Chapter 7

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"Ceaderstripe?" Ceaderstripe heard Heatherfur's voice and wasn't sure if it was a sound wave or not.
"Ceaderstripe?" Heatherfur asked again but this time Ceaderstripe felt her prod her side.
"What? I'm up," Ceaderstripe yawned.
It had been two Sunrise's since the dream and she was wondering what it meant and why Froststar was there too.
"Dawn patrol," Heatherfur whispered.
Ceaderstripe stood up and stretched, "Ok, who else is coming?" She asked.
"Stonestar, Hemlockheart, Creamtail, Heartchest, and Flatpaw," Heatherfur mewed back.
"Ok," Ceaderstripe mewed, "I'm ready."
The two she-cats padded out of the den and stopped at the entry tunnel.
Stonestar padded out of his den and Flatpaw followed him.
"What was he doing in there?" Ceaderstripe heard Heatherfur's voice in her head and shrugged.
Heartchest emerged from the warriors den.
'Heatherfur must have woken her up too,' Ceaderstripe thought.
"Let's go," Stonestar mewed.
Ceaderstripe followed him out the entry tunnel and the others formed a line behind her.
"You're good at getting others to follow you," Ceaderstripe heard Heatherfur's mew in her mind and decided not to glare at her and make a scene.
Stonestar led them to the Treeclan border.
"What do you smell?" Heartchest asked Flatpaw.
"I smell Stoneclan- obviously- and Treeclan- also obvious- and mouse," Flatpaw responded.
"Can you see the mouse?" Heartchest pressed.
"Yes, its under that bush," Flatpaw mewed.
Heartchest looked at him, "then why aren't you hunting it yet?" She asked.
Flatpaw crouched to the ground.
"Slide your paws lightly," Heartchest whispered.
Flatpaw began to slide forward slowly.
When he got close enough to the bush he pounced.
Flatpaw stood up holding the mouse in his jaws.
"Good catch," Ceaderstripe phrased the young tom.
The patrol continued on marking the borders and they saw two cats in Treeclan territory.
'They look like apprentices,' Ceaderstripe thought.
'Do you think they're apprentices?' Heatherfur's voice popped up in Ceaderstripe's head and she nodded.
The two cats padded closer and Ceaderstripe could hear laughing.
"That one only has one ear!" She whispered to Flatpaw flicking her tail at a brown tabby.
"Yeah," Flatpaw shuddered.
The young cats came closer.
"Hello?" The young brown tabby said as she approached the border.
"Hello," Ceaderstripe greeted the she-cat.
"I'm Pinepaw, and that's Woodpaw," she motioned her tail towards a dark colored tom.
"I'm Ceaderstripe and this is Heatherfur, Flatpaw, Hemlockheart, Heartchest, and Stonestar," Ceaderstripe mewed. Ceaderstripe swore she recognized the name 'Pinepaw' from somewhere she just couldn't think of where.
"Social time is over, let's go," Stonestar mewed.
'He sounds grumpy!' Heatherfur sent the sound wave to Ceaderstripe.
Ceaderstripe nodded.
When the patrol got back to camp Heatherfur padded off to sit by Grasseyes.
'Since when are they friends?' Ceaderstripe thought.
Burntwhisker padded out of the warriors den, "I believe I saw your mother go into the nursery with Silvereye this morning," he mewed.
"Oh really?" Ceaderstripe mewed, "does that mean I'll be a big sister soon?"
Burntwhisker nodded, "I guess so," he mewed.
Shrewtail and Hemlockheart padded out of the warriors den, their tails twined together.
"Well don't they look happy?" Fluffypelt mewed from behind Ceaderstripe.
Ceaderstripe jumped a little and turned around, "yeah they do," she mewed.
Hemlockheart and Shrewtail padded towards them and Heatherfur and Grasseyes stood up and joined them.
Heatherfur leaned up against Grasseyes.
"Your so fat!" Fluffypelt teased.
"I kno- wait how'd you know!? I haven't told anyone!" Heatherfur mewed.
Ceaderstripe looked at her confused.
"Are you-" Fluffypelt started.
Heatherfur nodded, "Gravelstripe thinks there's gonna be about three of them," she mewed.
"Your pregnant!" Hemlockheart and Ceaderstripe chorused.
Heatherfur nodded again.
"Oh my Starclan have you thought of any names!?" Fluffypelt slid closer to Heatherfur.
"You should name one Dawnkit!" Ceaderstripe mewed.
The she-cats started to chatter on about the coming kits.

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