Chapter 12

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Ceaderstripe padded around camp anxiously awaiting the coming gathering.
What will I say? Should I even talk to him? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? Ceaderstripe thought.
Hemlockheart padded up behind her, "what's wrong?" She asked.
Uh-oh I told Heatherfur- but not my sister! Ceaderstripe looked at her sister, "come sit with me- over there- in that corner," Ceaderstripe ran to the corner where she had sat with Heatherfur.
Heatherfur had moved into the nursery with Fallen and Creamtail.
Hemlockheart sat down beside her sister, "so what is it?" She asked.
"Well," Ceaderstripe began "I ha-" she was cut of by a yowl from the nursery, "Mom!?" She dashed off, Hemlockheart right on her tail when they entered the nursery Gravelstripe was already there.
The nursery seemed a bit crowded with Fallen, Creamtail, Heatherfur and Silvereye all in there.
"Its ok," Gravelstripe mewed calmly, "remember last time?" She turned her head towards Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart then looked back to Creamtail, "It went great. Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart came perfectly fine and so will these kits."
Ceaderstripe dipped her head, embarrassed by what the medicine cat had said about the birth of her and her litter mate.
Creamtail let out another yowl as a tan tom kit slid out.
"You're doing great," Gravelstripe mewed.
Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart stepped aside as their father dashed into the den and ran over to his mates side.
"He's so hansom," Berryfur purred, "my first son, our first son," he Nuzzled his mates cheek.
Creamtail screamed again as a small orange tabby with a tan muzzle she-cat slid out.
"She's beautiful," Berryfur mewed.
Eventually there were four kits nuzzled against Creamtails belly; the tan tom, the orange tabby she-cat with the tan muzzle, an orange tabby she-cat, and a tan tom with brown stripes.
"We are big sisters," Ceaderstripe mewed joyfully.
"Yeah," Hemlockheart mewed.
"We will name them Sandkit, Dawnkit, Amberkit, and Mudkit," Creamtail mewed looking at her mate, "we've been thinking of names for a while."
Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart looked at their new siblings.
"They will make great warriors," Hemlockheart mewed with a purr.
"Welcome to the clan," Ceaderstripe mewed purring.
Just then Silvereye let out a earsplitting yowl.
"Here come some more kits," Gravelstripe muttered.
The two she-cats backed out of the den laughing, to see Stonestar at the camp entrance with the rest of the cats going to the gathering.
"Bye," she mewed to her sister touching her nose.
Burntwhisker rushed up to Ceaderstripe, "congratulations," he mewed.

Stonestar led the clan into the grassy clearing where gatherings were always held.
Ceaderstripe ran up to Goldfur as soon as she saw her, "I'm a big sister!" She yelled a bit louder than she had intended to.
Goldfur laughed, "Congratulations," she mewed, "when did that happen?"
"Just before we came here!" Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Wow!" Goldfur mewed.
"And before that Heatherfur had her kits!" Ceaderstripe mewed, "and right as we were leaving, Silvereye went into labor!"
"Holy Starclan!" Goldfur breathed, "so many kits!"
"Cats of the clans!" Oakstar yowled from the tree where the Leaders sit.
Froststar sat on the highest branch, staring at Ceaderstripe.
As she met his gaze he looked away looking embarrassed.
Leafstar nodded in approval, a gesture for Oakstar to go first.
Oakstar looked to the other leaders, who each nodded and with that Oakstar started.
"Prey is running well, as you may have noticed, we have a new apprentice; Pinepaw," Oakstar mewed.
"I saw her on border patrol!" Ceaderstripe then realized where she had seen the she-cat but pretended like she didn't, "What happened to her ear?" Ceaderstripe mewed to Goldfur.
"She was attacked by a dog a few moons ago on her tour of the territory," Goldfur whispered not even looking away from Oakstar.
"But he said she was a new apprentice?" Ceaderstripe mewed questioningly still playing along.
"No she's not, she's been an apprentice for like seven moons," Goldfur mewed still not moving her gaze from Oakstar, "She's been in the medicine den for a while."
Oakstar stepped back and dipped his head to Leafstar.
Leafstar stepped forwards.
"Prey has been running well, but an elder- we all know and love- has died. It happened a few days ago," Leafstar sighed, "it was Fernleaf."
"She had the best stories," Ceaderstripe mewed sadly.
"Always so kind," Goldfur mewed as though she was far away, probably remembering the old she-cat.
"She was generous and the best mother a cat could have," Ceaderstripe heard Maplepool, Fernleafs daughter mew.
Ceaderstripe watched as a tear ran down Goldfur's cheek and heard whimpering from the direction Maplepool's voice had came from.
She pressed against Goldfur, "this is a loss to all of the clans," she murmured.
"She will be missed by all," Leafstar mewed as she looked around the cats then bowed her head.
Stone star murmured something into Leafstar's ear.
"Shrewtail says that Stonestar had said; 'should I start now?' " Came Heatherfurs mew in Ceaderstripe's head.
Ceaderstripe watched Leafstar raise her head and nod.
Stonestar looked around before he began.
"There are many new kits in Stoneclan. Today Heatherfur became the mother to Grasseyes' kits," Stonestar mewed as he looked at Grasseyes, who was beaming with pride, "Creamtail had a new litter with Berryfur, and just as we left camp Silvereye went into labor with Smudgeface's kits."
All whispers stopped and the clearing was silent as cats from all clans looked at Stonestar and the other Stoneclan cats in awe.
Ceaderstripe looked at her paws as she noticed Froststar staring straight at her.
"And prey is running well," Stonestar dipped thus head to Froststar, urging him to help him out of the awkward situation.
"Prey is running well on the mountain," Froststar mewed obviously understanding, " And Moonsky caught the largest Hawk I've ever seen, it was magnificent," he dipped his head to the she-cat who dipped her head in embarrassment.
Stonestar murmured something into Leafstar's ear and she touched his nose with hers.
"Meeting over," Froststar called out before also whispering into Leafstar's ear.
Ceaderstripe longed to talk to him- in the waking world- again.
Suddenly Froststar jumped out if the large tree and ran to Ceaderstripe's side.
"Hello," Ceaderstripe mewed dipping her head.
"Hello," Froststar mewed.
"That was a good idea; going up the cliff," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Thank you," Froststar looked at his paws in embarrassment.
"I didn't know leaders could get embarrassed," Ceaderstripe laughed.
Froststar laughed too, "I wasn't embarrassed," he joked, "there was dirt on my paw," he laughed again.
Ceaderstripe laughed, "uh-huh. Isn't there always?"
Froststar nodded with a laugh, "good point. I have to go now, goodbye," he padded off and his clan gathered around him.
Stonestar jumped out of the tree and ran to the edge of the clearing and the cats of Stoneclan followed.
He led the way out of the clearing picking up speed until they were sprinting home.
Ceaderstripe slowed down as Stonestar came to a stop and turned around tip face his clan, "good exercise, am I right?" He mewed with a laugh.
Ceaderstripe nodded as all other cats started to laugh and nod as they all started walking again until they entered camp.
Ceaderstripe padded straight to the warriors den, 'maybe I'll see Froststar again,' she thought.
Sure enough as soon as she fell asleep she could hear the water rushing behind her.
She looked around, "where's Froststar?" She thought aloud as she started running to the cliff where she and Froststar had climbed up before.
Suddenly Froststar arrived at the bottom of the cliff.
"You're late!" Ceaderstripe mewed with a laugh as the Tom hauled himself up the cliff face.
When he gift to the top he stood next to her looking out over the water that rushed at the edge of the cliff.
"Help!" Ceaderstripe heard a Tom's mew.
"Did you hear that?" Ceaderstripe looked at Froststar worriedly.
Froststar just nodded.
"Help!" This time it was a she-cat that yowled.
Ceaderstripe and Froststar jumped up.
"Hello!?" Ceaderstripe yelled.
"Who's there!?" Froststar yelled.
"Where are you!?" Ceaderstripe and Froststar yelled at the same time then looked at each other blushing.
"Help!" This time the mew sounded like a young she-cat, "we are over here!"
Ceaderstripe looked at where the voice seems to be coming from.
She saw a cave at the opposite cliff.
The opposite cliff was much larger in height.
Suddenly she saw several cats in the entrance to the tunnel.
"Help!" The original she-cat yelled again.
Ceaderstripe looked at Froststar, "how do we get over there?" She asked.
Froststar shook his head, "I don't know," he mewed, "I only know one way; swimming across, but we can't do that with that current," he mewed looking at the water splashing just tail lengths away.
Ceaderstripe shook her head, "there must be another way," she mewed.
Froststar looked at her sadly, "we have to try," he mewed softly.
Suddenly the black tom fell into the water.
"Nighteyes!" The she-cat yelled.
Ceaderstripe and Froststar both jumped into the water and started to swim to the Tom's side.
Froststar touched Ceaderstripe's nose, "I can't swim, goodnight," he mewed weakly, "save him."
Ceaderstripe watched as he went under the water, "No! Froststar!" She cried as she continued to swim to Nighteyes side.
She grabbed the black Tom's scruff and tossed him into the cave then hauled herself in after him.
The tom lay on the floor of the cave, shivering and sputtering.
"Who are you all?" She mewed looking around to see that there were more cats than she had seen from the opposite bank.
A She-cat looked at her, "We are the cats of Oceanclan," she mewed, "the Tom you saved was Nighteyes."
Suddenly Ceaderstripe blinked open her eyes in the warriors den.
Her nest was completely soaked.
'Great,' she thought sarcastically, 'now I need a new nest.'
She stood up and took her soaking wet nest out of the den, glad that Burntwhisker wasn't in his nest, for his nest is located right in front of hers.
After she had taken the wet nest out of camp she came back and sat in the clearing grooming herself. She wanted to warm up after being in the cold water.

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