chapter 3

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"Send me a large sound wave now!" Ceaderstripe mewed like and excited kit.
"Ok, I'll try," Heatherfur mewed uncertainty.
Heatherfur shut her eyes tight. She looked like she was thinking really hard.
"I got it!" Yelled Ceaderstripe.
"So did I!" Hemlockheart mewed happily.
"Same!" Fluffypelt mewed.
The six friends were at the Heart Rock training together.
They had all gotten Heatherfur's sound wave.
"One more time! Send it to me only this time. Concentrate on me and the message," said Fluffypelt.
"Ok," Heatherfur seemed uncertain, that maybe she didn't have enough confidence. She seemed to be concentrating hard.
"I got it!" Fluffypelt exclaimed with a little bounce.
"I didn't!" Shrewtail exclaimed, "Yay!"
"You said-" Fluffypelt began, "I'll whisper it in your ear." She laughed as she leaned to Heatherfur's ear.
Ceaderstripe strained her hearing to find out what the she-cat had said.
Although she tried all she could make out was plus Shrewtail equals love.
Heatherfur and Fluffypelt began to giggle as they told Hemlockheart what Heatherfur had said.
"Stop snickering about who knows what and let's get to work,"mewed Ceaderstripe as she rolled her eyes.
"Hemlockheart, let's work on your speed first," Burntwhisker suggested.
The group began focusing on ways for Hemlockheart to use her speed, and working on her paw movements while running.
"You're faster than Windclan from the legends!" Shrewtail mewed.
Hemlockheart laughed, "probably."

The group got back to camp a little while after sun high, laughing about how Burntwhisker had tripped on a branch on the way back and had fallen into a mound of dirt.
"I can still taste it," Burntwhisker complained, spitting dirt at the ground and shaking some off his pelt.
Ceaderstripe laughed, "you're covered in it!"
Shrewtail, who had carried his and Burntwhiskers two mice dropped them on the fresh kill pile, Heatherfur and Fluffypelt each dropping a shrew and Hemlockheart dropping the raven she had caught and the shrew Ceaderstripe had caught.
"Maybe you should eat something, help get the taste out," Heatherfur suggested.
"Alright," Burntwhisker mewed, picking up a mouse from the pile.
Each of the friends got a small piece of prey; shrews and mice mostly besides the small bird Hemlockheart grabbed.

"How was hunting?" Creamtail asked, padding over from the warriors den.
"Great!" Ceaderstripe mewed, "we all caught at least one piece of prey."
"I caught a raven!" Hemlockheart mewed, puffing out her chest.
"Raven is your fathers favorite, I'll see if its still there for he and I to share," Creamtail mewed then turned and padded towards the fresh kill pile.

A few moments later Shrewtail stood up.
"I'm going to get a drink, anyone want to come with me?" He mewed.
"I'm a bit thirsty," Ceaderstripe mewed as she stood up.
"I'll come too!" Fluffypelt jumped up.
The three cats padded away to go to the water pool at the other side of camp.

"Do you like her?" Hemlockheart watched Burntwhiskers eyes follow Ceaderstripe.
"Who?" Burntwhisker asked, his eyes flickering back and forth.
"My sister," Hemlockheart rolled her eyes.
"Well yeah, she's my friend," Burntwhisker mewed.
"I mean do like like her?" Hemlockheart mewed.
"Uh," Burntwhisker looked over to where Ceaderstripe was, laughing at something Fluffypelt had said.
"Awwwww! You do!" Heatherfur laughed.
"D-" Burntwhisker began.
"We won't tell," Hemlockheart mewed.
"Our little secret," Heatherfur smiled.

Ceaderstripe, Shrewtail, and Fluffypelt padded back together and all sat down.
Ceaderstripe could hear Shrewtail purring softly while he was sitting beside her.
Does he like me? Ceaderstripe wondered.
Ceaderstripe saw Fluffypelt whisper something to Heatherfur and the two laughed together.
"Hey!" Shrewtail stood up, no longer purring, "shut up!"
"But you do!" Fluffypelt laughed.
Heatherfur nodded with a smile.
"Ugh! Shut up!" Shrewtail groaned.
"Guys," Ceaderstripe whispered, "our powers ate not for messing with," or so we think, she added to herself.
"We know but-" Fluffypelt began.
"Its good that you're practicing, but, could you guys not make fun of anyone," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Fine" Heatherfur and Fluffypelt chorused.
"How's it going?" Rubyfur, a slightly older warrior mews, running up to them.
"Good," Ceaderstripe mews, "you?"
"I'm great!" Rubyfur glances at Burntwhisker, "I was wondering if you, Burntwhisker, Hemlockheart, and Stonestar wanted to go on patrol."
"Sure, sounds good," Hemlockheart nods.
Rubyfur runs off to the other side of the camp to talk to Stonestar. Ceaderstripe sees him nod and the two walk to the camp entrance.
Ceaderstripe, Hemlockheart, and Burntwhisker join them and the group leaves camp.
They walk to the Treeclan border where Rubyfur sniffs the air.
"I smell Treeclan," Rubyfur points out.
That's a surprise, we're only next to the Treeclan border Ceaderstripe retorts in her mind.
"Cats are coming," Burntwhisker mews.
Ceaderstripe looks through the trees and see's Goldpaw, a Treeclan apprentice about her age.
"I see Goldpaw," Ceaderstripe mews then calls to the golden she-cat, "Hey Goldpaw!"
"Hi Ceaderpaw!" Goldpaw calls back, speeding up to meet her at the border, "its actually Goldwish now."
"That's a good name! I'm a warrior now too!" Ceaderstripe smiles, "I'm Ceaderstripe now. This is Burntwhisker and Hemlockheart."
"Cool!" Goldwish bounces but stops when she notices her clanmates staring at her, "I should go."
Ceaderstripe nods and Goldwish runs back to her clanmates.
The group continues their patrol, no problems or oddities occur and they go back to camp.
Its now sunset and Ceaderstripe pads into the warriors den to rest.
As soon as she closes her eyes a jolt goes through her and a vision began.
She saw her friends, along with Stonestar. They were on border patrol by the Frostclan border.
"I can smell Blizzardwhisker from here," Burntwhisker collapsed onto his side, pretending to die. The Frostclan warrior's droppings were rumored to smell awful.
"The whole clan smells like fox dung," Fluffypelt rolls her eyes.
Stonestar let's out a small bit of laughter but his face goes straight when they hear something approaching, "hush, someone is coming."
Suddenly a group of cats hurtles through the bushes, yowling and growling and begin attacking the Stoneclan patrol.
Another jolt goes through her and she wakes up heavily breathing. Hemlockheart stirs beside her.
"Did you have another vision?" Heatherfur, on her other side whispers.
Ceaderstripe nods.
"Meeting by the Heart Rock," Heatherfur sends a sound wave, "quick."
The three she-cats get up and leave for the Heart Rock together.
Soon the six friends are all by the Heart Rock.
"I had a vision," Ceaderstripe mews.
She explains her vision to her friends rapidly and takes a few deep breaths at the end.
"That's crazy," Shrewtail mews excitedly. He's always had a hunger for battle.
"What are we going to do?" Heatherfur tilts her head.
"Just go with it I guess," Ceaderstripe shrugs her shoulders.
Shrewtail jumps up, hunger for battle glimmering in his eyes, "I hope I get to feel the rip of-"
"Slow down there tiger," Hemlockheart laughs, a faint purr rumbling in her chest.
After the meeting Burntwhisker got Ceaderstripe alone, wanting to talk.
Ceaderstripe's heart and stomach fluttered with anxiety. What was he going to say?
"I'm sure you've noticed what our friends have been saying about us," Burntwhisker sat down, wrapping his dark tail over his paws.
Ceaderstripe nods and sits across from him.
"And I wanted to let you know that-" he pauses, "I like you. A lot. And I want to be with you."
He turns his head away and Ceaderstripe smiles at him. She uses her tail to turn his head to face her.
"I like you too," she purred.

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