripe looked at the kit and then at Star, "let's go, you both need to eat," she started padding slowly back to camp, Burntwhisker fell behind a little to walk in the back with his head down.
As the cats entered the camp Ceaderstripe padded straight to the fresh Kill Pile, Star right behind her.
Burntwhisker padded into the warriors den.
"Choose something, I'll carry it to the nursery for you," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Star pointed her tail to a plump squirrel.
Ceaderstripe nodded, "good choice," she picked it up and headed to the nursery. She flicked her tail at Flatpaw as she passed him, signaling him to get some moss.
Flatpaw obviously understand, for he dashed off then came back with a bundle of moss.
Ceaderstripe and Star padded into the nursery and Flatpaw followed placing the moss in a shallow dip in the ground then patted it, signaling Star to lay down.
Star played down placing her kit by her belly, but when the kit tried to suckle it stopped, crying, because of the lack of milk.
Ceaderstripe placed the squirrel in front of Star, " I brought you a new denmate," she mewed to Creamtail, Silvereye, and Heatherfur.
Heatherfur grabbed Stars kit and placed it by her belly with her own kits, "he needs to eat," she mewed.
Star nodded thankfully, "you weren't kidding when you said they help each other," she mewed to Ceaderstripe.
Ceaderstripe nodded, "I need to go inform Stonestar that you are here," she mewed then padded out of the den. She looked around camp and spotted Stonestar emerging from his den and she rushed over to him.
"I found a loner in the woods, she was very skinny and she had a kit," she mewed, "I hope you don't mind that I brought them back."
"As long as she's no threat," he mewed.
Ceaderstripe nodded, " I can assure you they won't do us any harm, they just need help. The mother already is interested in clan life," she mewed.
Stonestar nodded, "very well," he swished his tail for dismissal.
Is something wrong with Stonestar? Ceaderstripe thought.

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