chapter 14

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It had been two sunrises since Star and the kit had come back to camp. Ceaderstripe had woken up early both days to get some fresh kill for Star to eat and the other queens had helped out so much. By now Star had enough milk for her kit so she fed her own kit, the kit, as Ceaderstripe had been informed was a Tom named Galaxy, which as Ceaderstripe also learned; is something Twolegs talk about.
"Good morning Ceaderstripe!" Star mewed as Ceaderstripe padded into the den with a plump sparrow and a Rabbit.
She set down the sparrow and the Rabbit, "I think you should meet the clan today, maybe I could help you with a basic understanding of the warrior code," Ceaderstripe mewed before pushing the sparrow towards Star.
Ceaderstripe also pushed the Rabbit toward the other queens, who were blinking their eyes open.
"I brought you some fresh kill," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Heatherfur yawned groggily but sat up at the sound of the word 'fresh kill.'
"Its Rabbit!" Heatherfur mewed, "my favorite!"
"I knew you would like it," Ceaderstripe purred.
Creamtail swished her tail happily, "thank you," she mewed.
"Yes, thank you," Silvereye nodded.
The she-cats tucked into their meal and Ceaderstripe padded out of the den.
Ceaderstripe swung around at the sound of a voice, Burntwhiskers voice, from their favorite spot to eat.
"Hello," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"You don't have to be formal around me," Burntwhisker mewed with a laugh.
Ceaderstripe glared at him, "you could have at least pretended to be ok with me helping Star and Galaxy," she mewed tartly.
"Galaxy?" Burntwhisker mewed questioningly.
Ceaderstripe sighed, "the kit," she mewed, "his name is Galaxy."
Burntwhisker let out a faint growl, "you seem to like Star and Galaxy!" He mewed angrily.
Ceaderstripe looked at him sadly, "please don't do this," she mewed.
Burntwhisker shook his head, "you seem to be getting along with FROSTSRAR too!" He yelled.
Ceaderstripe stepped closer to her mate, or maybe soon to be former, mate, "please Burntwhisker," she mewed sadly, "I love you," She tried to lick his cheek but he turned away.
"No. go pitty someone else, like Star," He mewed padding away.
Ceaderstripe started to cry, "No! Burntwhisker! Please!" She ran in front of him, blocking him, "I love you!"
Cats began to stir and come out of their dens to see what the commotion was about.
"Then act like it!" Burntwhisker yelled.
Ceaderstripe cried even more, "I do love you! I really do! What do I need to do to prove what to you!?" She yelled between tears.
Hemlockheart raced to her sisters side, "calm down. What's going on?"
"She and I are no longer mates," Burntwhisker said as Ceaderstripe stood, Jaws open, Watching as her former mate padded away to the warriors den.
"No, please Starclan no!" Ceaderstripe collapsed to the ground, "no!"
Hemlockheart eased herself to the ground beside her sister, "hush, it's ok. You're ok," she mewed softly as she stroked Ceaderstripe's spine with her tail.
Berryfur ran to his daughters and fell down beside them, pushing his muzzle under Ceaderstripe's urging her to get up.
"No," Ceaderstripe mewed softly, sniffling as the last of her tears ran down her face. Her cheeks and jaws hurt from crying so much, her eyes red from her tears, she didn't want to get up. Not now. Not ever. It was only then she felt the burning gazes of ALL of her clanmates staring at her. She struggled to stand up, weak from all of her crying, and turned to face the crowd.
Fluffypelt dashed to her side, letting her lean on her shoulder, "hush, hush. Who needs him? Not you. You are perfectly fine on your own," she mewed, "If he doesn't see that then he's as blind as a bat at sunhigh."
Ceaderstripe laughed a little at the comparison of Burntwhisker to a bat.
Fluffypelt purred, "there's that beautiful smile. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
Hemlockheart nodded and let Ceaderstripe lean on her too, "then we can go on a nice hunt to calm down."
Ceaderstripe purred a little, a hunt did sound nice, "as long as we don't go to heart rock. My heart is broken, I font want to see a full one."
"Aww," the clan echoed.
Ceaderstripe blushed, remembering her clanmates presence.
Flatpaw ran up to Ceaderstripe, "any cat would be lucky to be your mate," he mewed.
"Thank you," Ceaderstripe purred.
Flatpaw dipped his head before dashing back to his place in the crowd.
"What are you all looking at? Give her some space! Don't you have lives to get on with!?" Came Heatherfurs voice from the nursery entrance.
Ceaderstripe rushed to her friend and brushed her muzzle to hers, "thanks," she whispered.
Hemlockheart laughed, "Heatherfur, you do realize you just yelled at the whole clan, right? Even the leader?"
Heatherfur lowered her head in embarrassment, "I know she would do the same for me," she mewed quietly.
The four she-cats padded to the camp entrance tunnel together, ready to hunt away Ceaderstripe's sorrow.

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