Chapter 23

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Ceaderstripe continued to run when suddenly she saw a Frostclan patrol.
"Help! Leafclan is attacking in Stoneclan territory!" She yowled.
Ceaderstripe was in luck, the leader of the patrol was none other than a white tabby tom who was a sight for sore eyes; Froststar.
Froststar widened his eyes, "what do you mean!?" He raced to Ceaderstripe's side.
Ceaderstripe nodded, "they are attacking us!"
Froststar growled, "Shadowpaw! Go get as many warriors as you can!" Froststar ordered.
A small black tom races off up the mountain.
Froststar looked at Ceaderstripe seriously, "we'll need you to show us where the battle is."
Ceaderstripe nodded, "ok, I understand."
We wait and moments later Ceaderstripe sees many cats rushing down the side of the mountain.
The cats run to Ceaderstripe and Froststar and flicks his tail, signaling to Ceaderstripe to start running to the battle.
She ran towards the heart rock her heart pounding in her chest, thank you Froststar, she thought.
She continues to run until she reaches the heart rock. She looks around as the Frostclan cats plunge into battle against the Leafclan cats.
Ceaderstripe noticed the small black tom Froststar had called Shadowpaw struggling with Maplepool.
Ceaderstripe rushes to help the small tom, "Maplepool! I threw you into a tree once, I will gladly do it again!" She mews.
She hits Maplepool off of Shadowpaw and Shadowpaw stands up.
Ceaderstripe and Shadowpaw walk towards Maplepool, hissing and growling.
Ceaderstripe glances behind the reddish she-cat and notices a tree behind her then glares at her, planning to hit Maplepool into the tree.
As she races towards the she-cat she shoves her head against her and smashes her against the tree, "That's what you get for messing with cats half your size!" She steps back the slaps Maplepool's face, claws extended, "that's for attacking my clanmates," she yells then turns and kicks dirt into Maplepool's face, "and that's just for fun!"
Ceaderstripe smiles as she notices Shadowpaw laughing a little, "come on Shadowpaw, kick dirt with me!" Ceaderstripe laughed.
Shadowpaw runs to her side and turns to help kick dirt at Maplepool as she collapses to the ground.
Ceaderstripe notices Burntwhisker struggling with Leafstar and with a respectful nod to Shadowpaw she runs off to help the dark gray tom.
Ceaderstripe lunges at Leafstar's haunches as he calico she-cat raises a paw to slap Burntwhisker.
Leafstar let's out a startled yowl and swings around, tossing Ceaderstripe to the ground.
"Don't mess with my clanmates!" Ceaderstripe yowls angrily.
Leafstar just laughed, "I hear you two aren't very fond of each other now!"
Ceaderstripe glanced at the ground sadly then looked back at Leafstar, "it doesn't matter if we are friends or not! He's my clanmate!" Ceaderstripe yelled in defence.
Burntwhisker looked at the ground in embarrassment.
Ceaderstripe flicked her tail, signaling Burntwhisker to pounce on Leafstar.
Burntwhisker acknowledges her action and pounces onto the Leafclan leader, growling with anger, "Get your  sad excuse for a clan out of our territory!" He yowled.
Leafstar laughed as she tried to shake him off of her back, "It won't be yours for long!"
'Heard them to the Treeclan border, then Treeclan can have at 'em!' Heatherfur ordered in a sound wave.
Burntwhisker leaped off of Leafstar and started slapping her until she started to back up.
Ceaderstripe began to slap at a small brown tabby tom, "get back!" She mewed with anger.
She glanced to both sides to see her friends also pushing the Leafclan cats towards the border.
She laughed as she noticed her clanmates and the cats of Frostclan's puzzled faces as the six warriors pushed the cats back together.
Soon Flathead joined them, then Shadowpaw, then Froststar, and eventually all the Frostclan and Stoneclan cats were helping to push the Leafclan cats to the border.

Soon they were approaching the Treeclan border and some of the Leafclan cats had fled in terror.
As they cross the border Ceaderstripe notices a patrol of Treeclan cats consisting of Oakstar, Goldfur, Nugget, Treeflame, Pinepaw, Woodplanks, and Darkoak, heading towards them.
Oakstar begins to fight and soon his patrol joins in.
Leafstar looks around in terror realizing for the first time that her clan is completely outnumbered, "Cats of Leafclan retreat!" She orders then begins to bound away, her clan following her.
The Treeclan patrol races after them, hard on their paws.
Ceaderstripe looks around at her clanmates, Heatherfur has a few scratches on her back and some on her paws, Fluffypelt has scratches all over her face and one that seems pretty deep on one of her forepaws, Burntwhisker has scratches all over his back and on his legs, Hemlockheart seems to only have a few scratches on her nose and a torn ear, while Shrewtail is completely covered in scratches.
Shrewtail collapses and Hemlockheart races to his side, "someone get a medicine cat! Please!" She wails.
Ceaderstripe rushes to her sister, the scratches on her back stinging and burning and her paws aching from all the running she had done.
Ceaderstripe looks around as Heatherfur and Fluffypelt dash off towards the Stoneclan camp to get Gravelstripe.
Stonestar dips his head to Froststar, "thank you for coming," he mewed, "how did you know we needed your help?"
Froststar smiled and looked straight at Ceaderstripe as he replied, "one of your warriors contacted me," then padded away, his clan following him.
Stonestar nods in appreciation then looks around to check his clan for injuries.
Ceaderstripe looks back to her sister who now has her face buried in Shrewtail's gray fur, crying, as the tom's breathing slows.
Suddenly Gravelstripe bursts out of the bushes, her mouth filled with herbs, and Heatherfur and Fluffypelt follow, also carrying herbs.
Gravelstripe runs to Shrewtail first to check on his wounds first.

After Gravelstripe had treated everyones wounds she had had Burntwhisker and Flathead carry Shrewtail back to camp. The gray tom had also suffered a broken leg, it seems a Leafclan cat had decided to put lots of pressure on his leg in order to break it.
The rest of the Stoneclan cats started to head back to camp slowly as they got into groups to talk about their experience in the battle.
Ceaderstripe padded beside Hemlockheart, Fluffypelt, and Heatherfur, as they all talked of how they had fought in the battle and how brilliant Heatherfur's plan had been.

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