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Next morning I woke up feeling light kisses on my neck. I smiled knowing who were they from. I hardly managed to open my eyes. First thing I saw when I opened my eyes was Yoongi's baby face. I just smiled at the beautiful view. There is no better way to start a day.

,,Morning baby.'' he said with his sexy, morning voice.

,,Morning.'' I said while pecking his soft lips.

,,How do you feel?'' he asked me while smirking and looking at me with his dark, deep eyes.

,,Happy, but in pain. You went a bit too rough last night.'' He just looked at me with a proud face.

,,I couldn't control myself. You were too sexy.'' I smiled at his words.

We were lying and cuddling for a while till we smelled Jin cooking at the kitchen. We instantly felt hunger. I went to bathroom to brush my teeth and to get dressed because I was still naked. While I was washing my teeth Yoongi back hugged me and started kissing my neck softly.

,,We should start planning our wedding.'' He said between kisses. Damn I forgot about that. I need to tell my parents about it, we need to plan everything. It's just too much work. Yoongi saw my worried and shocked face and he smiled.

,,Everything is gonna be perfect, don't worry.'' he said while kissing my cheek softly.

,,I'll wait for you downstairs.'' he said while kissing me one last time and leaving the room.

I am kinda scared of my parents reaction. What if they don't approve that? Even If they approve where would we live? We need to buy a house for our future family. I don't want to leave Jin and guys. I got used to live with them it will just be so weird.

When I was done I went downstairs in kitchen. Everyone was sitting there waiting for me, but they looked like they haven't slept all night.

,,Morning! What happened? Why do you all look so tired?'' I asked worried while sitting between Yoongi and Jimin.

,,You two were too loud all night so we couldn't sleep till 4am!'' Namjoon said annoyed. I started blushing at his words.

,,Don't talk to my wife like that!'' Yoongi said while giving a glare to Namjoon.

,,I'm sorry guys we were just........'' I didn't know what to say. My brother was looking at me disgusted.

,,Never mind, let's just eat.'' Jungkook said and we started eating. When we were done guys started getting ready for work and Emma and I had a day off. We said goodbye to guys and decided to go to the mall to look for a wedding dress, but before that I need to tell my parents so I called my mom. After few rings she answered.

,,Hello honey! How are you?'' she said with soft voice. God I miss her so much.

,,Hey mom I'm okay but I need to tell you something.''

,,Sure baby. What's wrong?''

,,Yoongi asked me to marry him........and I said yes......'' I said waiting her reaction but nothing happened. She didn't say anything. Damn she is against it.

,,Y/F/N (your fathers name) Y/N IS GETTING MARRIED!!!''my mom screamed to my dad.

,,What???'' my dad was shocked at my moms words. They both started crying and cheering happily. I told my mom that I need her help to organize everything and she said that they will come next week. We talked a bit more and then my parents had to go.

After the call Emma and I got dressed and decided to go to look for a wedding dress. We arrived at the mall and we went straight to wedding dresses shop. There were so many beautiful white dresses I just couldn't choose. I decided to just take a look today and wait for my mom to help me choose. I saw 3 beautiful dresses between I can't choose.

After going trough 10 shops full of wedding dresses we got tired and hungry so we decided to go eat something. We went to our favorite fast food restaurant and ordered our food. While waiting for food Emma searched for some hairstyles for my wedding on internet. We saw so many beautiful ones. I am so happy! I was only dreaming about this and now it's finally happening. I'm getting married to the man I love the most in this world. I can't be happier.

When we were done eating we went home. It was already late and guys already came home.

,,Where were you?'' Yoongi asked while coming and kissing my cheek.

,,We were looking for some wedding dresses.'' I said while smiling at him. He just smiled and kissed me softly.

We decided to plan the wedding tonight hearing everyones ideas. I told them that mom and dad are coming next week and Jin was happy to see them again. Yoongi agreed that wedding should be soon as possible. He even told me that tomorrow we are going to see couple of houses and if we like them we are gonna buy them and start a family there.

We stayed together talking till late at night. Yoongi and I came to our room and jumped tiredly on the bed.

,,I can't wait to marry you, to see you in that white dress and to finally call you my wife.'' He said while wrapping his hand around my waist.

,,I can't wait ether.'' I said and kissed him softly.

,,Soon you are gonna become Min Y/N. It sounds so good" he said smiling to me. I just smiled and hugged him tightly.

,,I love you so much"
,,I love you too, Min Y/N"

A/N: Sorry for a bit stupid chapter. Thank you for 200 readers. The story is slowly coming to an end☹️ Thank you for your support!😊❤️

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