watch out

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it was christmas eve which was pretty calming. we decided to go to the evening parade that was held on the streets. We observed the decorative floats which were very creative and beautiful.

When we finally found a spoti decided to buy some hot coco from a truck vendor right across from where we were. Ryan of course wanted to come with but i told him to stay and keep an eye on Stiles and Haylee.

He obliged but i kept rejecting his offer. I knew by his posture and face expression he was unease by me going by myself. Ever since i was abducted by Kate Ryan has been protective. i even told him i felt sufficated by it if he didnt let me go on my own. Hes taking baby steps which of course felt happy about.

I walked towards the vendor waiting in line like always. I looked back and noticed Ryan talking to them. I saw him laugh at whatever they were talking about.

Once i turned back to the line i felt a hand pull me out of line. I actually wasnt scared because i felt at ease by their hold like they were no threat.

i finally saw who was holding it. It was none other than Dereks.

"Derek what the hell? You nearly gave me a heartattack." i looked and sounded annoyed.

He looked at me gard trying to study me. Then his face expression changed into a much more softer tone.

He lunged at me with a hug. He was hugging me tightly. My instinct kicked in and hugged him back.

"I missed you Ann." He responded.

i bit my lip. i knew where this was going at butvi started to hold back what i wanted to say to him.

"Anne I know u need your space n still do but since christmas is right around the corner i want to give you this." he hands me a baby blue square box. I looked at it as im shocked. i pondered what it could be?

"Derek you dont need to do this. go all your troubles to give a present."  i hestitated.

"Please Anabelle. i insist. open it." I took it gladly from his hands and started  to open it.

Once i opened it there laid a gold bracelet with little trinkets around it like a charm bracelet. i couldnt believe what i just witnessed.

"Derek is this..-"I couldnt finish my sentence.

"The bracelet i have given you on your thirteen birthday? yea it is. I found it laying around tge old burnt house. It was in the basement on the floor covered in black ash. i had to send it to a jeweler. to have it cleaned up. I knew how much you cherished it and i added another charm to it." he responded.

i looked at it to observe what he was talking about. There it was a silver circled shaped trying to represent the moon. had a few diamonds trying to look like craters.

I literally wanted to burst into tears. i knew and he knew it meant so much for me to have this charm. ever since he got me the charm i added a few lil trinkets to go with it on my sixteenth birthday dereks sister got me one and i now cherished more than ever. it was a bff sign that represented us.

"Thank you Derek it means alot."  I walked towards him and kissed his cheek.

"Like i told you before. Your my girl." he amsaid it truthfully.

"Ill always be your girl." i responded back. With him hearing that he smiled. I knew how much i meant to him. I suddenly want  the urge to kiss him and tell him im his forever and ever, but i knew it will never happen.

"I know you might be tired of sayibg this over and over but im sorry for ever hurting you Anna. I cant forgive myself for ever hurting you. i knew how much i meant for you. Since your with Ryan. i envy him. Hes got something ive been wanting and its you. i wish i can hold you, kiss you, caress your cheek, and hear your laughter and never get sick and tired of it. I love you Annie i love you so much that i want you to be happy. If that means i need to put up the torture of seeing him around you so be it ill put up with it. Its my punishment for ever hurting you." I knew he was holding back. i cant velieve hes telling me this. Derek isnt the type  to tell me this and break down while doing that. i mean he did but out of anger. when i tried to console him while he was watching his family burn in that fire.

For once Derek is vulnerable.

Second Chance in love?? (Derek Hale Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now