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I dont know if teachers feel weird going to high school everyday but instead of being the student there the ones teaching them.

Class felt chaotic since i had troublemakers. Scott has been hanging out with Allison Again. Hayley is sending text messages to Stiles during class which i had to confiscate them for the whole day. I did warn them in the begining there wont be any special treatment.

Derek has been texting me every thirty minutes when i dont pick up which it makes me feel like hes the clingly girl and im the hot jock that ignores them. Anyways, Ryan has found a job at sheriffs office. Plus Stiles hooked him up and sent a good refferal to his dad. Since his dad found out about Scotts special ability of being as werewolf it will help out if he had Ryan around to solve cases.

I already made plans of going out with Derek as friends to dinner. I have no idea what he has in stores,with me, but i will just suck it up.

I was about to finish up with the literature of sir edgar allen poe until the class phone rang.

"Alright class while i answer that get into groups of four and start discussing what he meant in line 5" I could hear the desks screeching on the glossy waxed floors like nails on the chalkboard.

I picked up the call. "Miss Mcall speaking." I answered.

"Miss Mcall after this class is over ill have a teacher sent to room to teach the next class. I need a word with you in my office." The principal said it so firm and direct.

"Ok."  Thats the only thing i said.

What did the principal want from me?

Just when i hung up the bell rang i ordered everybody to put the chairs in there rightful place, which they did. I saw Mrs. Kingsley standing in front of doir waiting for the class to walk out vefore the next period comes in. I inform her what im teaching about and the assignment which in case they dont finish will be homework.

I walked towards the office and see Mrs Walker looking at me. She looked quite sweet and blood. Shes in her early 40s.

"The principal told me you will come just go right ahead." She informed me i only gave her a respectable nod.

I opened the door and see the principal sitting there waiting for me.

"Miss Mcall thank you for comming. Please have a seat." I walked towards the chair and sat down. A million things have been going through my head and i couldnt contradict which one i should guess what this is about. Im badically confused. I know the principal is staring at me i guess my face expression is readable.

"I bet your wondering why i called you in here. Well let me explain. I found out you used to go to this very high school when you were a teenager. So you will know the tradition we do before winter break."  He smiled. Oh crabbers. Not the Annual- "The Annual Beacon snowball dance. I was wondering if you can chaperone were one staff short since Mrs Lopez is in the hospital for getting into that awful car accident." He gave a disgust expression. I guess that accident wasnt so pretty.

"Alright. No problem. Ill do it" i assure him.

He looked surprised and quickly covered it in excitement. "Alright its settled then. Invite your date to come." He remarked.


Great now i have to figure out who will be my date for the Snowball dance.

Easy ill just Derek since im going with him on this friend date.

After my acknowledgment from the principal of becoming the schools chaperone. School went by very quickly and started heading home since Hayley always rides with Stiles.

I headed to the groceries to do ladt minute grocery shopping before i leave with derek.

I head home put away what i baught. Head to my room take a quick shower, after that i start blowdrying my hair til it dries. Get the cloths that im going to wear ready. Which was my black leggings a white sleeveless shirt with a cute black ribbin on my waist. With nude flates and a wollen hand stitched cardigan since it will be chilly at night. Alright i hope this night will be good.

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