Chapter 4

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"Hey Ceaderstripe!" Burntwhisker called from across the camp clearing.
Ceaderstripe had been sitting outside the warriors den chatting with Rosepetal, Rubyfur's sister. The two weren't all that close but occasionally chatted about how their day had gone.
"Hey!" Ceaderstripe jumps up, dipping her head to Rosepetal before leaving her side to greet Burntwhisker.
It had been several sunrises since Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker had told each other how they felt. She hadn't told Shrewtail yet, she was afraid of how he might react.
"Ceaderstripe, Burntwhisker," Stonestar approached the two, only taking a few long strides from his den to the center of the clearing where they stood now.
"Yes?" Ceaderstripe turns to face the gray and white tom.
"I was wondering if the two of you could gather a few cats and come on a border patrol with me," Stonestar mews.
"Sure," Burntwhisker nods, "we'll meet you at the entrance in a moment.
"Hemlockheart, Fluffypelt, Shrewtail, Heatherfur!" Ceaderstripe stands and calls to her friends.
Hemlockheart emerges from the warriors den, Shrewtail just behind her. Fluffypelt and Heatherfur pad slowly towards Ceaderstripe from the opposite end of the clearing, out of the shadows cast by the stone walls of the camp.
"Stonestar asked us to gather some cats for a patrol," Burntwhisker explains.
"It must lead to-!" Shrewtail begins loudly. He quiets down when Hemlockheart flicks her tail over his mouth, "it must lead to your vision."
"We'll see," Ceaderstripe mews worriedly.
She never liked battle, ever since her first battle with a dog in Treeclan territory.
The group pads over to the camp entrance and Stonestar does a head count before leading the way out of the camp.

As they approach the Frostclan border Burntwhisker wrinkles his nose, "I can smell Blizzardwhisker from here."
Heatherfur rolls her eyes, "the whole clan smells like Fox dung."
The cats all laugh, even Stonestar.
The leader quickly changes face though, "hush, I hear something."
Just like in the vision a group of Frostclan cats charge through the bushes, Blizzardwhisker in the lead.
Blizzardwhisker lunges and lands on Stonestar.
A large white she-cat swipes at Ceaderstripe's muzzle. The she-cat raises her upper lip and growls, revealing sharp fangs.
Snowfang. Ceaderstripe had met the she-cat at gatherings. She was rude and easily annoyed, she likely had few friends even in her clan.
Fluffypelt pushes Froststar- a large white and gray tabby tom- against a tree and takes a deep breath, "you really do smell like fox dung."
Ceaderstripe doesn't understand why, but she holds her breath at the sight of the Leader pushed against a tree, his underbelly exposed. Fluffypelt could kill him right here if she'd like.
"You seem to be smelling yourself," Froststar snarls.
"You did not just say that to her!" Shrewtail yowls.
He throws himself at Froststar, hitting his shoulder to the leaders throat and pinning him to the ground.
Shrewtail growled loudly, "don't disrespect my friends."
He grabs Froststars throat and hold it until the tom goes limp.
Shrewtail steps back and the right stops in an instant. All eyes turn to Froststar, lying on the ground.
It takes a moment but Froststar gets back up again. He had lost a life.
Froststar shoots a glare at Shrewtail before turning to his cats, "let's go," he growls.
Ceaderstripe locks eyes with him as he walks away. He turns his head and leaps over a bush and is no longer in Ceaderstripe's sight.
"We stand Victorious!" Shrewtail yowls.
The Stoneclan cats all yell and jump for joy. None of them had any serious injuries, just cuts and scratches.
They head back to the Stoneclan camp where news of the battle spread fast.
Rubyfur and Rosepetal run to where Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur are seated, cleaning their wounds.
"What was the battle like?" Rubyfur asks excitedly
Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur explain the battle together, leaving no details out.
"Wow," Rubyfur breathes.
"That sounds gruesome," Rosepetal mews.
"Hey girls!" Grasseyes, Rubyfur and Rosepetals brother calls, bounding over as he returns from a hunting patrol with his apprentice and a few others.
"Hey Grasseyes," Rubyfur mews, "Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur were just telling us about the battle during the or border patrol!"
Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur explain the battle once more.
"Shrewtail took one of Froststar's lives?" Grasseyes seemed doubtful.
Ceaderstripe and Heatherfur both nod.
"Impressive," Grasseyes nods his approval.
Ceaderstripe says goodbye and gets up, leaving Heatherfur with the three litter mates.
"Ceaderstripe," Shrewtail mews, approaching her "I would like to talk to you. Privately."
Ceaderstripe nods and follows him to the side of the camp where shadows made it hard to see Shrewtails gray pelt, his green eyes shining brightly.
"I think our friends are right about my feelings for you," Shrewtail explains, "I like you."
Ceaderstripe shuffles her paws, "well," she pauses, "I uh- Burntwhisker and I are mates."
"Oh," Shrewtails eyes dont shine and he hangs his head low, "ok," he lifts his head, his eyes bright again, "its ok, there is another she-cat I like."
"Who?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"Your sister," Shrewtail smiles.
Ceaderstripe was happy for him, although worried for how he may influence her sister with his ginger for battle.

"I have just found out that Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker are mates," Shrewtail mews, "and while love is in the air I would like to announce that I have feelings for Hemlockheart," he leans over and licks the she-cat's reddish-brown cheek.
"Would you consider being my mate?" Shrewtail asks.
"Yes!" Hemlockheart presses herself against him.
Ceaderstripe now had two reasons to be happy; her sister had a mate, and she would no longer have to feel guilty about not telling Shrewtail sooner.
"I need Hemlockheart, Shrewtail, Silvereye, Rocktail, Gravelstripe, Grasseyes, Ceaderstripe, Burntwhisker, Fluffypelt, Gorsewing, Smudgeface, Rosepetal, and Heatherfur to attend the gathering tonight!" Pebblefur calls from the short, stone pillar located on the other side of the camp.

The cats of Stoneclan gathered at the camp entrance for the gathering.
Ceaderstripe pads beside Hemlockheart and silently listens in on Silvereye and Smudgeface's conversion.
"I can't wait for them to be born!" Silvereye exclaims.
The ears of the cats in the group all seem to turn towards her.
"Sorry-" Silvereye shrinks.
"What will we name them?" Smudgeface asks.
"I don't know..." Silvereye trails off.
Is she expecting kits? Ceaderstripe wonders.
The group of cats continued to walk to the gathering place. When they get to the edge of the clearing they all stopped then wish a flick of Stonestars tail they broke apart and went to talk to other warriors.

"Hey Goldwish!" Ceaderstripe called to the Treeclan she-cat.
"Hey Ceaderstripe!" Goldwish jumped up and raced to Ceaderstripes side.
"How are you?" Ceaderstripe asked her.
"I'm good, you?" Goldwish answered.
"I'm good too," Ceaderstripe started then saw that Goldwish was distracted, "what are you looking at? Or should I say who are you looking at?"
"Huh? Oh, uh, nothing! Nobody!" Goldwish answered glancing anxiously at the Dark tree with the leaders and deputys at the bottom.
"Who is it?" Ceaderstripe pressed.
Goldwish looked down at her paws in embarrassment then confessed, "Ashclaw."
"Oh, he's ok. But rummor has it he loves Coldflame!" Ceaderstripe informed her friend.
"Wait! As in Oakstars mate Coldflame?!" Goldwish asked in astonishment.
Ceaderstripe nodded.
"Oh my Star cla-" Goldwish started but was interupted by the sound of the gathering starting.
"Cats of all clans please quiet down!" Leafstar called.
The chatering quieted down a little.
"She means SHUT UP!" Froststar yowled.
The chatering stoped.
Froststar dipped his head to Leafstar, "Excuse me."
"The prey is running good in Leafclan and we have a new warrior,
Autumnwhisker," Leafstar called then nodded to Stonestar to share.
"Stoneclan Is doing great the prey is running wonderfully," Stonestar said then nodded to Oakstar.
"The prey is running good but the kittypets are getting on my nerves," Oakstar nodded to Froststar.
"All is good in Frostclan," Froststar confirmed then climbed down the tree with the other leaders following him.
Stonestar gathered the clan and they all left.
When they got back to camp Timberkit ran up to Ceaderstripe and Burntwhisker who were talking.
"How was the gathering?!" Timberkit asked excitedly.
"It went well," Ceaderstripe said, purring softly.
"Ok!" Timberkit squeked then dashed to her littermates.
"We could have some just like her one day," Burntwhisker purred.
"Huh?" Ceaderstripe asked confused.
"Kits," Burntwhisker clairified.
"Oh," Ceaderstripe blinks and glances around.

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